Laboratory of Mechanics and Physics
of Advanced Materials and Devices
I.I.Vorovich Mathematics, Mechanics and
Computer Sciences Institute
Southern Federal University
Head of Laboratory
Individual Grants and Awards
Research Grants and Programs
Reports at the International Conferences
Experimental Methods
Test Means
Experimental Results
Building Constructions
Dear colleagues, we welcome you to make the acquaintance with achievements and possibilities of our laboratory. For more 25 years in the laboratory there have been carried out numerous model, experimental and theoretical researches on improvement of the processing techniques for various materials based on the studies of the microstructure transformations, fracture processes and accompanying physical phenomena. Our researchers have great experience and high qualification in the different experimental and theoretical fields of the Material Sciences, Mechanics of Deformable Solids, Mechanical Engineering and Mathematical Modeling. We are ready to cooperate in the related scientific fields and also to carry out corresponding R&D Projects (or their parts), staying in Russia.

Ivan A. Parinov - Corresponding Member of Russian Engineering Academy (2014), DrSc (Techniques, 2008), Ph D (Physics and
Mathematics, 1990), Senior Scientist(1992),an Active Member of the NewYork Academy of Sciences
(1994),Member of the American Mathematical Society (1996)
and Europian MathematicalSociety (1998).
- Gold Medal of International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies «New Time» (Parinov I. A., 2013)
- Laureate of Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “Archimedes” (Parinov I. A., 2011)
- Korolev Medal of Russian Federation of Cosmonautic (Parinov I. A., 2011)
- Gagarin Medal of Russian Federation of Cosmonautic (Rozhkov E. V., 2011)
- Medal «50 Years of Rocket Troops of Strategic Appointments» (Parinov I. A., 2011)
- Honorary title "Honorary Member of All-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers" (Rozhkov E. V., 2010)
- Honorary title "Honorary Member of All-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers" (Parinov I. A., 2008)
- Honorary title "Best Inventor of Don" (Akopjan V. A., 2003)
- Grant from the COBASE (Collaboration in Basic Science and Engineering) Grants Program, USA (Parinov I. A., #INT-0002341, 2001-2002)
- Honorary title "Best Inventor of Don" (Rozhkov E. V., 2000)
- Grant from the Soros Foundation (Parinov I. A., 1993)
Grants from the Russian Science Foundation
R&D of advanced ferro-piezoelectric materials with improved properties and their applications (Parinov I. A., # 21-19-00423, 2021-2023)
Theoretical-experimental and intellectual methods for studying the state and strength of inhomogeneous structures and media based on the analysis of dynamic deformation parameters (Lyapin A. A., executors: Cherpakov A. V., # 22-29-01259, 2022-2023)
Grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research
- Theoretical, experimental and model studies of prospective constructions of piezogenerators and coilless passive transducers based on surface acoustic waves (Parinov I. A., # 19-08-00365, 2019-2021)
- Development of experimental, theoretical and model research methods of thermal electric transducers and piezoelectric generators manufactured on the base of advanced materials with special properties (Parinov I. A., #16-08-00740_a, 2016-2018)
- Theoretical, model and experimental studies of acoustical transducers for underwater applications, developed on the base of advanced materials (Parinov I. A., #16-58-52013-MST_a, RFBR-MST, 2016-2018)
- Organization proposal of the 2015 International Conference on «Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications» (PHENMA 2015), devoted to 100-th Anniversary of the Southern Federal University (Parinov I. A., #15-08-20213_g, 2015)
- Damage control of rod constructions (Cherpakov A. V., 14-38-50915 mol_nr, 2014)
- Development of criteria for early control of intact constructions oj the base of analytic and finite-element modeling and study of functional and test informative responses of frame-rod models (Esipov Yu. V., 14-08-00546, 2014-2016, executors: Cherpakov A. V., et al.)
- Development of experimental and theoretical methods and mathematical modeling of physical and mechanical properties of the high-temperature superconductive films, piezoelectric materials and related layered composites, and also devices processed on their base (Parinov I. A., #13-08-00754, 2013-2015)
- Development of piezoelectric generators-based autonomous self-renewed uninterruptible electric power supply system for the illlumination and signalization appliences at railway crossings and other objects of railway infrastructure and its working algorithm (Zakharov Yu. N, #12-08-01137, executors: Akopjan V. A., Rozhkov E. V., Chebanenko A. V., et al., 2012-2014)
- Identification of damage of the reinforced concrete construction elements (Cherpakov A. V., #12-08-90815-Mol_ros_nf, 2012)
- Organization and conducting Russian-Taiwanese Symposium “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications” (Parinov I. A., #11-08-91950, RFBR - NSC, 2011-2012)
- Scientific work of Russian young scientist Cherpakov Alexander Vladimirovich in Taganrog State Pedagogical University (Ilyukhin A. A., #11-08-90703, 2011, executor: Cherpakov A. V.)
- Development of Test and Theoretical Research Methods of Properties of the New Piezoceramic Composites and Devices with Investigation Their Applications for Underwater Acoustic Multimedia Communication (Parinov I. A., #10-08-13300, RFBR - NSC , 2010-2013)
- Experimental and theoretical investigations of fracture resistance of the high-temperature superconductors and ferro-piezoelectrics with creation of devices for certification of material properties and intellectual construction elements (Parinov I. A., #10-08-00136, 2010-2012)
- Development of multifactor pre-fracture criterion of the elastic systems and algorithm its account based on analytic and numerical solutions and also a
coustic-resonance diagnostic method (Akopjan V. A., #10-08-00093, 2010-2012 ãã.)
- Development of MTB for fulfillment studies in area of knowledge 08 in Research Institute of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics of the Southern Federal University (Surkov F. A., #10-08-05011, 2010, executors: Parinov I. A., et al.)
- Development of MTB for fulfillment studies in area of knowledge 08 in Research Institute
of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics of the Southern Federal University (Surkov F. A. , #09-08-05010, 2009, executors: Parinov I. A., et al.)
- Participation in V International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Application of Computers Parinov I. A., #08-01-08257, 2008)
- Scientific work of Russian young scientist Cherpakov Alexander Vladimirovich in South-Russian State Technical University (Kabel’kov A. N., #08-08-90700, 2008, executors: Cherpakov A. V. )
- Development of methods for identification of heterogeneous media properties and structure (Andjikovich I. E., # 08-08-00917, 2008-2009, executors: Rozhkov E. V., et al.)
- Theoretical and experimental researches of structure-sensitive properties of high-temperature superconductors and other new materials (Parinov I. A., # 07-01-00012, 2007-2009)
- Development and creation laboratory unit of measuring information complex for monitoring and diagnostics of construction elements, based on acoustic-emission resonance method of control ( Akopjan V. A., # 07-08-12193, 2007-2008)
- Development modeling methods, industry realization of manufactory technologies for active polymer-composite constructions with intellectual control and based on this creation and testing model decreased of active blade of helicopter (Shevtsov S.N., # 07-08-13589, 2007-2008, executors: Akopjan V. A., Rozhkov E. V., et al.)
- Resource monitoring of construction strength based on analysis of deformation forms using nanoscale ferroelectric transducers of dynamic strain (Esipov Yu. V., 06-08-01259, 2006-2008, executors: Rozhkov E. V., et al.)
- Development of experimental-analytical methods of determination of the stiffness matrix of composites solids and prediction of it's dynamic parameters (Soloviev A. N., 06-01-08041, 2006-2007, executors: Akopjan V. A., et al.)
- Theoretical and experimental investigation of the intelligent piezo-electric composite structures applying to lifting structural elements of flight vehicles (Shevtsov S.N., 05-01-00690 2005-2007, executors: Akopjan V. A., Rozhkov E. V., et al.)
- Development of MTB for fulfillment studies in area of knowledge 01 in Research Institute of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics of the Rostov State University (Nasedkin A. V., 05-01-03043, 2005, executors: Parinov I. A., et al.)
- Research of structure transformations and defect formation processes in manufacture and loading of high-temperature superconductors (Parinov I. A., No 04-01-96800, 2004-2005)
- Dislocation and twinning mechanisms of plastic strain near concentrators and connected with them acoustic emission signals (Karpinsky D. N., No 04-01-96809, 2004-2005, executors: Akopjan V. A., Rozhkov E. V., et al.)
- Posed simulation methodology and information technology of fuzzy (possibility) risk assessment for unique systems in kind (Esipov Yu. V., 03-07-90084 2003-2004, executors: Akopjan V. A., et al.)
- Microstructure aspects of strength and fracture of high-temperature superconductors (Parinov I. A., No 02-01-07028-ano, 2002-2003)
- Design and creation of computer simulation method for structural transformations during manufacture and fracture of ceramics of the special applications (Parinova L. V., No 96-01-01790, 1996)
- Design and creation of monitoring of the polycrystalline ceramics microstructure and strength properties (Parinov I. A., No 95-01-00072, 1995-97)
- New schemes of evolution modeling in ecology problems (Il'ichev V. G., 94-01-01145, 1994-1995, executors: Parinov I. A., et al.)
Grants and Programs from the Russian Department of Educations and Sciences
- R&D of manufacture technologies for advance materials based on technogenic raw materials and state diagnostics of constructions by using methods of mathematic modeling and natural experiments # 11.6767.2017/BCh (Parinov I. A., Scientific Research Elaboration of the Russian Department of Education and Science, 2017-2019)
- Organization of implementation of scientific researches # 5378 (Parinov I. A., Scientific Research Elaboration of the Russian Department of Education and Science, 2017-2019)
- Organization of implementation of scientific researches # 654 (Parinov I. A., Scientific Research Elaboration of the Russian Department of Education and Science, 2014-2016)
- Development and performation of theoretical, model and experimental studies of prospective ferropiezoelectrics, superconductors and devices based on thin films (Akopyan V. A., Scientific Research Elaboration of the Russian Department of Education and Science (basic part), 2014-2016)
- Theoretical, experimental and model investigations of advanced nanomaterials, ferro-piezoelectrics? Superconductors and polymers (Parinov I. A., Scientific Research Elaboration of the Russian Department of Education and Science, 2011-2013)
- Development of models and theoretical and experimental methods to research nano-, piezo-, superconductive and polymer materials and coverings (Parinov I. A., Scientific Research Elaboration of the Russian Department of Educations and Science, 2009-2010)
- Development of models and methods to research new piezo-, nano-, superconductive and polymer materials and articles (Nasedkin A. V., Scientific Research Elaboration of the Russian Department of Educationsand and Science, 2006-2008, executors: Akopjan V. A., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E. V., et al.)
- Development of mathematical models and methods to manufacture new piezo-, nano- and superconductive materials (Nasedkin A. V., Scientific Research Elaboration of the Russian Department of Educations, 2002-2005, executors: Akopjan V. A., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E. V., et al.)
- Development of mathematical models and methods to research material properties of heterogeneous structure and boundary problems of Mechanics of Deformable Solids with mixed boundary conditions (Chebakov M. I., Scientific Research Elaboration of the Russian Department of Educations, 2001-2005, executors: Akopjan V. A., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E. V., et al.)
- Development of method and measuring complex for identification and selection of most dangerous defects into heavy-loaded elements of constructions of flying apparatuses (Akopjan V. A., Scientific and Technical Program of the Russian Department of Educations: "Scientific Researches of High School in Transport", 2001-2002)
- Development of methods and experimental means to research microstructure transformations, accompanying manufacture of high-temperature superconductors (Parinov I. A., Fundamental Research Program in the Natural Sciences, 2001-2002)
- Development of diagnostic methods for strength of flying apparatuses construction elements (Akopjan V. A., Fundamental Research Program in the Aviation and Rocket-Cosmic Technologies, 2001-2002)
- Search and study of criterion for fracture center in elements of aviation constructions (Akopjan V. A., Scientific and Technical Program of the Russian Department of Common and Professional Educations: "Scientific Researches of High School in Transport", 2000)
- Research of crack-initiation and fracture in elements of thermal stressed aircrafts constructions by acoustic-optic-fiber method (Akopjan V. A., Basic Research Program in the Aviation and Rocket-Cosmic Technologies, 1999-2000)
- Development of research methods to mechanical degradation and fracture resistance of modern materials for new high-effective engines and energetic equipments of aircrafts (Parinov I. A., Basic Research Program in the Aviation and Rocket-Cosmic Technologies, 1999-2000)
- Support and development common educational research center to carry out basic investigations for training specialists in the Applied Mathematics and Mechanics on the basis of Rostov State University (Yerusalimsky Ya. M., Federal Special Program "State Support of Integration of the High Educations and Basic Sciences", 1997-2001, executors: Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E. V., et al.)
- Development and creation of theoretical and experimental methods and research models for microstructure and strength properties of ceramic and composite materials (Parinov I. A., Scientific Research Elaboration of the Russian Department of Common and Professional Educations, 1996-99)
- Inserted acoustic-optic-fiber system for strength control of hard-stressed assemblies and aggregates of aircrafts-leaders (Akopjan V. A., Basic Research Program in the Aviation and Cosmic Technologies, 1997-1998)
- Development of effective theoretical and computer approach to research of microstructure, mechanical and strength characteristics of constructional materials for motor transport (Parinov I. A., Basic Research Program in the Transport Sciences, 1997-98)
- Development of computer simulation method and its application to study of microstructure transformations, accompanying manufacture and fracture of oxide ceramics (Parinov I. A., Basic Research Program in the Powder Metallurgy, 1996-97)
Rostov Region's Grants and Programs and South Federal University
- R&D of new resource-saving technologies, shells and composite structures with special properties, as well as energy harvesting devices based on mathematical modeling and methods of mathematical physics (Parinov I. A., Internal grant of Southern Federal University VnGr-07/2020-04-IM, 2020-2022)
- Development of processing technologies for advanced materials and composites, experimental-theoretical research methods amd mathematic modeling of goods and devices designed on their base (Parinov I. A., Development Program of Southern Federal University (basic part), 2014-2016)
- Development of experimental and theoretical methods and devices for study and diagnostics of the piezoelectric generators, building construction elements and thermal transducers characteristics (Parinov I. A., Development Program of Southern Federal University, 2013)
- Development of methods, models and devices to R & D new materials and intellectual constructions (Parinov I. A., Development Program of Southern Federal University, 2008)
- Development of educational, research and innovation complex (Department) of mathematics, mechanics and computing sciences as center of education and science of world level (subproposal: Theoretical and experimental researches new materials, tribomechanical, heterogeneous and nonlinear systems applied to important details of air-craft, ship-building and rocket-space techniques, rail-road and mechanical drives (Yerusalimsky Ya. M., Nasedkin A. V., Development Program of Southern Federal University, 2008, executors: Akopjan V. A., Rozhkov E. V., Zatsarinny A. P., et al.)
- Method and information controlling complex for adaptive smart-systems of demping and control oscillations for construction elements based on example of polymer-composite blade of helicopter carrying screw (Akopjan V. A., Development Program of Southern Federal University, 2007)
- Theoretical and experimental researches of structure-sensitive properties of high-temperature superconductors and development of information products for students and graduate students of South Federal University (Parinov I. A., Development Program of Southern Federal University, 2007)
- Monitoring of building parts of reconstructed dwelling houses with limited survice date and apparatus maintenance for technical diagnostics and nondestructive control (Shevtsov S. N., executors: Akopjan V. A., Zatsarinny, ., Research Program of Rostov Region, 2003)
- Non-destructive control and technical diagnostics (Akopjan V. A., Research Program of Rostov Region, 2001-2002)
Dr. Rakesh Kumar Haldkar (G H Raisoni college of Engineering Nagpur) “Postdoc within the framework of an internal grant of the Southern Federal University, # P-VnGr/21-06-MM (2021-2022)”
- 20th RFBR-MOST Anniversary of Partnership. Advancing the Future of Scientific Cooperation (November 6, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan)
- First Structural Integrity Conference and Exhibition (SICE-2016) (July 4-6, 2016, Bangalore, India)
- 18th International Conference on Composite Materials (August 20-26, 2011, Jeju Island, Korea)
- Fifth International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing (August 12-18, 2008, Plovdiv, Bulgaria)
- Applied Superconductivity Conference (September 13-18, 1998, Palm Desert, California, USA)
- Cryogenic Engineering Conference/International Cryogenic Materials Conference (July 28 - August 1, 1997, Portland, USA)
- Applied Superconductivity Conference (August 25-30, 1996, Pittsburgh, USA)
- 2nd International Conference on Science and Technology: Current Problems of Fundamental Sciences (January 24-28, 1994, Moscow, Russia)
- International Conference: Structure and Properties of the Brittle and Quasiplastic Materials (June 14-16, 1994, Riga, Latvia)
- 3rd International Symposium on Domain Structure of Ferroelectrics and Related Materials (September 6-9, 1994, Zakopane, Poland)
- 8th International Conference on Fracture (June 8-14, 1993, Kiev, Ukraine)
- International Cryogenic Materials Conference (June 8-12, 1992, Kiev, Ukraine)
- International Conference: Transparent Ferroelectric Ceramics: Production, Properties and Applications (October 2-4, 1991, Riga, Latvia)
- International Scientific Conference: Electronic Ceramics - Production and Properties (April 30 - May 2, 1990, Riga, Latvia)
Russian-Taiwanese Symposium “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications” (PMNM-2012) conducted on the base of our laboratory by 4-6 June 2012 (Rostov-on-Don), I. A. Parinov – PMNM-2012 co-chairman

2013 International Symposium on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Underwater Applications” (PHENMA-2013), June 5-8, 2013 (Kaohsiung, Taiwan), I. A. Parinov – PHENMA-2013 co-chairman

2014 International Symposium on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Underwater Applications” (PHENMA-2014), March 27-29, 2014 ã. (Khon Kaen, Thailand), I. A. Parinov – PHENMA-2014 co-chairman

2015 International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications” (PHENMA-2015), May 19-22, 2015 ã. (Azov, Russia), devoted to 100-th Anniversary of the Southern Federal University, I. A. Parinov – PHENMA-2015 co-chairman

2016 International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications” (PHENMA-2016), July 19-22, 2016 ã. (Surabaya, Indonesia), I. A. Parinov – PHENMA-2016 co-chairman

2017 International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications” (PHENMA-2017),
October 14-16, 2017 e. (Jabalpur, India), I. A. Parinov – PHENMA-2017 co-chairman

2018 International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications” (PHENMA-2018),
August 9-11, 2018. (Busan, South Korea), I. A. Parinov – PHENMA-2018 co-chairman
INTERNET sites:;;

2019 International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications” (PHENMA-2019),
November 7-10, 2019. (Hanoi, Vietnam) I. A. Parinov – PHENMA-2019 co-chairman
INTERNET sites:;;

Full foto
2020 International Conference on
“Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications” (PHENMA-2020), March 26-29, 2021
(Kitakyushu, Japan), online/offline, I. A. Parinov – PHENMA-2017 co-chairman
INTERNET sites:;;

10th Anniversary International Conference on "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications" (PHENMA 2021 - 2022),
carried out by co-chaired by Parinov I. A. May 23 – 27, 2022 (Divnomorsk, Russia), online/offline
INTERNET sites:;;

2023 International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”
held under the co-chairing of I. A. Parinov on October 3-8, 2023.
(Surabaya, Indonesia)
INTERNET sites:;;

Open photo in new window
- I. A. Parinov – Chairman of State Examination Commission in Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don) in Educational Specialty: 03.03.01 Applied Mathematics and Physics (Bachelors), from 2015
- I. A. Parinov – Chairman of State Examination Commission in Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don) in Educational Specialty: 20.06.01 Technosphere Safety (PhD students), from 2018
- Laboratory practicum for students of the Mechanical and Mathematical Department, South Federal University
- Two or three students of the South Federal University per year carry out research to obtain Bachelor and/or Master Degree
- Two Soros students (Kozinkina Ye. A. And Parinova L. I.) have taken part in research of the Laboratory
- It is developed the Lectures program "Applied Superconductivity" (40 hours) for High Techniques Department of the South Federal University. This Program is added by the List of base and additional references, and also list of the leading world Internet addresses representing print and electronic information on the Superconductivity research and applications, and related issues
- List of journals is prepared for student s and specialists, in which the issues of Superconductivity and also Materials Science of superconductors and related systems are considered/ It includes 3 parts: (1) Printed Periodic Journals, (2) Electronic Journals, (3) Data Information and Web-search systems.
The brief abbreviation, language and Internet addresses are present
- Akopjan V. A. Theoretical and Test Methods for Definition of Total Set of the Compatible
Material Constants in Electro-Elasticity Theory // Dissertation… PhD (Technical Sciences),
Speciality: 01.02.04 - Mechanical of Deformable Solids. Donskoy State Technical University,
Rostov-on-Don, 2005..
- Parinov I. A. Mathematical modeling structure-sensitive properties of high-temperature
superconductors // Dissertation … DrSc (Technical Sciences), Speciality: 05.13.18 - Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Program Complexes. South-Russian State Technical
University (Novocherkassk's Polytechnical Institute), Novocherkassk, 2007.
- Cherpakov A. V. Identification of Defects in Rod Constructions Based on Analysis of Oscillation Parameters // Dissertation… PhD (Technical Sciences), Speciality: 01.02.04 – Mechanical of Deformable Solids. Donskoy State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, 2013.
- Chebanenko V. A. Study of the oscillations of piezoelectric structures in the composition of energy harvesting devices // Dissertation… PhD (Physical and Mechanical Sciences), Specialty: 01.02.04 – Mechanical of Deformable Solids. Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, 2018 (Parinov I. A. is the scientific adviser).
Isaeva A. N. Basic relations "composition – structure – reception parameters" in piezocomposites // Dissertation… PhD (Physical and Mathematical Sciences), 01.04.07 Condensed matter physics. Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, 2022.
Parinov I. A. – INTAS expert (2004), FP-7 expert (2010), ERA.NET RUS expert (2011, 2015), Russian Academy of Science expert (2016), the Russian Foundation for Basic Research expert (2017), Russian Science Foundation expert (2019), and Russian Federal expert of scientific-technical area (2012 – 2021). He is winner of competition of the Russian Department of Education and Science (2014 – 2016 and 2017 – 2019) on direction “Organization of Fulfillment of the Scientific Researches”.
Parinov I. A. – member of editorial board of the “Journal of Advanced Dielectrics” (2020)
Parinov I. A. – reviewer in the MDPI (Basel): “Acoustics”, “Applied Sciences”, “Bioengineering”, “Biosensors”, “Coatings”, “Crystals”, “Electronics” “Entropy”, “Journal of Marine Science and Engineering”, “Machines”, “Materials” “Mathematics”, “Micromachines”, “Nanomaterials”, “Optics”, “Pharmaceutics”, “Polymers”, “Remote Sensing”, “Sensors”, “Sustainability”, “Water”.
Parinov I.A. Microstructure and properties of high-temperature superconductors. Rostov-on-Don: Rostov State University. V.1. 2004. 416p. ISBN5-9275-0223-7.(in Russian).

Parinov I.A. Microstructure and properties
of high-temperature superconductors. Rostov-on-Don: South Federal University. V.2. 2004. 368p. ISBN5-9275-0224-5.
(in Russian).
Ivan A. Parinov.Microstructure and
Properties of high-Temperature Superconductors. Berlin, Heidelberg.
NEW York: Springer-Verlag.2007.583p.ISBN978-3-540-70976-3. E-Book
Akopjan V. A., Soloviev A. N., and Shevtsov S. N. Methods and Algorithms for Definition of Total Set of Compatible Material Constants of the Piezoceramic Materials.
Rostov-on-Don: Southern Federal University Press. 2008. 144 p.
Parinov I. A. Superconductors and Superconductivity. Handbook. V. 1: Processing and Experiment. Rostov-on-Don: Southern Federal University Press. 2008. 718 p.ISBN 978-5-9275-0462-6
Parinov I. A. Superconductors and Superconductivity. Handbook. V. 2:
Theory and Properties. Rostov-on-Don: Southern Federal University Press. 2008. 924 p.ISBN 978-5-9275-0463-3 (in Russian).
Parinov I. A. Superconductors and Superconductivity. Handbook. V. 3: Applications and Prospective.
Rostov-on-Don: Southern Federal University Press. 2010. 862 p. ISBN 978-5-9275-0461-6 (in Russian).
Parinov A. T. Preliminary stressed ferroconcrete constructions with rope armature (Eds. Gritzyk V. I.
and Parinov I. A.). Rostov-on-Don: Nauka-Spectr. 2010. 368 p. ISBN 978-5-241-01046-9 (in Russian).
Vladimir A. Akopyan, Arkady N. Soloviev, Ivan A. Parinov, Sergey N. Shevtsov.
Definition of Constants for Piezoceramic Materials. New York:
Nova Science Publishers. 205 p.. ISBN 978-1-60876-350-4.E-Book
Piezoceramic Materials and Devices, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York:
Nova Science Publishers. 2010. 335 p. ISBN 978-1-60876-459-4. E-Book
Ferroelectrics and Superconductors: Properties and Applications, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.).
New York: Nova Science Publishers. 2012. 287 p. ISBN: 978-1-61324-518-7 E-Book
Piezoelectric Materials and Devices, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. 2012. 328 p. ISBN 978-1-61728-307-9. E-Book
Piezoelectrics and Related Materials: Investigations and Applications, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. 2012. 306 p. ISBN 978-1-61942-387-9. E-Book
Parinov I. A. Microstructure and Properties of High-Temperature Superconductors. Second Edition.
Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer, 2013 779 p. ISBN 978-3-642-34440-4. E-Book
Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun Hsyung-Chang (Eds.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. - 2013. - 444 p.
ISBN: 978-1-62618-535-7. E-Book
Nano- and Piezoelectric Technologies, Materials and Devices, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. - 2013. - 261 p. ISBN: 978-1-62948-230-9. E-Book
Advanced Nano- and Piezoelectric Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. 2014. 250 p. ISBN 978-1-63321-239-8.
Advanced Materials - Physics, Mechanics and Applications. Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 152, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer. – 2014. – 380 p. ISBN: 978-3319037486
Advanced Materials - Studies and Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun Hsyung-Chang, Somnuk Theerakulpisut (Eds.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. 2015. 527 p. ISBN 978-1634637497.
Piezoelectrics and Nanomaterials: Fundamentals, Developments and Applications, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. - 2015. - 283 p. ISBN: 978-1-63483-319-6
V. A. Akopyan, E. V. Rozhkov, A. N. Soloviev, S. N. Shevtsov, A. V. Cherpakov. Identification of Damages in Elastic Structures: Approaches, Methods, Analysis. Rostov-on-Don: Sothern Federal University Press, 2015 – 74 p. ISBN: 978-5-9275-1517-2
G. Ya. Karapetyan, V. G. Dneprovsky. Devices on Surface Acoustical Waves. Rostov-on-Don: Sothern Federal University Press, 2015 – 186 p. ISBN: 978-5-9275-1505-9
Advanced Materials - Manufacturing, Physics, Mechanics and Applications, Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 175, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. 2016. - 707 p., ISBN: 978-3319263229
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, devoted to 100-th Anniversary of the Southern Federal University, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2016. - 582 p. ISBN: 978-1-63484-577-9
Valeri G. Dneprovski, Gevork Ya. Karapetyan, Ivan A. Parinov. Surface Acoustic Wave Devices. Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2016 – 177 p. ISBN: 978-1-63485-368-2
Advanced Materials - Techniques, Physics, Mechanics and Applications, Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 193, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung, Muaffaq A. Jani (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. 2017. - 627 p., ISBN: 978-3-319-56062-5
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Muaffaq A. Jani (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2017. - 794 p. ISBN: 978-1-63484-577-9
Non-Destructive Testing and Repair of Pipelines, Evgeny N. Barkanov, Andrei Dumitrescu, Ivan A. Parinov (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. 2018. - 451 p., ISBN: 978-3-319-56578-1
Sergey N. Shevtsov, Arkady N.Soloviev, Ivan A. Parinov, Alexander V. Cherpakov, Valery A. Chebanenko. Piezoelectric Actuators and Generators for Energy Harvesting - Research and Development. Series: Innovation and Discovery in Russian Science and Engineering. Springer Cham, Switzerland. 2018. – 182 p. ISBN: 978-3319756288
E-version: -
Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2017, Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 207, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Vijay K. Gupta (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. 2018. - 640 p., ISBN: 978-3319789187
E-version: -
Two issues of Materials Physics and Mechanics journal (30 papers), devoted to 2017 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Vijay K. Gupta (Eds.)
E-version: -;
E-version: -
Special Issue "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications" (PHENMA 2018),
August 9–11 2018, Busan, Yun-Hae Kim, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Hung-Yu Wang (Eds.)
// Applied Sciences, MDPI (15 November, 2018) (9 ñòàòåé PHENMA-2018)
Special Issue: International Conference on "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications" (PHENMA 2018),
August 9–11 2018, Busan, South Korea; Yun-Hae Kim, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Pankaj Koinkar (Eds.)
// Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 33, Iss. 14-15, 30 May 2019 (51 ñòàòüÿ PHENMA-2018)
Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and
Their Applications”, PHENMA 2018, Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 224, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.).
Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2019. – 666 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-19893-0
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials
and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers,
New York, 2019. - 462 p., ISBN: 978-1-53615-862-5
Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”,
PHENMA 2019, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 6, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Banh Tien Long (Eds.). Springer Nature,
Cham, Switzerland, 2020. – 621 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-45119-6
Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Banh Tien Long (Eds.).
Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2020. - 528 p., ISBN: 978-1-53618-255-2
Alexander A. Lyapin, Ivan A. Parinov, Nina I. Buravchuk, Alexander V. Cherpakov, Ol’ga V. Shilyaeva, Ol’ga V. Guryanova.
Improving Road Pavement Characteristics - Applications of Industrial Waste and Finite Element Modelling.
Series: Innovation and Discovery in Russian Science and Engineering. Springer Cham, Switzerland, 2020. – 238 p. ISBN 978-3-030-59229-5
Special Issue: Special Issue on the 2019 International Conference on Physics, Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications (PHENMA 2019)
Guest Editors: I. A. Parinov, S.-H. Chang, B. T. Long and V. Yu. Topolov. Editorial
// Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, Vol. 10, Nos. 1 and 2 (February and April 2020), 2002001 (20 papers PHENMA-2019)
Anatoly S. Yudin, Dmitry S. Shchitov –
Semi-inverse Method in Nonlinear Problems of Axisymmetric Shells Forming.
World Scientific, 2021. - 222 p. ISBN: 978-1-78634-981-1
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Material,
Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS2020),
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Banh Tien Long, Yun-Hae Kim, Kozo Ishizaki,
Nguyen Duc Toan, Ivan A. Parinov, Ngoc Pi Vu., Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 1065 p.,
ISBN: 978-3-030-69610-8
Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications -
Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2020,
pringer Proceedings in Materials, V. 10, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang,
Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 601 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-76480-7
Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on
“Physics, Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”,
Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.).
Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2021. - 425 p., ISBN: 978-1-53619-958-1
Special Issue on the Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Application.
Guest Editors: Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda, Ivan A. Parinov,
Shun-Hsyung Chang, Pankaj Koinkar //
International Journal of Modern Physics B. Vol. 35, Iss. 14n16 (30 June 2021), (50 papers PHENMA-2020)
Special Issues on the 2020 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials
and Their Applications (PHENMA-2020) — Part 1-3.
Guest Editors: Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim and Nao-Aki Noda//
Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, Vol. 11, No. 5 (October 2021), (10 papers PHENMA-2020),
Vol. 12, No. 1 (February 2022), (8 papers PHENMA-2020), Vol. 12, No. 2 (April 2022), (5 papers PHENMA-2020)
Anatoly S. Yudin, Dmitry S. Shchitov –
Semi-inverse Method in Nonlinear Problems of Axisymmetric Shells Forming.
World Scientific, 2021. - 222 p. ISBN: 978-1-78634-981-1
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Material,
Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS2020),
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Banh Tien Long, Yun-Hae Kim, Kozo Ishizaki,
Nguyen Duc Toan, Ivan A. Parinov, Ngoc Pi Vu., Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 1065 p.,
ISBN: 978-3-030-69610-8
Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications -
Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2020,
pringer Proceedings in Materials, V. 10, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang,
Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 601 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-76480-7
Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on
“Physics, Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”,
Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.).
Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2021. - 425 p., ISBN: 978-1-53619-958-1
Special Issue on the Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Application.
Guest Editors: Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda, Ivan A. Parinov,
Shun-Hsyung Chang, Pankaj Koinkar //
International Journal of Modern Physics B. Vol. 35, Iss. 14n16 (30 June 2021), (50 papers PHENMA-2020)
Special Issues on the 2020 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials
and Their Applications (PHENMA-2020) — Part 1-3.
Guest Editors: Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim and Nao-Aki Noda//
Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, Vol. 11, No. 5 (October 2021), (10 papers PHENMA-2020),
Vol. 12, No. 1 (February 2022), (8 papers PHENMA-2020), Vol. 12, No. 2 (April 2022), (5 papers PHENMA-2020)
Special Issue "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications" (PHENMA 2019),
Ivan A. Parinov, B. Tien-Long, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Hung-Yu Wang (Eds.) // Applied Sciences, MDPI (1 January 2020) (4 ñòàòüè PHENMA-2019)
Special Issue "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications" (PHENMA 2020),
Ivan A. Parinov, Yun-Hae Kim, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Hung-Yu Wang (Eds.) // Applied Sciences, MDPI (31 December 2020) (6 ñòàòåé PHENMA-2020)
Yu. N. Zakharov, EI Sitalo, IA Parinov, NA Boldyrev Pyroelectric, flexoelectric and related effects in ferroelectrics, antiferroelectrics, ferroelectric-relaxors and multiferroics. Rostov-on-Don; Taganrog: SFU, 2021. – 242 ñ. ISBN 978-5-9275-3972-7
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Mechanical Engineering, Automation, and Sustainable Development (AMAS2021), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Banh Tien Long, Huang Sun Kim, Kozo Ishizaki, Nguyen Duc Toan, Ivan A. Parinov, Yun-Hea Kim, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2022. – 953 p., ISBN: 978-3-030-99665-6
Special Issue "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications 2021", Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Hung-Yu Wang (Eds.) // Applied Sciences, MDPI, 10 September 2022 ã. (8 ñòàòåé PHENMA 2021-2022)
Levon R. Mailyan Sergey A. Stel’makh, Evgenii M. Shcherban', Mikhail G. Kholodnyak, Alla S. Smolyanichenko, Ivan A. Parinov, Alexander V. Cherpakov. Management of Structure Formation and Properties of Cement Concretes. Series: Innovation and Discovery in Russian Science and Engineering. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2022. – 236 p., ISBN: 978-3-031-08918-3
Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 20, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. – 577 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-21571-1
Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
Nina Buravchuk, Olga Guryanova. Fuel Briquettes Made of Carbon-Containing Technogenic Raw Materials. Nova Science Publishers, New-York. 2023. – 137 p. ISBN: 979-8-88697-907-7
Ivan A. Parinov, Sergey V. Zubkov, Alexander S. Skaliukh, Valery A. Chebanenko, Alexander V. Cherpakov, Yuri E. Drobotov. Advanced Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Materials With Improved Properties and their Applications. ISBN: 978-981-12-8424-3. World Scientific Publishers, Singapore, 263 p. 2024
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Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2023, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 41, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Erni Puspanantasari Putri (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, February 20, 2024. – 679 p. ISBN: 978-3031522383,
- Mathematical modeling of material processing, loading and fracture resistance for non-cubic (NC), ferroelectric (FE) and high-temperature superconductive (HTS) materials and composites (I. A. Parinov)
- Experimental research methods: acoustical, acoustic emission and optical interferometry ones (E. V. Rozhkov)
- Modeling and experimental studies of piezoelectric materials and devices (V. A. Chebanenko)
- Structures of “metal-insulator-semiconductor-metal” type and experimental-theoretical methods of their research (G. Ya. Karapetyan)
- Studies of surface acoustic waves (V. G. Dneprovski)
- Modeling of material and construction dynamics for diagnostics and monitoring their characteristics (A. V. Cherpakov)
Since 1990 the group has been taking an interest in study of
the mechanical and microstructure properties of the high-temperature superconductors, piezo-ferroelectrics
and other new materials, and developing the
computer models of microstructure transformations and fracture processes, accompanying a
preparation of these materials and their working under different loading conditions.
The main theoretical results are next ones:
- The computer monitoring of the microstructure, mechanical and strength
properties for different compositions and techniques have been designed and
created, based on the general idea of joint study of the microstructure
transformations accompanying material processing and degradation.
- The yield criteria and flow rules, which can describe both the bulk movement and consolidation of HTS powder in a compaction process, have been stated. Into framework of associated plasticity, an effect of volume change on the strain of the powder during the compaction process has been considered by adding the first invariant of stress tensor in the criterion. Into framework of non-associated plasticity a yield criterion has been based on a dilatancy rule and consideration of dissipation processes due to the granule rearrangement and friction.
- The formation of microstructure defects and weak links due to the carbon segregation to the intergranular boundaries of HTS system has been studied. The carbon segregation processes have been associated with slow, fast and steady states of the dislocation-screened crack growth.
- The mathematical model and FEM-scheme for numerical realization of the carbonate formation and fracture in superconducting composite "cuprate-carbonate" are developed into framework of the consideration of the irreversible thermodynamic processes taking into account: (ii) carbonate segregation, (ii) carbon diffusion, (ii) non-mechanical energy flow and (iv) composite deformation.
- The models of the hot-pressing and gradient sintering of the HTS have been constructed and the processes of the recrystallization, shrinkage, grain growth, boundary microcracking, trans- and intergranular cracks have been considered and modeled.
- The issues of the fracture resistance, toughening, shielding of propagating cracks, an interaction of cracks with the defects and microstructure elements (grains, voids, microcracks, inclusions, secondary phases, domain and grain boundaries, etc.) have been studied for the HTS ceramics and composites.
- The different toughening mechanisms that exist in this ceramic class, namely, the twinning and microcracking near a macrocrack, the crack deflection, branching and bridging, the interfaces roughness, the crack braking by brittle or ductile inclusions with estimations of various strength parameters and extraction main toughening mechanisms have been studied for the YBCO and BSCCO.
- Based on the example of the gradient sintered YBCO ceramic the model for formation and fracture of grain-bridges have been constructed and three types of the links, pinning crack surfaces, namely, elastic ones, links with friction and bridges caused by grain thermal anisotropy, have been considered.
- The model of fatigue fracture of YBCO under small cyclic loadings based on the effects of a microstructure dissimilitude has been developed. Into these frames, the model of correct definition of specific fracture energy, taking into account the porosity, microcracking and cooling parameters has been constructed.
- Based on the Monte-Carlo methods the computer simulations of large-grain microstructures of the melt-processed YBCO, taking into account the insertion of the fine dispersion of the 211 phase into the 123 grain matrix and use of the rare-earth seeding technique, have been represented.
- The computer models for processing and fracture of the hot-pressing Bi-2223 bulks have been discussed. The effects of the silver dispersion on the some microstructure, mechanical and strength properties have been estimated.
- Based on the percolation theory the transport properties of above types of the YBCO and BSCCO systems have been studied and comparative estimations in dependence on the different initial microstructure properties and processing techniques have been found.
- The possible structural mechanisms leading to a non-monotonous behavior of critical current in the dependence on the annealing time in BPSCCO/Ag monofilamentary tapes have been discussed. It has been assumed, the main cause finding a diminution of critical current in long times of reaction after attainment of maximum value is the pore transformations rather than a decrease of the pinning efficiency in the grains due to a lead expelling during calcination. The corresponding phenomenological models of the pore drag, shrinkage, coarsening and coalescence at the grain boundaries and the possible pore breakaway into framework of diffusion processes study have been developed.
- Some models for description of the extrinsic HTS Josephson junctions (JJs) from the viewpoint of the mechanical behavior and features of fracture, the initiation and growth of defects near and at the interfaces have been developed. For layer composite structures, which present the extrinsic HTS JJs of the SNS and SIS types, the proper fracture resistance mechanisms have been modeled and a lot of strength and fracture toughness properties has been estimated. The results obtained have relation to: (i) fracture at and near interface in the cases of bi-material and rough crack surfaces, (ii) crack at the interface into step-edge junction, and (iii) crack being perpendicular to buffer layers.
- The numerical results for different microstructure, mechanical, strength and transport properties of the HTS have been obtained in dependence on the thermomechanical treatments, initial press-powder porosity, parameters of secondary phases, sizes and fractions of dispersed particles, geometry and sizes of seeds.
- The scheme of a computer monitoring has been realized for the NC from the hot-pressed alumina, taking into account the texture effects in the abnormal grain growth and study of the specific microstructure mechanisms (i.e., microcracking, crack coalescence, branching and bridging), changing the fracture toughness and fracture resistance.
- The mechanisms of the strength and fracture toughness formation and degradation for some FE compositions (namely, PZT, PbTiO3 and BaTiO3) by computer simulation methods have been studied. As toughening mechanisms for different hot-pressed and gradient-sintered FE there have been considered the microcracking and twinning near macrocrack, the crack deflection, branching and bridging, the roughness of crack surfaces, the interactions of a macrocrack with the microdefects, voids, grain boundaries and secondary phase inclusions, the crack braking by domain and phase boundaries. The effects of the morphotropic transition region, the elastic and thermal expansion anisotropy and deformation phase mismatches have been discussed and analyzed.
- The possibility of the steady-state crack growth into the ferroelectrics domain structure has been studied. It has been shown that the steady-state crack growth is impossible in parallel direction to the 180-degree domain or phase boundary. This fracture behavior may be caused by the crack braking mechanisms due to the existence of the 90-degree domain walls, only.
- Based on a computer simulation model the dependences of main parameters of acoustic emission (the impulses number and amplitude) have been obtained on the initial press-powder porosity, inelasic deformation of the FC ferro-hardness degree and various toughening mechanisms.
- The approach based on the rigorous energetic analysis of a fracture zone in the limits of the Fracture Dynamics, taking into account the structural heterogeneities of real solids and microstructure features, has been assumed. One has allowed to ascertain an imperfection of traditional models of uniform and spontaneous uneven crack propagation, to define a crack acceleration per jump through specific fracture energy, and to show that one may be significantly distinguished from the correspondent Griffith's parameter, which is its averaging on fracture surface.
- The problem of a correct definition of the specific fracture energy, taking into account the dynamic effects, grain phases, structure defects and cooling processes has been discussed.
- The mathematical modeling of the Acoustic Emission method has been carried out.
- The improved method for definition of the elastic, piezoelectric and dielectric compatible constants total set for piezoelectric materials and composites has been developed.
More twenty years the experimental researches of the laboratory are connected with an application of the acoustic methods (in particular, with the acoustic emission method) to the studies of the strength and fracture of different brittle materials and composites. The results achieved allow to test the samples with various shapes and sizes (beginning since mm). The original test methods, specially, for above samples have been designed and developed (e.g., indenting method). Based on these methods there are multi-parametric apparatuses used to study of the microstructure and strength properties of materials. Another experimental direction is R&D the optic-fiber transducers for technical diagnostics of the critical states of the thin-walled constructions. These researches have been connected with development of the theory and constructions of the optic-fiber transducers for measurement of the small displacements. Moreover, the non-destructive optical methods for control and diagnostics of the pre-fracture states of the constructions are developed. The optical interferometry method is the comparatively new experimental method for our laboratory. One is actively applied to the study of different material properties.
- Development of methods and test means to research material fracture processes, basing on the acoustic emission phenomena, vibrometry, optical interferometry and optical-fiber measuring devices
- Strength tests of constructions and research of fracture processes in materials to determine correlation dependences between fracture process parameters and registrated acoustic and optical signals
Experimental Methods
- Surface acoustic waves method
- The method of the local deformation determination and identification for the dangerous defect localization into shells by acoustic-optical-fiber technique
- The method of experimental research and calculation of effective parameters for polymer-composite material
- The method of experimental research of oscillation processes in elements of fermed and ferm-plated constructions
- The methods to study the fracture processes and loss stability in thin plates and shells, using the acoustic emission approach
- The zone method to control constructions, using acoustic emission technique
- The multipoint zone control method, using acoustic emission technique
- The method to control linear welded joints, using acoustic emission technique
- Vibrodiagnostics methods
- Methods for correlation searching of leaks
- The method to strength test the optical-fiber and optical cables (taking into account the dynamics of the optical losses behavior) based on the researches of short samples with prognosis of the strength and losses in long pieces compared with building length
- The multi-parametric acoustic-optical-fiber method to study material fracture processes
- The method to measure the surface layer deformations in samples with different shapes and sizes by the optical interferometry
- The method to measure the small displacements, using the interference method
- The methods to measure the displacements of the piezoceramic elements, loaded into piezomotor under the room and elevated temperatures
- The automatized method to define the electrical and mechanical characteristics of piezoceramic elements
- The research methods to determine amplitude-frequency characteristics of disk piezoelements with different degree of polarization heterogeneity
- The research methods to determine optic losses level in the fiber-light wires under different mechanical loads
- The research methods to define sensitivity of admission type optical-fiber transducers
- The algorithms and programs to treatment results of tests

Experimental setup:
1– piezoelectric cylindric element, 2– piezoelectric bimorph,
3 – duralumin substrate, 5– L-shape steel plate, 6 – place of PEG fixing,
7 – optical linear displacement transducer, 8 – electromagnetic vibrator

Test Means
- Acoustic system of technical diagnostics for the shells, tubing, aviation and building constructions (A-Line 32D)
- Ultrasound defectoscope flaw detector UD9812
- Heat-vision Flir i5
- Velocity gage Âåõà-Ò-Í-ÐÐ-ÎÊ
- Encoder SÐ50/â-4000Â2
- Control unit ASD B2-0221
- Two-channel digital-analogous transducer OR-14MD
- Controller ILD 2220 with laser transducer of displacements
- Defectoscope PADI-8-40 consisting of module E14-140 and device PADI-8-02
- Maikelson optical interferometer for measurement of micro- and nanodisplacements (NVDMI -11)
- Multifunctional universal measuring device – laboratory module ZET 210 with basic software ZETLab
- Holographic equipment UIG-22 for modeling optic schemes and obtainment of holograms
- Vibrocalibrator AT-01
- Apparatus US-13I for estimation of structure material properties by using time of propagation of the US-oscillations
- Figure memorizing oscillograph WS-24MXs-A
- Measurer RLC (E7-20)
- Governed generator SFG2104
- Acoustic system of technical diagnostics for the shells, tubing, aviation and building constructions (A-Line 32D)
- Experimental complex for modeling of own and forced oscillations of composed samples of polymer-composite materials with included piezoelectric sensors and actuators
- Measuring information complex for modeling of oscillation processes in elements of fermed and ferm-plated constructions
- Device to measure the small displacements, using the interference method (IP-01)
- Devices to study the fracture processes and loss stability in thin plates and shells, using the acoustic emission approach (AE-1M)
- Devices to measure the displacements of the piezoceramic elements, loaded into piezo-motor under the room and elevated temperatures
- Piezoelectric transformers to receive acoustic emission signals (PS-10, PS-20)
- Experimental means to measure the electrical and mechanical characteristics of piezoceramic elements
- Analyzers and acoustic devices to receive and analyze acoustic emission signals (T-2001, DSA-2001)
- Coordinating devices of transformation of the analogous signals into number form for on-off into PC with next analyze
- The small experimental devices to study the brittle ceramic materials under different Modes and values of loads
- Various types of the optical transducers to measure displacements and strains
- Device to estimate deformations in BSCCO/Ag tapes under bending and tension, based on the acoustic emission and optic interferometry
- Experimental equipment to study the fracture toughness and failure of the constructional materials by the acoustic-optical-fiber method
- Lot of the fiber-optic transducers to measure the micro-displacements with the sensitivity limit of 0.5 micrometers, in particular the transducers of the admission-reflection type for the figure gangs, planar transducers of displacements, transducers for measurement of great deformations, etc.
- The planar transducers for an implantation into shell elements of the machine-building constructions processed by the winding technique for a definition of the stress-strain states up to fracture (in particular, with determination of the criterion for a pre-fracture state of the construction)
- The planar fiber-optic transducers of the loop type with sensitivity of 0.5mV per mm for technical diagnostics of the thin-walled elements of car bodies and flight apparatuses assemblies
- The experimental sample of the alarm signaling system with the technical characteristics being near known ones but having the cost price being half in compare with PARADOX or ADEMKO
- Different test stends and loading equipments
Experimental Results
- Deformation tests of BSCCO/Ag tapes under bending and tension, using the acoustic emission methods
- Based on etalon diagnostic system, the model of system for suppression of vibrations by using neuron lattice for Finite-Element Model of composite blade of helicopter carrying screw
- Natural experiment on modeling of own oscillations of consol steel element of triangle form with cut
- Experimental studies of intellectual system of the oscillation demping (platelet piezoelectric actuator) on model plate from composite material (substrate) with glued two square polarized piezoelements (bi-morph)
- Strength tests of optical-fiber cables
- Experimental studies of loss stability in thin plates and shells, using the acoustic emission approach
- Experimental studies of fracture processes in different materials during loading, using the optical and acoustic emission methods
- Stated correlations of the stress-strain states with the acoustic emission and optical fiber parameters
- Stated correlations of the frequencies for oscillation various modes on the degree of polarization heterogeneity
- The development of the microstructure models to describe the peritectic character of the YBCO formation, using the melt-processing techniques, taking into account the normal 211 phase dispersion into the crystallized system and a formation new centers of initiation and growth of the superconductive 123 phase based on the inclusion of the large single seeds from rare-earth counterparts of the 123 phase. The design and creation of the computer simulation models based on the Monte-Carlo approach to describe the microstructure transformations
- The development of the models to describe epitaxial growth of HTS thin films and correspondent thermodynamic processes
- The solution of optimization problem for melt-processing YBCO samples, because, generally, the volume fraction and grain size increases of the dispersed 211 phase cause a diminution of the transport properties, but in other hand, ones improve the superconductor fracture resistance
- The development of the Fracture Mechanics methods to the problems of initiation, accumulation and growth of the defects, to the macrocrack interactions with the microstructure heterogeneities (e.g., microcracks, inclusions and voids), to the study of characteristic toughening mechanisms in the HTS, NC and FE materials and composites
- The determination of effective elastic moduli for above materials, taking into account: (i) processing techniques, (ii) microstructure transformations during crystallization, grain growth, heating and cooling treatments, phase transitions, (iii) microstructure features (crystallographic and domain structures, voids, grains and their conglomerates, nano- and microdefects, inclusions, additions and dispersed phases, elastic and thermal anisotropies), (iv) residual stress-strain states and external loadings (static, dynamic, cyclic fatigue)
- The study of the HTS transport properties (in particular, by percolation methods), taking into account the normal and superconductive phases, grain boundaries, porosity, defects, micro- and macrocracks; the theoretical and model researches of current percolation and magnetic flux pinning in defective and heterogeneous microstructure of the HTS
- The study of the interconnections between microstructure, mechanical, electromagnetic, superconductive and other properties of the HTS
- The development of methods to identify the nano- and microstructural defects (e.g., columnar defects, surface and near-surface microcracks) by the acoustic emission methods and optical interferometry
- The development of yield criteria which can describe both the bulk movement and the consolidation of powder in the HTS compaction process
- The study of effects of the carbon and amorphous phase segregations at the grain boundaries; the grain-to-grain connectivity and grain boundary misorientation; the Ag-dispersion; the defects, forming new pinning centers, on the microstructure, superconductive, transport, mechanical, strength and other structure-sensitive properties of HTS systems
- The research of the carbon-induced embrittlement and fracture in the HTS microstructure under stress and temperature distributions
- The research of the void transformations (in particular, the pore drag, shrinkage, coarsening and coalescence at the grain boundaries and a possible pore breakaway into grain) due to diffusion processes, during heat treatments of the HTS systems
- The solution of an optimization problem for the Ag inclusions into superconductive matrix, because a volume fraction increase of the silver, in general case, makes worse the superconductive properties, but improves the fracture resistance of the HTS systems
- The solution of an optimization problem for the Ag sheath and the HTS filaments for the BSCCO/Ag tapes, because a decrease of the Ag increases the superconductive properties of tapes, however the certain thickness of the Ag sheath is necessary for a protection of the oxide core from damages, which deteriorate the superconductive characteristics
- The development of the models and experimental methods to research of the damage initiation and growth processes into the BSCCO/Ag tapes (as mono-, as multifilamentary) under tension and/or bending
- The design and development of the mathematical methods and numerical algorithms to model the rolling and pressing of the BSCCO/Ag tapes processed by the OPIT technique
- The research of the extrinsic HTS Josephson junctions behavior of the S-I-S and S-N-S types, taking into account the microstructure destructions due to the deformation (lattice cell) mismatches, the thermal expansion anisotropy, an exceeding of the film critical thickness, the misorientation effects, the surfaces roughness, the "ceramic-ceramic" and "ceramic-metal" interfaces, the thermo-mechanical residual and external loading, the proper toughening and fracture resistance mechanisms
- The modeling and development of the HTS devices based on HTS films, e.g. antennas, filters, resonators, etc.
- The design and development of data bank and charts of the engineering properties for different materials. These will allow an effective selection of parameters and a material optimization in the engineering applications based on the loading Modes, fracture-safe, microstructure and thermal designs
- The development of the mathematical model to the optic-fiber laser having the light wire with implanted rare-earth elements and based on the phenomena of the high-frequency resonance into fiber-light wire
- The development of the technical diagnostic methods and test models of intellectual constructions
- The development of the technical diagnostic methods for the flight apparatuses assemblies at the static tests, using the acoustic-optical-fiber systems
- The design and development of the optical-fiber transducers of information reception and transmission used for the technical diagnostics of transport means
- The development of the test methods of material fracture processes based on the indenting technique, using the acoustic emission methods
- The development of method to certify the acoustic emission transducers
- The development of method for the technical diagnostics of shell and beam constructions, using the acoustic emission
- The development of technical diagnostics to research the constructional elements by the dynamic methods
- The development of acoustic-optic-fiber criteria for pre-fracture states
- The carrying out of the strength and fatigue tests of the materials, construction elements and small-scaling samples
We are ready to preparation and service the next commercial products:
- Transducers and interfaces for reception of acoustic emission signals
- Tensometric and optical transducers for displacements and force piezo-transducers for demping of oscillations in construction elements (actuatorov)
- Measurement of strains and sound velocity in materials
- Calibration of converters for reception of acoustic signals
- Study of fracture processes in construction elements, using acoustic emission, vibrodiagnostics and optical interferometry
- Search of liquid leaks in tubing
- Technical diagnostics of construction elements using acoustic emission method
Lin, C.-F.; Wu, B.-R.; Chang, S.-H.; Parinov, I.A.; Shevtsov, S. New Marginal Spectrum Feature Information Views of Humpback Whale Vocalization Signals Using the EMD Analysis Methods // Sensors, MDPI, 2023, 23(16), 7228.
Tiwari, A.; Ahmed, I.A.; Gupta, V.K.; Haldkar, R.K.; Parinov, I.A. Customized Implant for Temporomandibular Joint: New Technique to Design and Stress Analysis to Balance the Loading at Both Ends // Micromachines, MDPI, 2023, 14(8), 1646.
Parinov, I.A., Zubkov S. V. Is it possible to speak about the two-dimensional nature of the dielectric properties of layered perovskite-like compounds of the family of Aurivillius – Smolensky phases? // Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, 2340007 (11 p.), 2023
S. V. Zubkov, I.A. Parinov, A. V. Nazarenko, A. V. Pavlenko. Effect of sintering temperature on the microstructure and dielectric properties of Bi4Ti3O12 doped with neodymium // Physics of the Solid State, V. 65, No. 8, P. 1297 – 1306, 2023
G.M. Kravchenko, L.I. Pudanova, A.V. Cherpakov, I.A. Parinov. Chapter 7. Parametric Transformation of Fractal Structures, P. 71 – 79. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 20, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. – 577 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-21571-1
V. Yu. Topolov, A. N. Isaeva, A. V. Krivoruchko. Chapter 9. Orientation Effects in 2–2 Composites Based on [011]-poled PZN – 0.065PT Single Crystal, P. 93 – 103. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 20, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. – 577 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-21571-1
Vitaly Yu. Topolov, Ashura N. Isaeva, Alisa O. Denisova, Christopher R. Bowen, Bogdan O. Protsenko. Chapter 10. Effect of the Matrix Subsystem on Piezoelectric Properties and Related Parameters of Lead-free 1–3-type Composites, P. 104 – 119. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 20, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. – 577 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-21571-1
Yuri Drobotov, Boris Vakulov. Chapter 11. On Solvability of Integral Equations of the First Kind with Mild Singularity in the Kernel, P. 120 – 132. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 20, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. – 577 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-21571-1
Eugene Sitalo, Valery Aleshin, Alexander Prikhodkov, Nikita Boldyrev, Ivan Parinov. Chapter 12. Theoretical Consideration and Experimental Studies of Bending Deformations of Inhomogeneous Ferroceramic Plates, P. 133 – 154. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 20, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. – 577 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-21571-1
Sergei V. Zubkov, Ivan A. Parinov, Alexander V. Nazarenko, Yulia A. Kuprina. Chapter 13. Microstructure, Crystal Structure, Piezoelectric and Dielectric Properties of Piezoceramic SrBi2Nb2O9, P. 155 – 162. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 20, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. – 577 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-21571-1
Sergei V. Zubkov, Ivan A. Parinov, Alexander V. Nazarenko, Yulia A. Kuprina. Chapter 14. Microstructure, Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of Nd-doped Bi4Ti3O12 Ceramics, P. 163 – 174. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 20, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. – 577 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-21571-1
A. S. Skaliukh. Chapter 21. Modeling the Hysteresis Response of Ferroelectric Ceramics Subjected to High and Low Intensity Electric and Mechanical Fields, P. 251 – 275. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 20, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. – 577 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-21571-1
V. E. Yakovlev, A. V. Cherpakov, S.-H. Chang, J.-P. Wang. Chapter 24. Identification of Damages in a Two-dimensional Beam Based on the Solution of an Inverse Problem for a One-dimensional equation, P. 297 – 303. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 20, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. – 577 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-21571-1
Igor Andjikovich, Aleksey Konovalov, Irina Mikhailova, Andrey Sedov, Artyom Turchin. Chapter 28. Monitoring of the Medium Stratification by the Parameters of the Surface Wave Field, P. 343 – 353. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 20, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. – 577 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-21571-1
A. S. Yudin. Chapter 29. Plastic Forming of an Axisymmetric Shell with a Given Critical Load, P. 354 – 369. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 20, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. – 577 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-21571-1
A. S. Yudin. Chapter 30. Constructive Anisotropy and Shape Parametrization of Non-axisymmetric Shells, P. 370 – 379. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 20, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. – 577 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-21571-1
Igor Miroshnichenko, Ivan Parinov. Chapter 31. Determination of the Stress-strain State in Plane-layered Constructions Made of Transverse-isotropic Materials with Various Options for the Location of the Axis of Material Symmetry of the Materials of Layers, P. 380 – 390. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 20, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. – 577 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-21571-1
Rakesh Kumar Haldkar, Abhay M. Khalatkar, Ivan A Parinov, Anubhav Tiwari. Chapter 36. Numerical Design and Modeling of Artificial Grass for Wireless Communication in Remote Areas, P. 436 – 444. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 20, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. – 577 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-21571-1
Chin-Feng Lin, Yu-Chi Wei, Chai-Sheng Wen, Chan-Chung Wen, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, Sergey Shevtsov. Chapter 39. DM-MIMO Based GFDM Advanced Underwater Image Transmission Scheme, P. 466 – 470. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 20, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. – 577 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-21571-1
Inayat Ullah, Rakesh Kumar Haldkar, Ivan A Parinov. Chapter 49. Prioritizing the Barriers to the Adoption of Cyber-physical Systems in Manufacturing Organizations using Fuzzy AHP, P. 554 – 567. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference PHENMA 2021-2022, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 20, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. – 577 p. ISBN: 978-3-031-21571-1
S. I. Popov, E. E. Kosenko, Yu. V. Marchenko, A. V. Cherpakov, S. A. Zakharov. Chapter 5. Study of the Recovery Technology of the Plastic Elements of Container for the Transportation of Solid Waste, P. 43 – 51. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
S. V. Zubkov, I. A. Parinov. Chapter 6. A New Mixed-layer Compound of the Aurivillius Phases with the Highest Phase Transition Temperature, P. 55 – 59. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
A. O. Denisova, Yu. V. Kabirov, S. E. Filippov, A. G. Rudskaya. Chapter 9. Features of the Structure and Physical Properties of Composite-like Ceramics Based on Potassium Sodium Niobate, P. 79 – 83. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
Yu. E. Drobotov, B. G. Vakulov. Chapter 13. A Note on Analytical Approaches in Ferroelectrics Switching Kinetics Modelling, P. 113 – 119. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
Yu. E. Drobotov. Chapter 16. A Note on the Spaces of Bounded Riesz Potential-Type Operators of Variable Order, P. 137 – 144. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
Yu. E. Drobotov. Chapter 17. An Integral Equation of the First Kind with a Negative Power of the Laplacian, P. 145 – 150. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
Yu. E. Drobotov. Chapter 18. On a Convolution Integral Equation of the Third Kind in the Grand Lebesgue Spaces, P. 151 – 157. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
G. S. Kostetskaya, Yu. E. Drobotov. Chapter 19. Hypersingular Integral Equation and Its Fundamental Solutions, P. 159 – 166. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
Yu. E. Drobotov. Chapter 21. On Stresses Due to Bending at Symmetric Notches of Hyperbolic Form with Arbitrary Focal Length, P. 177 – 183. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
Yu. E. Drobotov. Chapter 23. Some Analytical Solutions to the Problem of Steady Longitudinal Oscillations of a Variable Density Rod, P. 193 – 197. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
A. V. Cherpakov, I. A. Parinov, K. G. Bukhanevich. Chapter 24. Vibration Diagnostics Hardware Design, P. 199 – 205. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
A. V. Cherpakov, V. E. Yakovlev, S. G. Glushko. Chapter 25. Modeling vibrations of a high-rise building on a rigid foundation, P. 207 – 212. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
I. A. Parinov, R. K. Haldkar, V. K. Gupta, T. Sheorey. Chapter 27. Research and Development of Bimorph Piezoelectric Actuator for Sampling and Analysis of Blood Probe, P. 223 – 232. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
I. A. Parinov, A. V. Cherpakov, R. K. Haldkar. Chapter 28. Modeling the Axial-type Piezoelectric Generator with Proof Mass and Active Base, P. 233 – 239. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
Rakesh Kumar Haldkar, I. A. Parinov, A. V. Cherpakov, Yu. E. Drobotov. Chapter 29. Design, Modeling, and Comparison of Energy Generators with Dual-Mode Piezoelectric Material, P. 241 – 250. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
A. V. Lazarenko, O. Yu. Goncharov, A. V. Cherpakov. Chapter 32. Use of Diagnostic Tools to Determine the Condition of the Nodes Responsible for the Safety of Vehicles, P. 273 – 279. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
O. Yu. Goncharov, A. V. Cherpakov. Chapter 33. Evaluation of the Reliability of Compressor Units of the Hyundai Air Conditioning System, P. 281 – 286. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
Inayat Ullah, Rakesh Kumar Haldkar, Ivan A Parinov, Sourabh Shukla. Chapter 37. Analysis of the Driving and Dependence power of the Barriers to Implement ERPII in Indian SMEs, P. 326 – 340. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
A. V. Cherpakov, Al-Kadhim Hasan Makki Hasan, Khamis Modar. Chapter 38. Simulation Modeling of the Operation Process of Waste Processing Enterprise, P. 341 – 346. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, 2021 – 2022, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Arkady N. Soloviev (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2023. - 369 p., ISBN: 979-8-88697-468-3
Zubkov S.V., Parinov I.A., Nazarenko A. V. Influence of sintering temperature on microstructure and dielectric properties of Bi4-xNdxTi3O12 // Proceedings of the 12th International Youth Interdisciplinary Symposium " Physics of Lead-free Piezoactive and Related materials. Modeling of Eco-systems (Analysis of the Current State and Prospects of Development)", LFPM-2022”, 26-28 December, 2023 ã., V. 1, P. 238 – 239 (In Russian).
Zubkov S.V., Parinov I.A., Kubrin S. P., Nazarenko A. V., Kuprina Yu A. Crystal structure and dielectric properties of perovskite-like solid solutions of the Aurivillius-Smolensky phase family BiSrNb2-xSnxWxO9 (x = 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4) // Proceedings of the 11th International Youth Interdisciplinary Symposium " Physics of Lead-free Piezoactive and Related materials. Modeling of Eco-systems (Analysis of the Current State and Prospects of Development)", LFPM-2022”, 26-28 December, 2023 ã., V. 1, P. 240 – 241 (In Russian).
I.A. Parinov, Tejkaran Narolia, Vijay K. Gupta. Motorcycle Suspension System for piezoelectric energy harvesting // Proceedings of the 11th International Youth Interdisciplinary Symposium " Physics of Lead-free Piezoactive and Related materials. Modeling of Eco-systems (Analysis of the Current State and Prospects of Development)", LFPM-2022”, 26-28 December, 2023 ã., V. 2, P. 58 – 61 (In Russian).
Ivan A. Parinov, Yun-Hae Kim, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Hung-Yu Wang. Special Issue "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications 2020", Editorial, // Applied Sciences, MDPI, 2022, V. 12, No. 17, 8864 – 8865 (Q2, IF = 0.51)
Yun-Hae Kim, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Hung-Yu Wang. Special Issue "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications", Editorial, // Applied Sciences, MDPI, 2022, V. 12, No. 18, 9336 – 9338 (Q2, IF = 0.51)
Ivan A. Parinov, Banh Tien Long, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Hung-Yu Wang. Special Issue "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications 2019", Editorial, // Applied Sciences, MDPI, 2022, V. 12, No. 19, 9853 – 9855 (Q2, IF = 0.51)
Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Hung-Yu Wang. Special Issue "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications 2021", Editorial, // Applied Sciences, MDPI, 2022, V. 12, No. 21, 10941 – 10943 (Q2, IF = 0.51)
10th Anniversary International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications” (PHENMA 2021–2022, Divnomorsk, Russia, May 23–27, 2022): Abstracts and Schedule / I. A. Parinov, A. N. Soloviev, S.-H. Chang (Eds.); Southern Federal University. – Rostov-on-Don; Taganrog: Southern Federal University Press, 2022. – 378 p. ISBN 978-5-9275-4133-1 (ÐÈÍÖ)
Rakesh Kumar Haldkar, Alexander V. Cherpakov, Ivan A. Parinov. Modeling, Analysis and Design Optimizations of an Axial-Type Piezoelectric Energy Generator for Optimal Output // Smart Materials and Structures, 2022, V. 31, No. 6, 065019 (Q1, IF = 0.89)
Chin-Feng Lin, Cheng-Fong Wu, Ching-Lung Hsieh, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, Sergey Shevtsov. Generalized frequency division multiplexing based low-power underwater
acoustic image transceiver // Sensors, MDPI, 2022, V. 22, No. 1, 313 - 325 (Q1, IF = 0.8)
A.N. Isaeva, V.Yu. Topolov, C.R. Bowen, J.I. Roscow. Twelve modified figures of merit of 2–2-type composites based on relaxor-ferroelectric single crystals // Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2022, V. 279, 125691 (Q2, IF = 0.75)
Vitaly Yu Topolov, Chris Bowen, Andrey V. Krivoruchko, Ashura N. Isaeva. Orientation effects and figures of merit in advanced 2–2-type composites based on [011]-poled domain-engineered single crystals // CrystEngComm, 2022, V. 24, 1177–1188 (Q2, IF = 0.64)
Andryushina I.N., Andryushin K.P., Shilkina L.A., Pavelko A.A., Moysa M. O., Rudskiy D.I., Reznichenko L.A., Nagaenko A.V., Cherpakov A.V., Parinov I.A., Popov A.V. Crystal structure, microstructure and electrophysical properties of highly sensitive ferroactive materials based on the Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 system // Materials Science & Engineering B, 2022, V. 283, 115804 (Q2, IF = 0.60)
Zubkov S.V., Parinov I.A., Kuprina Y.A. The Structural and Dielectric Properties of Bi3?xNdxTi1.5W0.5O9 (x = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0) // Electronics, MDPI, 2022, V. 11 (2), 277 - 287 (Q2, IF = 0.59)
Ivan A. Parinov, Alexander V. Cherpakov. Overview: State-of-the-Art of Energy Harvesting based on Piezoelectric Devices for Last Decade // Symmetry, MDPI, 2022, V. 14(4), 765 – 813 (Q2, IF = 0.54).
Alexander V. Cherpakov, Ivan A. Parinov, Rakesh K. Haldkar. Parametric and Experimental Modeling of Axial-Type Piezoelectric Energy Generator with Active Base // Applied Sciences, MDPI, 2022, V. 12, No. 3, 1700 – 1721 (Q2, IF = 0.51)
Anubhav Tiwari, Vijay Kumar Gupta, Rakesh Kumar Haldkar, Ivan A. Parinov. Biomechanical Analysis of Patient?Specific Temporomandibular Joint Implant and Comparison with Natural Intact Jaw Bone Using Finite Element Method // Applied Sciences, MDPI, 2022, V. 12 (6), 3003 – 3016 (Q2, IF = 0.51)
Rakesh Kumar Haldkar, Alexander V. Cherpakov, Ivan A. Parinov, Vladislav E Yakovlev. Comprehensive numerical analysis of a porous piezoelectric ceramic for
axial load energy harvesting // Applied Sciences, MDPI, 2022, V. 12, No. 19, 10047 – 10060 (Q2, IF = 0.51)
À. Í. Ñîëîâü¸â, Äî Òõàíü Áèíü, Â. À. ×åáàíåíêî, È. À. Ïàðèíîâ. Èçãèáíûå êîëåáàíèÿ êîìïîçèòíîãî ïüåçîàêòèâíîãî áèìîðôà â ïåðåìåííîì ìàãíèòíîì ïîëå: ïðèêëàäíàÿ òåîðèÿ è êîíå÷íî-ýëåìåíòíîå ìîäåëèðîâàíèå // Ìåõàíèêà êîìïîçèòíûõ ìàòåðèàëîâ. 2022. T. 58, ¹. 4. Ñ. 471—482 (Q2, IF = 0.35)
Ñ.Â. Çóáêîâ, È.À. Ïàðèíîâ, Þ. À. Êóïðèíà, À.Â. Íàçàðåíêî. Ñòðóêòóðà è äèýëåêòðè÷åñêèå ñâîéñòâà Bi3Ti1,5W0,5O9 // Ôèçèêà òâåðäîãî òåëà, Ò. 64, ¹6, Ñ. 652 – 657, 2022 (Q3, IF = 0.28)
Ñ.Â. Çóáêîâ, È.À. Ïàðèíîâ, À.Â. Íàçàðåíêî, Þ. À. Êóïðèíà. Êðèñòàëëè÷åñêàÿ ñòðóêòóðà, ìèêðîñòðóêòóðà, ïüåçîýëåêòðè÷åñêèå è äèýëåêòðè÷åñêèå ñâîéñòâà âûñîêîòåìïåðàòóðíîé ïüåçîêåðàìèêè Bi3-xNdxTi1,5W0,5O9 (x = 0,0, 0,1, 0,2) // Ôèçèêà òâåðäîãî òåëà, Ò. 64, ¹10, Ñ. 1475 – 1482, 2022 (Q3, IF = 0.28)
Ñêàëèóõ À. Ñ. Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå îòêëèêà ïîëèêðèñòàëëè÷åñêèõ ñåãíåòîýëåêòðèêîâ íà ýëåêòðè÷åñêèå è ìåõàíè÷åñêèå ïîëÿ áîëüøîé èíòåíñèâíîñòè // Êîìïüþòåðíûå èññëåäîâàíèÿ è ìîäåëèðîâàíèå. 2022, Ò. 14, ¹ 1, Ñ. 93–113 (Q3, IF = 0.26)
Äðîáîòîâ Þ. Å., Âàêóëîâ Á. Ã. Ãëàäêîñòíûå ñâîéñòâà îïåðàòîðà òèïà ïîòåíöèàëà Ðèññà ñ ëîãàðèôìè÷åñêîé õàðàêòåðèñòèêîé // Èçâåñòèÿ âóçîâ. Ñåâåðî-Êàâêàçñêèé ðåãèîí. Åñòåñòâåííûå íàóêè. 2022, ¹ 1, Ñ. 4–11
Ivan A. Parinov, Alexander V. Ñherpakov. Piezoelectric Rotary Harvesters // Scholarly Community Encyclopedia. Engineering, Electrical & Electronic, 14 April 2022, 21705
Ñ.Â. Çóáêîâ, È.À. Ïàðèíîâ, À.Â. Ïàâëåíêî, À.Â. Íàçàðåíêî. Ñòðóêòóðà, ìèêðîñòðóêòóðà è äèýëåêòðè÷åñêèå ñâîéñòâà ïüåçîêåðàìèèê SrBi2Nb2O9 // Òð. 11-ãî Ìåæäóíàðîäíîãî ìåæäèñöèïëèíàðíîãî ìîëîäåæíîãî ñèìïîçèóìà «Ôèçèêà áåññâèíöîâûõ ïüåçîàêòèâíûõ è ðîäñòâåííûõ ìàòåðèàëîâ. Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå ýêî-ñèñòåì (Àíàëèç ñîâðåìåííîãî ñîñòîÿíèÿ è ïåðñïåêòèâû ðàçâèòèÿ)». Ðîñòîâ-íà-Äîíó: ÞÔÓ, 26 – 28 äåêàáðÿ 2022 ã., Ò. 1, Ñ. 97 – 99
Ñ.Â. Çóáêîâ, È.À. Ïàðèíîâ, À.Â. Ïàâëåíêî, À.Â. Íàçàðåíêî. Âëèÿíèå òåìïåðàòóðû ñïåêàíèÿ íà ìèêðîñòðóêòóðó è äèýëåêòðè÷åñêèå ñâîéñòâà ñåãíåòîýëåêòðèêîâ // Òð. 11-ãî Ìåæäóíàðîäíîãî ìåæäèñöèïëèíàðíîãî ìîëîäåæíîãî ñèìïîçèóìà «Ôèçèêà áåññâèíöîâûõ ïüåçîàêòèâíûõ è ðîäñòâåííûõ ìàòåðèàëîâ. Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå ýêî-ñèñòåì (Àíàëèç ñîâðåìåííîãî ñîñòîÿíèÿ è ïåðñïåêòèâû ðàçâèòèÿ)». Ðîñòîâ-íà-Äîíó: ÞÔÓ, 26 – 28 äåêàáðÿ 2022 ã., Ò. 1, Ñ. 100 – 103
È. À. Ïàðèíîâ, R. K. Haldkar, À. Â. ×åðïàêîâ. Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå, àíàëèç è ïðîåêòèðîâàíèå, íàïðàâëåííûå íà îïòèìèçàöèþ ïüåçîýëåêòðè÷åñêîãî ãåíåðàòîðà îñåâîãî òèïà // Òð. 11-ãî Ìåæäóíàðîäíîãî ìåæäèñöèïëèíàðíîãî ìîëîäåæíîãî ñèìïîçèóìà «Ôèçèêà áåññâèíöîâûõ ïüåçîàêòèâíûõ è ðîäñòâåííûõ ìàòåðèàëîâ. Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå ýêî-ñèñòåì (Àíàëèç ñîâðåìåííîãî ñîñòîÿíèÿ è ïåðñïåêòèâû ðàçâèòèÿ)». Ðîñòîâ-íà-Äîíó: ÞÔÓ, 26 – 28 äåêàáðÿ 2022 ã., Ò. 2, Ñ. 153 – 161.
Vitaly. Yu. Topolov, Ashura N. Isaeva, Paolo Bisegna. Squared figures of merit and electromechanical coupling factors of a novel lead-free 1–3–0 composite for sensor and energy-harvesting applications // Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, 2020, V. 318, 112473, (11 pages), (Q1, IF = 0.71)
Miroshnichenko I.P., Parinov I.A., Chang S.-H., Lin C.-F. Features and Functionality of the Optical Interference Meter for Measurement of Surface Displañements of Control Objects // Coatings, MDPI, 2021, V. 11, 989 – 1002, (Q2, IF = 0.48)
Haldkar, R.K.; Gupta, V.K.; Sheorey, T.; Parinov, I.A. Design, Modeling and Analysis of Piezoelectric Actuated Device for Blood Sampling // Applied Sciences, MDPI, 2021, V. 11, 8449 – 8461, (Q2, IF = 0.44)
Konstantin P. Andryushin, Vladimir P. Sakhnenko, Anatoliy V. Turik, Lidiya A. Shilkina, Alexey A. Pavelko, Svetlana I. Dudkina, Angela G. Rudskaya, Daniil D. Rudskiy, Iliya A. Verbenko, Sidek V. Hasbulatov, Larisa A. Reznichenko, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Hung-Yu Wang. Reasons for the High Electrical Conductivity of Bismuth Ferrite and Ways to Minimize It // Applied Sciences, MDPI, 2021, V. 11, 1025 – 1038. (Q2, IF = 0.44)
Levon R. Mailyan, Sergey A. Stel’makh, Evgenii M. Shcherban’, Alexander K. Khalyushev, Alla S. Smolyanichenko, Alexander K. Sysoev, Ivan A. Parinov, Alexander V. Cherpakov. Investigation of integral and differential characteristics of variatropic structure heavy concretes by ultrasonic methods // Applied Sciences, MDPI, 2021, V. 11(8), 3591 – 3616. (Q2, IF = 0.44)
Ashura N. Isaeva, Vitaly. Yu. Topolov. Lead-free 0-3-type composites: From piezoelectric sensitivity to modified figures of merit // Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, 2021, V. 11, No. 2, 2150010 (9 pages) (Q2, IF = 0.38)
K.P. Andryushin, I.N. Andryushina, A.V. Cherpakov, A.V. Popov, I.A. Verbenko, L.A. Reznichenko. Features of the electrophysical and mechanical properties of n-component ferroactive solid solutions of composition PZT- PZN- PMN // Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, 2021, V. 11, No. 5, 2160001 (Q2, IF = 0.38)
R. K. Haldkar, I. A. Parinov, A. V. Cherpakov, O. V. Shilyaeva. Modelling vibrations of axial piezoelectric generator with active base // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2021, V. 2131, 022018 (8 p.), (Q4, IF = 0.21)
N. L. Vernezi, E. E. Kosenko, V. V. Kosenko, D. B. Demchenko, A. V. Cherpakov. Research of strength capabilities of building steels under temperature effects // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2021, V. 2131, 022019 (6 p.), (Q4, IF = 0.21)
A.N. Soloviev, I.A. Parinov, A.V. Cherpakov. Reconstruction of Defect Configuration in Plane Construction Using Numerical Modeling and Neural Networks at Positional Scanning, P. 233-237. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS2020), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Banh Tien Long, Yun-Hae Kim, Kozo Ishizaki, Nguyen Duc Toan, Ivan A. Parinov, Ngoc Pi Vu., Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 1065 p., ISBN: 978-3-030-69610-8 (Q4, IF = 0.15)
A. N. Soloviev, I. A. Parinov, A. V. Cherpakov, Yu. V. Esipov. Experimental Vibration Diagnostics of the Floor Plate Set of Building Construction, P. 255-260. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS2020), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Banh Tien Long, Yun-Hae Kim, Kozo Ishizaki, Nguyen Duc Toan, Ivan A. Parinov, Ngoc Pi Vu., Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 1065 p., ISBN: 978-3-030-69610-8 (IF = 0.15)
German Zhuravlev, Yuri Drobotov, Tatiana Andreeva. The Effect of Approach in the Contact Problem for Two Elastic Parallel Circular Cylinders, P. 296-301. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS2020), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Banh Tien Long, Yun-Hae Kim, Kozo Ishizaki, Nguyen Duc Toan, Ivan A. Parinov, Ngoc Pi Vu., Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 1065 p., ISBN: 978-3-030-69610-8 (Q4, IF = 0.15)
I. P. Miroshnichenko, I.A. Parinov. On Increasing Informativity and Reliability of the Results of Condition Diagnostics of Materials and Goods. P. 324-329. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS2020), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Banh Tien Long, Yun-Hae Kim, Kozo Ishizaki, Nguyen Duc Toan, Ivan A. Parinov, Ngoc Pi Vu., Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 1065 p., ISBN: 978-3-030-69610-8 (Q4, IF = 0.15)
A. N. Soloviev, I. A. Parinov, A. V. Cherpakov, V. A. Chebanenko. Investigation of the Output Parameters of a Cantilever PEG with Two Piezoelectric Elements at Vibration Excitation by Rotating Drive, P. 705-709. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Material, Machines and Methods for Sustainable Development (MMMS2020), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Banh Tien Long, Yun-Hae Kim, Kozo Ishizaki, Nguyen Duc Toan, Ivan A. Parinov, Ngoc Pi Vu., Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 1065 p., ISBN: 978-3-030-69610-8 (Q4, IF = 0.15)
M. N. Grigoryan, T. V. Polyakova, Ya. A. Kokareva, I. A. Parinov, A. V. Cherpakov. The technical state experimental studies of construction with free support in the non-stationary oscillations’ analysis // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021, V. 1083, 012016 (6 p.)
Boris Vakulov, Yuri Drobotov. Chapter 13. The Riesz Potential Type Operator with a Power-Logarithmic Kernel in the Generalized Holder Spaces on a Sphere. P. 147-159. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2020, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 10, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 601 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-76480-7
Vitaly Yu. Topolov, Ashura N. Isaeva, Christopher R. Bowen, Alisa O. Denisova. Chapter 14. Piezoelectric Sensitivity and Anisotropy in 1–3-type Composites Based on Lead-free Ferroelectrics. P. 161-176. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2020, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 10, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021.– 601 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-76480-7
Zubkov S.V. Chapter 15. Crystal Structure and Dielectric Properties of Layered Perovskite-like Solid Solutions Bi3–xNdxTiNbO9 (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0). P. 177-184. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2020, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 10, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 601 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-76480-7
Zubkov S.V., Bulygin Yu.A. Chapter 16. Structure and Dielectric Properties of Solid Solutions Bi7Ti4-xSnxNbO21 (x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4). P. 185-196. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2020, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 10, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 601 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-76480-7
Igor P. Miroshnichenko, Ivan A. Parinov. Chapter 21. On Extension of Functional Possibilities of the Optical Interference Meter of the Surface Displacements of Control Objects P. 233-242. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2020, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 10, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 601 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-76480-7
A.S. Yudin. Chapter 25. Vibrations of the Auxetic Shell in the Liquid. P. 289-303. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2020, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 10, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 601 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-76480-7
Anatoly Yudin. Chapter 26. Oscillation Equations for Non-axisymmetric Shells. P. 305-320. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2020, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 10, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021.– 601 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-76480-7
Arkadiy Soloviev, Ivan Parinov, Alexander Cherpakov. Chapter 40. Modeling the Cantilever Type PEG with Proof Mass and Active Base by Using the Porous Piezoceramics with Effective Properties. P. 481-493. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2020, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 10, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 601 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-76480-7
Tejkaran Narolia, Vijay K. Gupta, Ivan A. Parinov. Chapter 41. A Scissor Mechanism Shear Mode Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Windmill. P. 495-509. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2020, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 10, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 601 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-76480-7
Rakesh Kumar Haldkar, Ivan A. Parinov. Chapter 42. Wind Energy Harvesting from Artificial Grass by using Micro Fibre Composite. P. 511-518. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2020, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 10, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 601 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-76480-7
Igor Andjikovich, Valery Kalinchuk, Irina Michailova, Andrey Sedov. Chapter 45. About Monitoring of the Medium State by the Parameters of the Surface Wave. P. 539-549. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2020, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 10, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 601 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-76480-7
Chin-Feng Lin, Chih-Chin Chuang, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, Sergey N. Shevtsov, Chapter 47. Space Time Block Code Based FBMC Advanced Underwater Image Communication Technology. P. 561-568. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2020, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 10, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 601 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-76480-7
Galina Kravchenko, Elena Trufanova, Ol’ga Shilyaeva, Alexander Cherpakov, Ivan Parinov. Chapter 48. Parametric Modeling of High-Rise Objects with Complex Configuration by Forming the Description of Their External Shaping. P. 569-581. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2020, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 10, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. – 601 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-76480-7
O.V. Shilyaeva, A.V. Cherpakov, I.A. Parinov. Chapter 49. Algorithmization of the System for Collecting and Processing Information on the Geometric Description of Three-Dimensional Object. P. 583-589. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2020, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 10, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2021.– 601 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-76480-7
Yu. E. Drobotov, T. M. Andreeva. Chapter 5. An Approach for Linear Systems with Uncertainty. P. 43-51. In: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2021. - 425 p., ISBN: 978-1-53619-958-1
T. M. Andreeva, Yu. E. Drobotov. Chapter 6. On Properties of the Riesz Potential Type Operator in the Spaces of Holomorphic Functions. P. 53-61. In: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2021. - 425 p., ISBN: 978-1-53619-958-1
Yu. E. Drobotov, T. M. Andreeva. Chapter 7. On Multipliers of Spherical Convolution Operators with Power-Logarithmic Kernels. P. 63-70. In: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2021. - 425 p., ISBN: 978-1-53619-958-1
Yu. E. Drobotov, H. H. Zubarieva. Chapter 8. On a Spatial Hypersingular Integral Equation with a Specific Characteristic. P. 71-79. In: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2021. - 425 p., ISBN: 978-1-53619-958-1
I.P. Miroshnichenko, I.A. Parinov. Chapter 12. On Registration of the Parameters of Oscillatory Processes by Optical Interference Displacement Meter. P. 105-112. In: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2021. - 425 p., ISBN: 978-1-53619-958-1
O.V. Shilyaeva, I.A. Zen'kovskij, A.V. Cherpakov, I.A. Parinov. Chapter 14. Parametric Modeling of Lightweight Floor Slabs in the ANSYS WORKBENCH Software. P. 125-131. In: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2021. - 425 p., ISBN: 978-1-53619-958-1
Yu. E. Drobotov, Chapter 17. Tensile Stress at Symmetric Notches of Hyperbolic Form with Arbitrary Focal Length. P. 155-162 In: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2021. - 425 p., ISBN: 978-1-53619-958-1
Yu. E. Drobotov, T. M. Andreeva. Chapter 18. Local Approximation of Elastic Projection Contour for Evaluating Stress Concentration. P. 163-170. In: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2021. - 425 p., ISBN: 978-1-53619-958-1
Yu. E. Drobotov, T. M. Andreeva. Chapter 19. Specific Properties of a Contact Approach Function for the Axes of Two Elastic Cylinders. P. 171-177. In: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2021. - 425 p., ISBN: 978-1-53619-958-1
G. A. Zhuravlev, Yu. E. Drobotov. Chapter 20. On the Influence of Elastic Cylinders’ Radii on Contact Deformations. P. 179-186. In: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2021. - 425 p., ISBN: 978-1-53619-958-1
G. A. Zhuravlev, Yu. E. Drobotov. Chapter 21. Features of Deep Stresses Distribution in the Contact Area of Parallel Elastic Cylinders. P. 187-194. In: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2021. - 425 p., ISBN: 978-1-53619-958-1
N.V. Andros, I.V. Morshneva. Chapter 22. Occurrence of 3D Periodic Convective Flows in a Vertical Layer with Moving Boundaries. P. 195-202. In: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2021. - 425 p., ISBN: 978-1-53619-958-1
Yu. E. Drobotov. Chapter 23. A Solution to the Equations of Fluid Motion. P. 203-211. In:Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2021. - 425 p., ISBN: 978-1-53619-958-1
V.G. Dneprovski, I.A. Parinov. Chapter 24. Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors of Breath. P. 215-222. In:Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim, Nao-Aki Noda (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2021. - 425 p., ISBN: 978-1-53619-958-1
Konstantin P. Andryushin, Inna N. Andryshina, Lidiya A. Shilkina, Iliya A. Verbenko, Larisa A. Reznichenko, Mihail I. Mazuritskiy, Alexandr V. Nagaenko, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Hung-Yu Wang. An Investigation of Thermodynamic Prehistory in the Formation of the Internal Structure of Highly Stable Ferroelectric Materials // Current Approaches in Science and Technology Research, Vol. 7, 18 June 2021, Page 44-55, BP International.
G. Glushko, A. A. Lyapin, Yu. Shatilov, A. V. Cherpakov, R.K. Haldkar Software Module Development for the Parametric Generation of Truss Structure Geometry in a Two-Dimensional Setting // Advanced Engineering Research. 2021. Ò. 21, ¹ 4. Ñ. 376?383
Zubkov S.V., Parinov I.A. A new mixed-layer compound of the Aurivillius phase family with the highest phase transition temperature // Proceedings of the 10th International Youth Interdisciplinary Symposium " Physics of Lead-free Piezoactive and Related materials. Modeling of Eco-systems (Analysis of the Current State and Prospects of Development)", LFPM-2021”, 27-28 December, 2021, Rostov-on-Don, 2020, V.1,
P. 89-91
Zubkov S.V., Parinov I.A., Kuprina Y.A. Crystal structure and dielectric properties of Bi3Ti1.5W0.5O9 // Proceedings of the 10th International Youth Interdisciplinary Symposium " Physics of Lead-free Piezoactive and Related materials. Modeling of Eco-systems (Analysis of the Current State and Prospects of Development)", LFPM-2021”, 27-28 December, 2021, Rostov-on-Don, 2020, V.1, P. 92-94
Parinov I.A., Haldkar R. K., Cherpakov A. V. Modeling of axial-type piezoelectric power generator with active base // Proceedings of the 10th International Youth Interdisciplinary Symposium " Physics of Lead-free Piezoactive and Related materials. Modeling of Eco-systems (Analysis of the Current State and Prospects of Development)", LFPM-2021”, 27-28 December, 2021, Rostov-on-Don, 2020, V.1, P. 262-265
Vitaly. Yu. Topolov, Ashura N. Isaeva, Paolo Bisegna. Squared figures of merit and electromechanical coupling factors of a novel lead-free 1–3–0 composite for sensor and energy-harvesting applications // Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, (Q1, IF = 0.71), 2020, 112473
Tejkaran Narolia, Vijay K. Gupta, I. A. Parinov. Design and experimental study of rotary-type energy harvester // Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, vol. 31, Is. 13, P. 1594-1603 (2020) (Q1, IF = 0.7)
A.V.Nagaenko, Shun-Hsyung Chang, K.P.Andryushin, L.A.Shilkina, M.I.Mazuritskiy, I.N.Andryushina, E.V.Glazunova, A.A.Pavelko, Yu.A.Trusov, I.A.Verbenko, L.A.Reznichenko, I.A.Parinov. Multi-element ferroactive materials based on KNN-PZT compositions with fundamentally different physical properties // Heliyon, Vol. 6, Is. 2, February 2020, e03497, 14 p. (Q1, IF = 0.43)
J.Y. Zubarev, S.-H. Chang, C. Lin, N.A. Boldyrev, A.V. Pavlenko, A.V. Nazarenko, A.V. Nagaenko, Y.I. Yurasov, I.A. Verbenko, I.A. Parinov, L.A. Reznichenko. Phase states, microstructure and dielectric characteristics of solid solutions (1 – x)NaNbO3 – xCa2Nb2O7 and (1 – x)NaNbO3 – xSr2Nb2O7 // Heliyon, Vol. 6, Is. 10, October, 2020, e05197, 8 p. (Q1, IF = 0.43)
Chin-Feng Lin, Tsung-Jen Su, Hung-Kai Chang, Chun-Kang Lee, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, Sergey Shevtsov. Direct-Mapping-Based MIMO-FBMC Underwater Acoustic Communication Architecture for Multimedia Signals // Applied Sciences (MDPI). 2020, Vol. 10, No. 1, P. 233-246 (Q1, IF = 0.42
Sergey A. Stel’makh, Evgenii M. Shcherban, Anatolii I. Shuiskii, Al’bert Yu. Prokopov, Sergey M. Madatyan, Ivan A. Parinov Alexander V. Cherpakov. Effects of the Geometric Parameters of Mixer on the Mixing Process of Foam Concrete Mixture and Its Energy Efficiency // Applied Sciences (MDPI). 2020, Vol. 10, No. 22, 8055-8075 (Q1, IF = 0.42)
G. Ya. Karapetyan, I. A. Parinov, G. Parchi Thermoelectric converter based on metal-dielectric-semiconductor-metal structures for cooling processors // Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, Vol. 10, Nos. 1 and 2 (February and April 2020), 2060007, (Q2, IF = 0.35)
Yu. N. Zakharov, V. P. Sakhnenko, I. A. Parinov, I. P. Raevsky, M. A. Bunin, V. A. Chebanenko, M. A. Zaerko, E. I. Sitalo, A. A. Pavelko, L. I. Kiseleva. Possibilities of the practical use of a stationary strain gradient in the interelectrode volume of unpolarized ferroceramic plates // Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, Vol. 10, Nos. 1 and 2 (February and April 2020), 2060010 (Q2, IF = 0.35)
V. A. Chebanenko, I. V. Zhilyaev, A. N. Soloviev, A. V. Cherpakov, I. A. Parinov. Numerical optimization of the piezoelectric generators // Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, Vol. 10, Nos. 1 and 2 (February and April 2020), 2060016 (Q2, IF = 0.35)
Sidek Khasbulatov, Alexander Cherpakov, Ivan Parinov, Konstantin Andryushin, Lidiya Shlkina, Vladimir Aleshin, Inna Andryushina, Balabek Mardaliev, David Gordienko, Iliya Verbenko, Larisa Reznichenko. Destruction phenomena in ferroactive materials // Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, Vol. 10, No. 4 (2020) 2050012 (Q2, IF = 0.35)
Tejkaran Narolia, Vijay K. Gupta, I.A. Parinov. Design and analysis of a shear mode piezoelectric energy harvester for rotational motion system // Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2050008 (2020) (Q2, IF = 0.35)
Vitaly Yu. Topolov, Ashura N. Isaeva. Hydrostatic piezoelectric parameters of lead-free 2–0–2 composites with two single-crystal components: Waterfall-like orientation dependences // Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, Vol. 10, No. 4, (2020) 2050015 (8 pages) (Q2, IF = 0.35)
Á. Ã. Âàêóëîâ, Þ. Å. Äðîáîòîâ. Ïîòåíöèàë Ðèññà ñ ñóììèðóåìîé ïëîòíîñòüþ â ïðîñòðàíñòâàõ ïåðåìåííîé ãåëüäåðîâîñòè // Ìàòåìàòè÷åñêèå çàìåòêè, 2020, Ò. 108, Âûï. 5, Ñ. 669–678 (Q3, IF = 0.37) 00014346, 15738876
A.N. Soloviev, V.A. Chebanenko, I.V. Zhilyaev, A.V. Cherpakov, I.A. Parinov. Numerical optimization of the cantilever piezoelectric generator // Materials Physics and Mechanics, vol. 44, No.1, P. 94-102 (2020) (Q3, IF = 0.33)
V. Yu. Topolov, A. V. Krivoruchko, A. N. Isaeva, A. A. Panich Orientation effects and links between hydrostatic parameters in piezo-active 2–0–2 composites // Ferroelectrics, Vol. 567(1), P. 47-60, 2020 (Q3, IF = 0.26)
V. Yu. Topolov, A. N. Isaeva. Comparison of effective parameters of lead-free 1–3-type composites based on ferroelectric single crystals // Ferroelectrics, Vol. 567(1), P. 182-192, 2020 (Q3, IF = 0.26)
T. V. Polyakova, A. V. Cherpakov, I. A. Parinov, M. N. Grigoryan. Estimation of the output parameters of a numerical model of a cantilever-type piezoelectric generator with attached mass and active termination upon pulsed excitation // IOP Conference Series: Material Science Engineering, Vol. 913, 022014 (10 p.), 2020 (IF = 0.2)
I. P. Miroshnichenko, I. A. Parinov, V. P. Sizov. Chapter 18. Universal Technique to Determine the Intensity of the Optical Fields, Generated by Laser Interference Meter of Displacements. P. 203-226, In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2019, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 6, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Banh Tien Long (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2020. – 621 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-45119-6
Anatoly S. Yudin. Chapter 34. Shell with Auxetic Properties in the Model Taking into Account the Transverse Shear. P. 415-428, In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2019, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 6, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Banh Tien Long (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2020. – 621 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-45119-6
A. V. Cherpakov, P. V. Vasiliev, A. N. Soloviev, I. A. Parinov, B. V. Sobol. Chapter 36. The Study of Stratification of Multilayer Structures Based on Finite Element Modeling and Neural Network Technologies. P. 439-447, In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2019, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 6, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Banh Tien Long (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2020. – 621 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-45119-6
Tejkaran Narolia, Vijay K. Gupta, Ivan A. Parinov. Chapter 41. On Extraction of Energy from Rotating Objects. P. 503-511, In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2019, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 6, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Banh Tien Long (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2020. – 621 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-45119-6
Chin-Feng Lin, Tsung-Jen Su, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, Sergey N. Shevtsov. Chapter 49. Direct Mapping Based FBMC-LDPC Advanced Underwater Acoustic Transmission Scheme for Data Signals. P. 597-603, In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2019, Springer Proceedings in Materials, V. 6, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Banh Tien Long (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 2020. – 621 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-45119-6
Vakulov B. G., Drobotov Y. E. Riesz. Potential with Logarithmic Kernel in Generalized Holder Spaces: Theorems on Inversion and Isomorphisms. P. 275-296. In: Skrinjaric, T., Cizmesija, M., & Christiansen, B. (Eds.), Recent Applications of Financial Risk Modelling and Portfolio Management. IGI Global. (2020)
Harjo Seputro, Eko Surojo, Dody Ariawan, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang. Chapter 6. Corrosion Behavior of Bottom Ash Particle Reinforced 6061 Aluminum Alloy Production by Squeeze Casting for Bolts and Nuts Applications. P. 45-56. In: Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Banh Tien Long (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2020. 528 p., ISBN: 978-1-53618-255-2
Maula Nafi, Harjo Seputro, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang. Chapter 8. Effect of T6 Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al 6061 Reinforced with Bottom Ash Particles by Squeeze Casting. P. 67-77. In: Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Banh Tien Long (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2020. 528 p., ISBN: 978-1-53618-255-2
I.P. Miroshnichenko, I.A. Parinov, V.P. Sizov. Chapter 16. Computational and Theoretical Justification of a Promising Optical Interference Device for Contactless Measurements of the Displacements of Control Object Surface. P. 147-155. In: Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Banh Tien Long (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2020. 528 p., ISBN: 978-1-53618-255-2
A.N. Soloviev, A. V. Cherpakov, I.A. Parinov, V.A. Chebanenko, Ya.A. Kokareva, E.V. Rozhkov. Chapter 25. Simulation of the Cantilever-type PEG with Proof Mass and Active Pinching at Pulse Excitation. P. 239-248. In: Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Banh Tien Long (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2020. 528 p., ISBN: 978-1-53618-255-2
S. A. Stel’makh, E. M. Shcherban, M. P. Nazhuev, A. V. Cherpakov, I. A. Parinov, Chapter 30. Experimental and Theoretical Approach to Assessing the Strength Properties of Layered Tubular Constructions Made of Heavy Concrete. P. 291-298. In: Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Banh Tien Long (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2020. 528 p., ISBN: 978-1-53618-255-2
A. V. Cherpakov, O. V. Shilyaeva, N. A. Papadichev, Y. I. Olegash, I. V. Rudakov, I. V. Veleva, A. A. Hovakimyan, D. V. Sholokhova, I. A. Parinov. Chapter 31. Modeling the Process of Stratification of Multilayer Constructions Using the Finite Element Approach. P. 299-307. In: Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Banh Tien Long (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2020. 528 p., ISBN: 978-1-53618-255-2
A.S. Bagdasaryan, V.G. Dneprovski, I.A. Parinov. Chapter 36. Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors of Vibration. P. 351-358. In: Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Banh Tien Long (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2020. 528 p., ISBN: 978-1-53618-255-2
O. Yu. Goncharov, N. A. Zhdanov, A. V. Cherpakov. Chapter 53. Improving the Drive of a Car. P. 505-511. In: Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Banh Tien Long (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2020. 528 p., ISBN: 978-1-53618-255-2
Soloviev A. N., Cherpakov A.V., Vasiliev P. V., Parinov I. A., Kirillova E. V. Neural network technology for identifying the size of a defect in a half-plane based on time and positional scanning // Advanced Engineering Research. 2020, V.20(3), P. 205-215
E. I. Sitalo, Yu. N. Zakharov, I. A. Parinov, V. A. Chebanenko. Investigation of unipolarity arising in a thin non-polarized ferroelectric ceramic plate after applying electrodes with different valence // Proceedings of the Ninth International Youth Interdisciplinary Symposium " Physics of Lead-free Piezoactive and Related materials. Modeling of Eco-systems (Analysis of the Current State and Prospects of Development)", LFPM-2020”, 28-30 December, 2020, Rostov-on-Don, 2020, V.2, P. 101-104
A. N. Soloviev, I. A. Parinov, A.V. Cherpakov, V. A. Chebanenko, S.-H. Chang, M. A. Jani. Measuring complex for the study of a cantilever piezo generator with two types of piezo elements and a rotating drive
// Proceedings of the Ninth International Youth Interdisciplinary Symposium " Physics of Lead-free Piezoactive and Related materials. Modeling of Eco-systems (Analysis of the Current State and Prospects of Development)", LFPM-2020”, 28-30 December, 2020, Rostov-on-Don, 2020, V.2, P.186-191
I. A. Parinov, B. T. Long, N.T.H. Minh, N. D. Toan, S. H. Chang (Eds.). 2019 International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 7 – 10, 2019, Hanoi University of Science and Technology: Hanoi. 2019. – 379 p. ISBN: 978-604-913-906-2
J.Y.Zubarev, Shun-Hsyung Chang, L.A.Shilkina, M.I.Mazuritskiy, A.P.Budnyk, A.V.Nazarenko, S.I.Dudkina, O.N.Razumovskaya, L.A.Reznichenko, I.A.Parinov. Intercalation of water molecules from the air into perovskite and layered structures formed in the system of NaNbO3–Ca2Nb2O7 // Heliyon, Vol. 5, Is. 11, November 2019, e02786, 11 p. (Q1, IF = 0.43)
A.N. Soloviev, V.A. Chebanenko, I.A. Parinov, P.A. Oganesyan. APPLIED THEORY OF BENDING VIBRATIONS OF A PIEZOELECTRIC BIMORPH WITH A QUADRATIC ELECTRIC POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTION // Materials Physics and Mechanics, Vol. 42, No. 1, P. 65-73, 2019 (Q3, IF = 0.21)
A. V. Cherpakov, O. V. Shilyaeva, M. N. Grigoryan, T. V. Polyakova. Simulation of wave processes in the multilayer structure surface layer properties identification by the finite element method // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 698, 066021, 2019, 5 p. (IF = 0.19)
A. V. Cherpakov, Ya. A. Kokareva. Modal analysis of the cantilever type piezo-electric generator characteristics with active based on numerical simulation // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 698, 066020, 2019, 5 p. (IF = 0.19)
I.P. Miroshnichenko, I. A. Parinov, V. P. Sizov. On increasing the noise immunity of micro acoustic-mechanical gyroscope // E3S Web of Conferences, SES-2019, Vol. 124, 03011, 2019, 4 p. (IF = 0.17)
I.P. Miroshnichenko, I. A. Parinov, T. P. Savostina, V. P. Sizov. Optical Device for Measuring Small Displacements of Control Objects Surfaces with Protection from External Mechanical Loading // E3S Web of Conferences, SES-2019, Vol. 124, 03012, 2019, 5 p. (IF = 0.17)
I. P. Miroshnichenko, I. A. Parinov. Development and justification of optical device for contactless measurement of the displacements of control object surfaces // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 572, 012065, 2019, 9 p. (IF = 0.19)
Sanchit Kondawar, Dattatray J. Late, Rajashree S. Anwane, Subhash B. Kondawar, Pankaj Koinkar, Ivan A. Parinov. Chapter 1. Facile Process for Ammonia Sensing Using Electrospun Polyvinylidene Fluoride/Polyaniline (PVDF/PANI) Nanofibers Chemiresister. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2018, Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 224, P. 3-15, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland. Àugust, 2019. – 666 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-19893-0
N.I. Buravchuk, O.V. Guryanova, M. A. Jani, E. P. Putri. Chapter 13. The Influence of the Activity of the Mineral Additives on Physico-mechanical Properties of Concrete Compositions. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2018, Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 224, P. 147-159, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland. Àugust, 2019. – 666 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-19893-0
Yu.N. Zakharov, V.P. Sakhnenko, I.P. Raevsky, I.A. Parinov, A.V. Pavlenko, V.A. Chebanenko, N.S. Filatova, M.A. Zaerko, E.I. Sitalo, L.I. Kiseleva. Chapter 18. Properties of Unipolarity Arising in an Unpolarized Ferroelectric Plate After Creating a Stationary Strain Gradient in the Interelectrode Space. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2018, Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 224, P. 239-249, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland. Àugust, 2019. – 666 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-19893-0
I.P. Miroshnichenko, I.A. Parinov, V.P. Sizov. Chapter 36. Stress-Strain State in Transverse Isotropic Plane-Layered Constructions at Pulse Impacts. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2018, Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 224, P. 473-486, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland. Àugust, 2019. – 666 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-19893-0
M.E. Kutepov, V.E. Kaydashev, G. Ya. Karapetyan, D.A. Zhilin, T.A. Minasyan, A.S. Anokhin, A.V. Chernyshev, K.G. Abdulvakhidov, E.V. Glazunova, V.A. Irkha, E.M. Kaidashev.
Chapter 41. Optimization of Zn1-x-yMgxAlyO Film Properties to Use in Deep UV SAW Photodetector. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2018, Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 224, P. 537-543, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland. Àugust, 2019. – 666 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-19893-0
M.S. Shevtsova, E.V. Kirillova, E.V. Rozhkov, V.A. Chebanenko, I.E. Andzhikovich, S.-H. Chang. Chapter 43. Propagation Behaviour of Acoustic Waves Excited by a Circular PZT-Actuator in Thin CFRP Plate with an Orthotropic Symmetry. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2018, Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 224, P. 557-592, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland. 2019. – 666 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-19893-0
A.V.Cherpakov, I.A. Parinov, A.N. Soloviev, E.V. Rozhkov. Chapter 44. Experimental Studies of Cantilever Type PEG with Proof Mass and Active Clamping. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2018, Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 224, P. 593-601, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland. 2019. – 666 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-19893-0
Tejkaran Narolia, V. K. Gupta, I.A. Parinov. Chapter 45. A Novel Design for Piezoelectric Based Harvester for Rotating Objects. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2018, Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 224, P. 603-614, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland. 2019. – 666 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-19893-0
Chin-Feng Lin, Chun-Kang Li, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, Sergey Shevtsov. Chapter 50. Direct Mapping FBMC Based Underwater Transmission Scheme for Audio Signals. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2018, Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 224, P. 651-659, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland. 2019. – 666 p. ISBN: 978-3-030-19893-0
N.I. Buravchuk, O.V. Guryanova, M. A. Jani, E. P. Putri. Chapter 5. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Concrete Based on Technogenic Raw Materials for Creating Monolithic Structures. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, P. 39-48, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2019. - 462 p., ISBN: 978-1-53615-862-5
A.S. Bagdasaryan, V.G. Dneprovski, G.Y. Karapetyan, I.A. Parinov. Chapter 20. Materials for Surface Acoustic Wave Devices: Aspects for Development. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, P. 159-166, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2019. - 462 p., ISBN: 978-1-53615-862-5
I.P. Miroshnichenko, I.A. Parinov, V.P. Sizov. Chapter 22. Experimental Study of Optical Interference Meter for Small Displacements. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, P. 175-183, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2019. – 462 p., ISBN: 978-1-53615-862-5
A.S. Yudin, D.V. Shchitov. Chapter 24. Reduction of Stresses in the Shell by the Plastic Change of its Form. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, P. 199-207, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2019. - 462 p., ISBN: 978-1-53615-862-5
A.V. Cherpakov, O.V. Shilyaeva, I.A. Parinov, A.V. Nesterenko, Yu. A. Chaika, A.N. Soloviev, E.V. Rozhkov. Chapter 25. Modeling of dynamic processes in wall construction with defect in the form of crack. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, P. 209-216, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2019. - 462 p., ISBN: 978-1-53615-862-5
A.V. Cherpakov, S.A. Stel'makh, E.M.Shcherban', M.P. Nazhuev, I.A. Parinov. Chapter 26. Computational and Experimental Approach to the Evaluation of the Properties of Concrete Cylindrical Tube Based on the Vibrodiagnostic Method. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, P. 217-226, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2019. - 462 p., ISBN: 978-1-53615-862-5
E.A. Shlyakhova, I.O. Egorochkina, A.V. Cherpakov. Chapter 27. Expanding Additive to Repair Compositions for Restoration of Power Line Supports. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, P. 227-232, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2019. - 462 p., ISBN: 978-1-53615-862-5
I.P. Miroshnichenko, I.A. Parinov, V.P. Sizov. Chapter 30. Features of the Interference Patterns, Generated by Laser Interferometer, by Using Different Types of Beam-splitters. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, P. 251-259, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2019. - 462 p., ISBN: 978-1-53615-862-5
G. A. Zhuravlev, Yu. E. Drobotov. Chapter 33. The Effect of the Curvature of Geometric Concentrator on Reducing Stress Concentration. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, P. 279-288, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2019. - 462 p., ISBN: 978-1-53615-862-5
G.A. Zhuravlev, T.M. Andreeva, Yu.E. Drobotov. Chapter 34. Contact Approach of Elastic Bodies and Effects of Material Properties on Its Features. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, P. 289-295, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2019. - 462 p., ISBN: 978-1-53615-862-5
A.V.Cherpakov, I.A. Parinov, A.N. Soloviev, E.V. Rozhkov. Chapter 38. Investigation of the Output Characteristics of Cantilever Type PEG with Proof Mass and Active Fixing under Low-frequency Harmonic Loading. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, P. 325-333, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2019. - 462 p., ISBN: 978-1-53615-862-5
V.G. Dneprovski, E.M. Kaidashev, G.Y. Karapetyan. Chapter 39. Characteristics of UV Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors Based on Zinc Oxide. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, P. 335-341, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2019. - 462 p., ISBN: 978-1-53615-862-5
G. Ya. Karapetyan, M. E. Kutepov T. A. Minasyan, E. M. Kaidashev. Chapter 40. UV Photodetector Based on ZnO Film as an External Impedance for SAW Sensor. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, P. 343-349, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2019. - 462 p., ISBN: 978-1-53615-862-5
A.S. Yudin. Chapter 41. Simulation of the Work of Flat Jack in Large Displacements. In: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, P. 351-359, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yun-Hae Kim (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2019. - 462 p., ISBN: 978-1-53615-862-5
O. V. Shilyaeva, A.V. Cherpakov, K. K. Kuralesin, D. S. Ilyina. Modeling an approach to image compression algorithmization // Engineering Vestnik of Don. 2019. No. 1, 8p.
A.V. Cherpakov, O. V. Shilyaeva, S. Yu. Botkin, E. V. Garyaev, R. S. Karmatskikh, V. A. Lynnik. Modeling of oscillations under the impulse loading of a multilayer structure in the Ansys complex // Engineering Vestnik of Don. 2019. No. 6, 7p.
A.V. Cherpakov, Shilyaeva, O. V., I. A., Zenkovsky, A. V. Ponomarenko, K. V. Shentsova, J. A. Kokareva. Parametric modeling of the floor slab in the Ansys complex // Engineering Vestnik of Don. 2019. No. 7, 7p.
SOLOVIEV A. N., CHEBANENKO V. A., PARINOV I. A., OGANESYAN P. A. Investigation of bimorph plate oscillation with account for the non-linearity of the electric potential // SCIENCE of the SOUTH of RUSSIA, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2019, P. 3-11 (IF = 0.386)
I. A. Parinov, T. Narolia, V. K. Gupta, S.-H. Chang PERSPECTIVE MODEL of a PIEZOELECTRIC HARVESTER BASED on ROTATING OBJECTS / / Proceedings of the EIGHTH international YOUTH SYMPOSIUM "PHYSICS of LEAD-FREE PIEZOACTIVE and RELATED MATERIALS" (Analysis of the current state and prospects for development), LFPM-2019", September 25-27, 2019, Rostov-on-Don, 2019, Vol. 2, P. 76-85
Yun-Hae Kim, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang (Eds.). Abstracts & Schedule of the 2018 International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications” (9-11 August, 2018, Busan, South Korea), Korea Maritime and Ocean University Press: Busan. 2018. – 440 p. ISBN: 978-89-5562-598-1
Konstantin P. Andryushin, Inna N. Andryshina, Lidiya A. Shilkina, Svetlana I. Dudkina, Iliya A. Verbenko, Larisa A. Reznichenko, Mihail I. Mazuritskiy, Alexandr V. Nagaenko, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Hung-Yu Wang. Thermodynamic Prehistory in the Formation of the Internal Structure of Highly Stable Ferroelectric Materials // Applied Sciences, 2018, Vol. 8, No. 10, 1897 (11 p.) (Q2, IF=1,689)
A.G. Abubakarov, A.V. Pavlenko, L.A. Shilkina, A.V. Turik, I.A. Verbenko, L.A. Reznichenko, K.P. Andryushin, I.N. Andryushina, H.A. Sadykov, I.A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Hung-Yu Wang. Structurization, Phase Rule Diagram, Relaxation Processes and Radio-Absorbing Properties of Solid Solutions Based on a Binary System BaNb2O6-SrNb2O6 // Applied Sciences, 2018, Vol. 8, No. 10, 1932 (9 p.) (Q2, IF=1,689)
Igor P. Miroshnichenko, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Hung-Yu Wang. Determination of the Electromagnetic Field on the Surface of the Beam Splitter of Laser Interferometer by Measuring the Displacements of Control Object Surfaces // Applied Sciences, 2018, Vol. 8, No. 11, 2137 (11 p.) (Q2, IF=1,689)
Aleksey Pavelko, Sidek Khasbulatov, Larisa Reznichenko, Lidia Shilkina, Haji Gadjiev, Abumuslim Bakmaev, Zairbek Omarov, Iliya Verbenko, Vladimir Alyoshin, Ivan Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang. Hung-Yu Wang. Features of the Formation of the Crystal Structure, Grain Structure, Dielectric and Thermophysical Properties of Bismuth Ferrite Doped with Erbium // Applied Sciences, 2018, Vol. 8, No. 11, 2183 (7 p.) (Q2, IF=1,689)
A.N. Soloviev, V.A. Chebanenko, I.A. Parinov. Chapter 5. Mathematical Modelling of Piezoelectric Generators on the Base of the Kantorovich Method. P. 227-258. In: Analysis and Modelling of Advanced Structures and Smart Systems, Series: Advanced Structured Materials. Holm Altenbach, Erasmo Carrera, Gennady Kulikov (Eds.). Singapore: Springer Nature, 2018, 366 p. ISBN 978-981-10-6895-9
I.P. Miroshnichenko, I.A. Parinov. On Increasing Quality of Measurement Results at Testing State of Construction Materials. P. 663-671. In: Advances in Structural Integrity.Springer - Proceedings of SICE-2016, Series: Mechanical Engineering. R. V. Prakash, V. Jayaram, A. Saxena, 2018, 702 p. ISBN: 978-981-10-7196-6
A.N.Soloviev, I.A. Parinov, A.V.Cherpakov, V.A.Chebanenko, E.V.Rozhkov, L.V.Duong. Analysis of the performance of the cantilever type piezoelectric generator based on finite element modeling P. 291-301. In: Advances in Structural Integrity.Springer - Proceedings of SICE-2016, Series: Mechanical Engineering. R. V. Prakash, V. Jayaram, A. Saxena, 2018, 702 p. ISBN: 978-981-10-7196-6
Lambrescu I., Chebanenko V. A., Gusakov D. V., Morgunova A.V. Assessment of the reinforcement capacity of composite repair systems. P.321-338. In: Non-Destructive Testing and Repair of Pipelines. E. N. Barkanov, A. Dumitrescu, I. A. Parinov (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. 2018
Hoang-Yang Lu, Mao-Hsu Yen, Bo-Sing Chen, Ruo-Ya Huang, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Ivan A. Parinov. Fast Symbol Detection for Massive G-STBC MIMO Systems // Wireless Personal Communications. July 2018, Vol. 101, Is. 1, pp 223–237 (Q3, IF = 1.2)
Chin-Feng Lin, Yi-Tai Hung, Hsun-Wei Lu, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, Sergey Shevtsov. FBMC/LDPC-Based Underwater Transceiver Architecture for Voice and Image Transmission // Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 327-334 (2018) (Q3, IF = 0.372)
V. P. Sakhnenko, Yu. N. Zakharov, A. G. Lutokhin, I. A. Parinov, N. S. Filatova, I. P. Raevski, V. A. Chebanenko, E. V. Rozhkov, A. V. Pavlenko, M. A. Bunin & E. S. Rodinin. Studies of the unipolarity arising in the non-poled ferroelectric ceramics with electrodes from different metals on the opposite sides // Ferroelectrics, (2018) Vol. 525, No. 1, 187-191 (Q3, IF = 0.728)
I. P. Miroshnichenko1, I. A. Parinov. Development of a New Optical Measuring Set-Up // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 374, 012052 (8p.), 2018 (IF = 0.5)
G. A. Zhuravlev, Yu. E. Drobotov, A. S. Piskunov, S.V. Maksimets. The Comparative Evaluation of Precision Classical and Numerical Solutions of Contact Problems // Materials Physics and Mechanics, Vol. 37, No. 1, P. 84-91, 2018 (Q3, IF = 0.310)
A.N. Soloviev, I.A. Parinov, A.V. Cherpakov, V.A. Chebanenko, E.V. Rozhkov. Analysing the Output Characteristics of a Double-console PEG Based on Numerical Simulation // Materials Physics and Mechanics, Vol. 37, No. 2, P. 168-175, 2018 (Q3, IF = 0.310)
A.S. Yudin. Plastic forming model for axisymmetric shells // Materials Physics and Mechanics, Vol. 37, No. 2, P. 176-183, 2018 (Q3, IF = 0.310)
I.P. Miroshnichenko. Investigation of the features of stress-strain state in layered cylindrical constructions, manufactured of transverse-isotropic materials, under pulse impact. // Materials Physics and Mechanics, Vol. 37, No. 2, P. 184-191, 2018 (Q3, IF = 0.310)
A.N. Soloviev, I.A. Parinov, A.V. Cherpakov, Yu.A. Chayka, E.V. Rozhkov. Analysis of Oscillation Forms at Defect Identification in Node of Truss Based on Finite Element Modeling // Materials Physics and Mechanics Vol. 37, No. 2, 192-197, 2018 (Q3, IF = 0.310)
V.P. Sakhnenko, Yu.N. Zakharov, I.A. Parinov, A.G. Lutokhin, E.V. Rozhkov, N.S. Filatova, I.P. Raevski, V.A. Chebanenko, A.V. Pavlenko, L.I. Kiseleva, E.S. Rodinin. Chapter 25. Electric Response to Bending Vibrations and Pyroelectric Effect in Unpolarized Ferroelectric Ceramic Plates with Electrodes, Differing in the Magnitude of the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion on Opposite Surfaces. P. 161-169. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2017, Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 207, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Vijay K. Gupta (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. 2018
G. Ya. Karapetyan, I. A. Parinov. Chapter 41. Thermoelectric Converter Based on Metal – Dielectric. P. 515-532. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2017, Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 207, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Vijay K. Gupta (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. 2018
Maula Nafi, Muaffaq A. Jani, Retno Hastijanti, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang. Chapter 50. The Application of Bottom Ash Reinforced Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite for Motorcycle Disc Brake Semiconductor – Metal Structures and its Experimental Investigation. P. 631-635. In: Advanced Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications”, PHENMA 2017, Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 207, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Vijay K. Gupta (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. 2018
G.Ya. Karapetyan, V.E. Kaydashev, M.E. Kutepov, T. A. Minasyan, E.M. Kaidashev. Chapter 39. Study of SAW Reflections from IDT, Loaded on Impedance of Zinc Oxide Film Changing via UV Radiation. P. 275-282. In: Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Vijay K. Gupta (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2018
V.G. Dneprovski, E.M. Kaidashev, G.Y. Karapetyan. Chapter 57. Features of Designs of Ultraviolet Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors, Based on ZnO Films and Nanoelements. P. 427-434. In: Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Vijay K. Gupta (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2018
A.S. Bagdasaryan, V.G. Dneprovski, G.Y. Karapetyan, I.A. Parinov. Chapter 58. To Issue on High Power Surface Acoustic Wave Filters. P. 435-440. In: Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Vijay K. Gupta (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2018
M. E. Kutepov, G. Y. Karapetyan, V. E. Kaydashev, D. A. Zhilin, E. M. Kaidashev. Chapter 59. Enhanced Sensitivity of SAW UV photo-detector Based on Multiple Acoustic Reflections. P. 441-448. In: Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Vijay K. Gupta (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2018.
Chin-Feng Lin, Yi-Tai Hung, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, S. N. Shevtsov. Chapter 65. FBMC-Based Underwater Transmission Scheme for Voice Signals. P. 483-488. In: Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Vijay K. Gupta (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2018
A.I. Zotov, V. V. Gritsenko, A. V. Cherpakov. Partial failure in reliability theory // Engineering Vestnik of Don, No. 4 (2018)
A. V. Cherpakov, O. V. Shilyaeva, A. V. Nesterenko, A. V. Ponomarenko, K. V. Shentsova, V. E. Geras’kina. Simulation of wave processes in wall construction with defect in the form of crack // Engineering Vestnik of Don, No. 4 (2018)
V. V. Vislyugin, I. A. Parinov. ON THE PROBLEM OF OPTIMIZATION OF HEAT SUPPLY OF APARTMENT HOUSES // Innovations and Expertise, No.3 (24), P. 100 – 120, 2018
A. V. Cherpakov, V.A. Chebanenko, E.V. Rozhkov, I. A. Parinov, S.-H. Chang, M. A. Jani. RESEARCH OF EFFICIENCY OF WORK OF THE CANTILEVER-TYPE PIEZOELECTRIC GENERATOR WITH ACTIVE BASE // International symposium “Physics of lead-free piezo-active and relative materials (Analysis of current state and prospects of development), LFPM-2018”, 20-24 September, 2018, Tuapse, V. 2, P. 364-366
Vijay K. Gupta, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang (Eds.). Abstracts & Schedule of the 2017 International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications” (14-16 October, 2017, Jabalpur, India), PDPM Press: Jabalpur. 2017. – 355 p. ISBN: 978-6029077407
V.G. Dneprovski, E.M. Kaidashev, G.Y. Karapetyan. Chapter 15. Deposition of ZnO Thin Films, Nanowires, and Nanoparticles for Surface Acoustic Wave Ultraviolet Sensors. P. 105-110. In: Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Muaffaq A. Jani (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2017
V. A. Chebanenko, D. V. Gusakov, I. Lambrescu, A.V. Morgunova. Chapter 59. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF THE STATIC PROBLEM FOR A PIPE WITH TWO VOLUMETRIC SURFACE DEFECTS. P. 423-429. IN: Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Muaffaq A. Jani (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2017
A.N. Soloviev, A.V.Cherpakov, I.O.Egorochkina, E.A.Shlyakhova, I.A. Parinov. Chapter 61. ANALYTICAL MODELING INFLUENCE OF DEFECTS IN THE BASE OF Transmission Tower ON THE PARAMETERS OF ITS OWN TRANSVERSE VIBRATIONS. P. 439-446. IN: Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Muaffaq A. Jani (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2017
G.Ya. Karapetyan, E.M. Kaidashev. Chapter 70. Investigation of the Wireless Reading from Signal Passive SAW Sensors with Reflective Interdigital Transducers. P. 513-518. In: Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Muaffaq A. Jani (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2017
Chin-Feng Lin, Yao-Ching Chung, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Chan-Chuan Wen, Ivan A. Parinov, S. N. Shevtsov. Chapter 84. Time-Frequency Features of Click I of Sperm Whale Using HHT Analysis Method. P. 619-624. In: Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Muaffaq A. Jani (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2017
Gevork.Ya. Karapetyan, Ivan.A. Parinov, Nikolay.S. Runkevich, Guido Parchi. Chapter 19. Thermovoltaic effect in field effect metal-dielectric-semiconductor-metal structure. P. 219-227. In: Advanced Materials - Techniques, Physics, Mechanics and Applications, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Muaffaq A. Jani (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. 2017
A.V.Cherpakov, M.I. Chebakov, G. Zecheru, A. Dumitrescu. Chapter 31. MODELING OF CORROSION IN FILLER DEFECT IN THE REPAIR OF PIPES OVERLAY COMPOSITE BANDAGE. P. 373-380. IN: Advanced Materials - Techniques, Physics, Mechanics and Applications, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Muaffaq A. Jani (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. 2017
I.P. Miroshnichenko. Chapter. 36. Definition of Stress-Strain State in Layered Cylindrical Constructions at Pulse Loading // Advanced Materials - Techniques, Physics, Mechanics and Applications. Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 193 / Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Muaffaq A. Jani (Eds.).- Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham, 2017.- pp. 435-443
A.N. Soloviev, V.A. Chebanenko, Yu. N. Zakharov, E.V. Rozhkov, I.A. Parinov, Vijay Kumar Gupta. Chapter 41. Study of the output characteristics of ferroelectric ceramic beam made from non-polarized ceramics PZT-19: experiment and modeling. P. 485-499. In: Advanced Materials - Techniques, Physics, Mechanics and Applications, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Muaffaq A. Jani (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. 2017
Chin-Feng Lin, Shi-Chun Lee, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Chung-Cheng Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, Sergey N. Shevtsov. Chapter 47. IMF Features of BCI FP1 EEG Signal Using EMD Methods for Cerebral Palsy. P. 565-575. In: Advanced Materials - Techniques, Physics, Mechanics and Applications, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Muaffaq A. Jani (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. 2017
I.P. Miroshnichenko, I.A. Parinov, J.-K. Wu, W.-L. Hong, M.-Y. Yeh. Chapter 49. Novel Optical Interference Means to Measure Small Linear and Angular Displacements of Control Object Surfaces. P. 591-606. In: Advanced Materials - Techniques, Physics, Mechanics and Applications, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Muaffaq A. Jani (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. 2017
I P Miroshnichenko, I A Parinov. Scientific Ground of a New Optical Device for Contactless Measurement of the Small Spatial Displacements of Control Object Surfaces // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 209 (2017), 012054 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/209/1/012054
Chin-Feng Lin, Yao-Ching Chung, Jin-De Zhu, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Chan-Chuan Wen, Ivan A. Parinov, S. N. Shevtsov. The energy based characteristics of sperm whale clicks using the Hilbert Huang transform analysis method // J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 142 (2), August (2017), 504-511
Duong, L. V., Pham, M. T., Chebanenko, V. A., Solovyev, A. N., & Nguyen, C. V. Finite Element Modeling and Experimental Studies of Stack-Type Piezoelectric Energy Harvester // International Journal of Applied Mechanics.2017, Vol. 9, No. 6, p. 1750084
Cherpakov A., Egorochkina I., Shlyakhova E., Kharitonov A., Zarovny A., Dobrohodskaya S. Using technique vibration diagnostics for assessing the quality of power transmission line supports repairs, MATEC Web of Conferences, 106, 04009 (2017)
V. A. Akop’yan, G. Ya. Karapet’yan. Experimental Study of Field-Effect Transistors in Charge-Discharge Mode of a Substrate Capacitor // Measurement Techniques, December 2016, Volume 59, Issue 9, pp 979–98
B.-S. Chen, R.-Y. Huang, H.-Y. Lu, M.-H. Yen, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Ivan A. Parinov. Fast Symbol Detection for Massive G-STBC MIMOs // Proc. 60th MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference in Aberdeen, Scotland from 19 –22 June 2017, 5 p.
Egorochkina I. O., Shlyakhova E. A., Cherpakov A. V., Zarovny A. G., Kucherenko D. Yu., Lezhnev V. N. Estimation Criterion of the Quality of Repair Works for Support Beams of Transmission Energy Lines // Engineering Vestnik of Don. 2017. V. 44. No. 1 (44). 7p.
Kosenko E. E., Cherpakov A. V., Kosenko V. V., Nedoluzhko A. I. Estimation Methods of Exploring Reliability of Cars // Engineering Vestnik of Don. 2017. V. 44. No. 3 (46). 8p.
A. V. Cherpakov, V. A. Chebanenko, E. V. Rozhkov, I. A. Parinov, S.-H. Chang, M. A. Jani. Test Approach TO Study of Piezoelectric Generator of Cantilever Type with Improved characteristics // International symposium “Physics of lead-free piezo-active and relative materials (Analysis of current state and prospects of development), LFPM-2017”, 2-6 Septenber, 2017, Tuapse, V. 2, P.335-341
Muaffaq A. Jani, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang (Eds.). Abstracts & Schedule of the 2016 International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications” (19-22 July, 2016, Surabaya, Indonesia), UNTAG Press: Surabaya. 2016. – 346 p. ISBN: 978-6029077407
V.G. Dneprovski, G.Ya. Karapetyan. Chapter 14. Features of Technology of SAW Devices. In: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, devoted to 100-th Anniversary of the Southern Federal University, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, P. 95-102
V.V. Deryushev, E.E. Kosenko, V.V. Kosenko, A.V. Cherpakov, M.M. Zaitseva, L.E. Kondratova, S.V. Teplyakova. Chapter 66. MODELING OF STRESS STATE OF WELDED JOINT IN PIPELINE TAKING INTO ACCOUNT UNEVEN DISTRIBUTION OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES . In: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, devoted to 100-th Anniversary of the Southern Federal University, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, P. 5011-507
A.N. Soloviev, A.V.Cherpakov, I.A.Parinov. Chapter 68. BASED ON ANALYTICAL MODELING IDENTIFYING THE LOCATION OF MULTIPLE CRACKS IN THE ROD CONSTRUCTION. In: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, devoted to 100-th Anniversary of the Southern Federal University, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, P. 515-520
A.N. Soloviev, A.V.Cherpakov, E.V. Rozkov, I.A.Parinov. Chapter 69. VIBRODIAGNOSTICS OF TRUSS MODEL WITH DAMAGES. EXPERIMENT In: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, devoted to 100-th Anniversary of the Southern Federal University, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, P. 521-529
G. Ya. Karapetyan, V. G. Dneprovski, I. A. Parinov, G. Parchi. Chapter 23. Effect of Electric Field on the EMF in the System “Electrode – Electrolyte – Capacitor Electrode”. P. 329-340. In: Advanced Materials - Manufacturing, Physics, Mechanics and Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. 2016. - 707 p., ISBN: 978-3319263229
I. P. Miroshnichenko, I. A. Parinov, E. V. Rozhkov, S.-H. Chang. Chapter 24. Mathematical Models, Program Software, Technical and Technological Solutions for Measurement of Displacements of the Control Object Surfaces by Laser Interferometer. P. 341-356. In: Advanced Materials - Manufacturing, Physics, Mechanics and Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. 2016. - 707 p., ISBN: 978-3319263229
S. Shevtsov, V. Akopyan, E. Rozhkov, V. Chebanenko, C.-C. Yang, C.-Y. Jenny Lee, C.-X. Kuo. Chapter 45. Optimization of the Electric Power Harvesting System Based on the Piezoelectric Stack Transducer. P. 639-650. In: Advanced Materials - Manufacturing, Physics, Mechanics and Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. 2016. - 707 p., ISBN: 978-3319263229
Chin-Feng Lin, Jin-De Zhu, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Chan-Chuan Wen, Ivan A. Parinov, S. N. Shevtsov. Chapter 50. HHT-Based Time-Frequency Features in the Berardius Baird Whistles. P. 687-693. In: Advanced Materials - Manufacturing, Physics, Mechanics and Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. 2016. - 707 p., ISBN: 978-3319263229
A. V. Cherpakov, A. N. Soloviev, V. V. Gritsenko, and O. U. Goncharov Damages Identification in the Cantilever-based on the Parameters of the Natural Oscillations // Defence Science Journal, Vol. 66, No. 1, January 2016, pp. 44-50
Akopyan V. A., Karapetyan G.Ya., Test Study of Field Transistors in Charge-Discharge Mode of Drain Capacitor // Measurement Techniques,
No. 9, 2016, P.49-52
V.G. Dneprovski, G.Ya. Karapetyan, V. F. Kataev, N. V. Ermolaeva. A device for reading images on surface acoustic waves using fan interdigital pins on a cadmium sulfide substrate //Vestnik of th National Research Nuclear University (MEPI), V. 5, No. 2, 2016, P. 110-115
A. N. Soloviev, Lr Van Zyong, V. A. Akopyan, w, v, Rozhkov, V. A. Chebanenko. Computer simulation of test on pulse impact on piezoelectric generator of stack type
// Vestnik of DSTU. 2016. No. 1(84), P. 19-26
Ivan Parinov, Igor Miroshnichenko. On Increasing Quality of Measurement Results at Testing State of Construction Materials // First Structural Integrity Conference and Exhibition (SICE-2016), Bangalore, India, July 4-6, 2016, P.83
Ivan Parinov, Valery Chebanenko, Alexander Cherpakov, Evgeny Rozhkov, Arkady Soloviev Analysis of performance of the cantilever type piezoelectric generator based on finite element modeling // First Structural Integrity Conference and Exhibition (SICE-2016), Bangalore, India, July 4-6, 2016, P.36
Yu. N. Zakharov, V. A. Chebanenko, I. A. Parinov, E. V. Rozhkov, E. S. Rodinin, F. V. Pavlenko, A. A. Pavelko. Internal electric displacement field and dynamical pyroeffect in non-polarized plates of ferroelectric ceramic PZT-19 with stationary gradient of strain in near-electrode layers // Proceedings of the International symposium “Physics of lead-free piezoactive and relative materials (Analysis of current state and prospects of development), LFPM -2016”, 12-15 September, 2016, Tuapse, Russia, V. 1, P.219-221 (in Russian).
A.V.Cherpakov, V.A.Chebanenko, I.A. Parinov, S.-H. Chang, M. A. Jani. Finite Element Modeling of the piezoelectric cantilever generator type // Proceedings of the International symposium “Physics of lead-free piezoactive and relative materials (Analysis of current state and prospects of development), LFPM-2016”, 12-15 September, 2016, Tuapse, Russia, V. 2, P.265-269
I. A. Parinov, S. H. Chang (Eds.). Abstracts & Schedule of the 2015 International Conference on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications” (19-22 May, 2015, Azov, Russia), SFedU Press: Rostov-on-Don. 2015. – 306 p. ISBN: 978-5-9275-1560-8
G. Y Karapetyan, V. G. Dneprovski, I. A. Parinov. Chapter 14. Change of Fermi level in area of near-surface charge in MDSM structures. P. 209-216. In: Advanced Materials - Studies and Applications, I. A. Parinov, S. H. Chang, S. Theerakulpisut (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers: New York. - 2015. - 527 p. ISBN: 978-1-63463-749-7
G. Ya. Karapetyan, V. G. Dneprovski. Chapter 15. Excitation of Un-damped Oscillations in LC-circuit with Thermoelectric Capacitor with Semiconductor Plate. P. 217-226. In: Advanced Materials - Studies and Applications, I. A. Parinov, S. H. Chang, S. Theerakulpisut (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers: New York. - 2015. – 527 p. ISBN: 978-1-63463-749-7
V. A. Akopyan, I. A. Parinov, Yu. N. Zakharov, V. A. Chebanenko, E. V. Rozhkov. Chapter 24. Advanced Investigations of Energy Efficiency of Piezoelectric Generators. P. 417-436. In: Advanced Materials - Studies and Applications, I. A. Parinov, S. H. Chang, S. Theerakulpisut (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers: New York. - 2015. - 527 p. ISBN: 978-1-63463-749-7
I. P. Miroshnichenko, I. A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang. Chapter 25. Novel optic devices for measurement of displacements based on method of control object highlighting by using laser interferometer. P. 437-452. In: Advanced Materials - Studies and Applications, I. A. Parinov, S. H. Chang, S. Theerakulpisut (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers: New York. - 2015. - 527 p. ISBN: 978-1-63463-749-7
C. F. Lin, T. K. Chan, C. C. Wen, S. H. Chang, I. A. Parinov, S. N. Shevtsov. Chapter 28. Hilbert-Huang Transform Based Features for Underwater Voice (II) Transmission. P. 487-498. In: Advanced Materials - Studies and Applications, I. A. Parinov, S. H. Chang, S. Theerakulpisut (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers: New York. - 2015. - 527 p. ISBN: 978-1-63463-749-7
Yu. N. Zakharov, A. G. Lutokhin, I. A. Parinov, S. I. Raevskaya, V. V. Titov, M. A. Malitskaya, I. P. Raevski, E. V. Rozhkov. Chapter 1. Pyroelectric Properties of Mono- and Polycrystalline Ferroelectrics, Antiferroelectrics, Ferroelectrics-Relaxors under Bias Electric Field and Temperature Treatment. P. 1–24. In: Piezoelectrics and Nanomaterials: Fundamentals, Developments and Applications, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. - 2015. - 283 p. ISBN: 978-1-63483-319-6
V. A. Chebanenko, V. A. Akopyan, I. A. Parinov. Chapter 10. Piezoelectric Generators and Energy Harvesters: Modern State of the Art. P. 243–277. In: Piezoelectrics and Nanomaterials: Fundamentals, Developments and Applications, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. - 2015. - 283 p. ISBN: 978-1-63483-319-6
V.G. Dneprovski, G.Ya. Karapetyan. Chapter 14. Features of Technology of SAW Devices. In: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, devoted to 100-th Anniversary of the Southern Federal University, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, P. 81-88
A.N. Soloviev, A.V.Cherpakov, I.A.Parinov. Chapter 68. BASEÂD ON ANALYTICAL MODELING IDENTIFYING THE LOCATION OF MULTIPLE CRACKS IN THE ROD CONSTRUCTION. In: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, devoted to 100-th Anniversary of the Southern Federal University, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, P. 445-450
A.N. Soloviev, A.V.Cherpakov, E.V. Rozkov, I.A.Parinov. Chapter 69. VIBRODIAGNOSTICS OF TRUSS MODEL WITH DAMAGES. EXPERIMENT In: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, devoted to 100-th Anniversary of the Southern Federal University, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Nova Science Publishers, New York, P. 451-458
AG. Ya. Karapetyan, V. G. Dneprovski, I. A. Parinov, G. Parchi. Chapter 23. Effect of Electric Field on the EMF in the System “Electrode – Electrolyte – Capacitor Electrode”. In: Advanced Materials - Manufacturing, Physics, Mechanics and Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. P. 272-281
I. P. Miroshnichenko, I. A. Parinov, E. V. Rozhkov, S.-H. Chang. Chapter 24. Mathematical Models, Program Software, Technical and Technological Solutions for Measurement of Displacements of the Control Object Surfaces by Laser Interferometer. In: Advanced Materials - Manufacturing, Physics, Mechanics and Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. P. 282-296
S. Shevtsov, V. Akopyan, E. Rozhkov, V. Chebanenko, C.-C. Yang, C.-Y. Jenny Lee, C.-X. Kuo. Chapter 45. Optimization of the Electric Power Harvesting System Based on the Piezoelectric Stack Transducer. In: Advanced Materials - Manufacturing, Physics, Mechanics and Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. P. 534-543
Chin-Feng Lin, Jin-De Zhu, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Chan-Chuan Wen, Ivan A. Parinov, S. N. Shevtsov. Chapter 50. HHT-Based Time-Frequency Features in the Berardius Baird Whistles. In: Advanced Materials - Manufacturing, Physics, Mechanics and Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. P. 573-578
Akopyan V. A., Zakharov Yu. N., Parinov I. A., Rozkov E.V., Chebanenko V. A. Influence of kind of the mechanical loading on energy efficiency of piezoelectric generators // NANO- and MICROSYSTEM TECHNIQUES. – 2015. – No 2. - P. 33-44 (in Russian).
V. A. Akopyan, V. A. Chebanenko, Yu. N. Zakharov, E.V. Rozkov, A.G. Lutokhin, M. A. Bunin, E. S. Rodinin. Electric response of non-polarized plares of hot-pressed ceramic PZT-19 on three-point mechanical loading at room temperature // IZVESTYA VUZOV. SEVERO-KAVKAZSKII REGION. NATURAL SCIENCES. 2015. No 4. P. 13-17 (in Russian).
A.Bagdasaryan, V. Dneprovsky, G. Karapetyan, S, Nefedov, O. Zorin. Acoustic electronic radio-components for non-destructive // ELRONICS NTL. Issue #4, 2015 (in Russian).
Cherpakov A. V., Esipov Yu. V., Goncharov O. Yu., Gritsenko V. V., Zotov A. I., Butenko Yu. i., Shakirzyanov F. R. Construction of classification criterion of damage based on phase patterns of frame construction oscillations // Engineering Vestnik of Don. No. 4. 2015 (in Russian).
G. Ya. Karapetyan, V. G. Dneprovsky, I. A. Parinov, G. Parchi, Study of possibility to transform heat energy of environment into electric energy by using structures of metal-insulator-semiconductor-metal type // Proceedings of the international symposium “Physics of lead-free piezoactive and relative materials (Analysis of current state and prospects of development), LFPM-2015”, 1-3 September, 2015, Tuapse, Russia, V. 1, P.210-223 (in Russian).
S. N. Shevtsov, V. A. Akopyan, E.V. Rozkov, I. A. Parinov, V. A. Chebanenko, C.-C. Yang, C.-Y. Jenny Lee, C.-X. Kuo. Optimization of electric energy harvester based on the transducer of piezostack type // Proceedings of the international symposium “Physics of lead-free piezoactive and relative materials (Analysis of current state and prospects of development), LFPM-2015”, 1-3 September, 2015, Tuapse, Russia, V. 1, P.271-281 (in Russian).
S. Theerakulpisut, I. A. Parinov, S. H. Chang (Eds.). Abstracts & Schedule of 2014 International Symposium on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Underwater Applications” (27-29 March, 2014, Khon Kaen, Thailand), SFedU Press: Rostov-on-Don. 2014. – 126 p.
S. P. Malyukov, Yu. V. Klunnikova, I. A. Parinov. Chapter 4. Investigations of Defect Formation during Sapphire Crystal Growth P. 87–106. In: Advanced Nano- and Piezoelectric Materials and their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. - 2014. - 250 p. ISBN: 978-1-63321-239-8
A. L. Nikolaev, G. Ya. Karapetyan, D. G. Nesvetaev, N. V. Lyanguzov, V. G. Dneprovski, E. M. Kaidashev. Chapter 3. Preparation and Investigation of ZnO Nanorods Array Based Resistive and SAW CO Gas Sensors. P. 27-36. In: Advanced Materials - Physics, Mechanics and Applications. Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 152, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. - 2014. – 380 p. ISBN: 978-3319037486
G. Ya. Karapetyan, V. G. Dneprovski, P. C. Wu. Chapter 11. Influence of Magnetic Field on Thermoelectric Coefficient Value and Peltier Factor in InSb. P. 127-133. In: Advanced Materials - Physics, Mechanics and Applications. Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 152, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. - 2014. – 380 p. ISBN: 978-3319037486
C.F. Lin, K. J. Hsiao, C. C. Wen, S. H. Chang, I. A. Parinov. Chapter 24. Hilbert-Huang Transform Based Instantaneous Frequency Features for Underwater Voice (I) Transmission. P. 307-312. In: Advanced Materials - Physics, Mechanics and Applications. Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 152, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. - 2014. – 380 p. ISBN: 978-3319037486
V. A. Akopyan, I. A. Parinov, E. V. Rozhkov, Yu. N. Zakharov, M. S. Shevtsova. Chapter 29. Energetic Efficiency of Cantilever Type Piezoelectric Generators. P. 357-365. In: Advanced Materials - Physics, Mechanics and Applications. Springer Proceedings in Physics, V. 152, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, Vitaly Yu. Topolov (Eds.). Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Cham. - 2014. – 380 p. ISBN: 978-3319037486
S. Shevtsov, V. Kalinchuk, I. Zhilyaev, M. Flek, V. Akopyan, I. Samochenko. Dynamics of power high-stroke flextensional PZT actuator with optimized shell. Numerical and experimental study // Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014, Porto, Portugal, 30 June - 2 July 2014, A. Cunha, E. Caetano, P. Ribeiro, G. Muller (Eds.), P. 1631-1638. ISSN: 2311-9020; ISBN: 978-972-752-165-4
S. Shevtsov, I. Zhilyaev, P. Oganesyan, V. Akopyan. A probabilistic approach to the crack identification in a beam-like structure using monitored modes shape and their curvature data with uncertainty // Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Condition Monitoring of Machinery in Non-Stationary Operations CMMN0'2014 (Lyon, France, December 15-17, 2014), 8 p.
V. A. Akopyan, Yu. N. Zakharov, Yu. A. Labantsev, I. A. Parinov, E. V. Rozhkov, V. A. Chebanenko. Laboratory sample of set-up for definition of characteristics of active elements of stack-type piezoelectric generators in regime of their low-frequency impulse loading // NANO- and MICROSYSTEM TECHNIQUES. – 2014. – No 10. - P. 47-52 (in Russian).
G. Ya. Karapetyan, V. F. Kataev, V. G. Dneprovski, N. V. Ermolaeva. Distance measurement of physical values with help of transducer on the base of surface acoustic waves // Vestnik of National Research Nuclear University “MEPI”, 2014, Vol. 3, No 5, P.556-562 (in Russian).
A. Bagdasaryan, S. Bagdasaryan, G. Karapetyan, O. Mashinin, T. Sinitsyna. Pulse filters on SAW for telecommutative systems. Russian priority // Electronics: Science, Technology, Business, 2014, No 7, P. 1-10 (in Russian).
A. Bagdasaryan, S. Bagdasaryan, V. Dneprovski, G. Karapetyan. Small-size radio-frequency marks on SAW. Expansion of functional possibilities // Electronics: Science, Technology, Business, 2014, No 3, P.1-6 (in Russian).
V. A. Akopyan, Yu. N. Zakharov, I. A. Parinov, E. V. Rozhkov, A. P. Zatsarinny, V. A. Chebanenko, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Yi-Yu Bu. Set up for definition of characteristics of the stack type piezoelectric generator in regime its low-frequency harmonic loading // Proceedings of the international symposium “Physics of lead-free piezoactive and relative materials (Analysis of current state and prospects of development), LFPM-2014”, 2-6 September, 2014, Tuapse, Russia, V. 2, P.208-214
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Optical means for displacement measurements with high accuracy for mobile diagnostic complexes // Proceedings of the 18th International Conference “INVENTICA 2014”, Romania, IASI, July, 2-4, 2014.- P. 284-289.
V. A. Akopyan, Yu. N. Zakharov, I. A. Parinov, E. V. Rozhkov, V. A. Chebanenko. Influence of type and velocity of mechanical loading on power and energy efficiency of multilayer piezogenerators // Proc. XVII Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, October 14-17, 2014). Rostov-on-Don: SFedU. 2012. V. 1. P. 24 – 28 (in Russian)
V. G. Dneprovski, G. Ya. Karapetyan, D. A. Zorin. Study of state of sapphire substrate surface with help of surface acoustic waves // Proc. XVII Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, October 14-17, 2014). Rostov-on-Don: SFedU. 2012. V. 1. P. 161-165 (in Russian)
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Yeh M.-Y., Hong W.-L., Kirk Wu J.-K. Optical Interference Meter of Displacements of the Control Object Surfaces with Adjustable Range // Proc. Int. Sci.-Tech. Conf. “Innovation Technologies in Science and Education” (September 4-7, 2014), Rostov-on-Don: GNU SKNIIMESKh Rosselkhozakademii, P. 299-300
A. N. Soloviev, V. A. Akopyan, Le Van Zyong, E. V. Rozhkov, V. A. Chebanenko. Piezoelectric generator of device of energy storage: experiment and finite-element analysis // Proc. Int. Sci.-Tech. Conf. “Innovation Technologies in Science and Education” (September 4-7, 2014), Rostov-on-Don: GNU SKNIIMESKh Rosselkhozakademii, P. 389-390 (in Russian)
A. N. Soloviev, V. A. Akopyan, A. V. Cherpakov. Identification of defects in rods // Proc. Int. Sci.-Tech. Conf. “Innovation Technologies in Science and Education” (September 4-7, 2014), Rostov-on-Don: GNU SKNIIMESKh Rosselkhozakademii,
P. 391-392 (in Russian)
I. A. Parinov, T. Somnuk, S. H. Chang (Eds.). Abstracts & Schedule of 2013 International Symposium on “Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Underwater Applications” (NKMU Press: Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 5-8, 2013). 2013. – 204 p.
C. F. Lin, S. H. Chang, W. C. Wu, W. H. Chen, K. H. Chang, C. Y. Lee Jenny, I. A. Parinov. Underwater Acoustic Multimedia Communication Based on MIMO–OFDM // Wireless Personal Communications, 2013. – Vol. 71, No 2. – P. 1231-1245.
Chih Chin Yang, Chong Yan Chen, Jenny Chih Yu Lee, Ming Lung Hsieh, Shau Jie Shia, Shun Hsyung Chang, Ian Yi-Yu Bu, Ivan A. Parinov. Chapter 11. Influence of Parasitic Effect between Frequency and Quantum Impedance for Quantum Resonant Materials and Structures. P. 125–132. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun Hsyung-Chang (Eds.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. - 2013. - 444 p. ISBN: 978-1-62618-535-7.
I. P. Miroshnichenko, I. A. Parinov, E. V. Rozhkov, V. P. Sizov, V. A. Shevtsov. Chapter 13. Novel Optical Means for Measurement of Displacements of Surfaces of the Control Object at Diagnostics of Materials and Goods. P. 145–154. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun Hsyung-Chang (Eds.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. - 2013. - 444 p. ISBN: 978-1-62618-535-7.
A.N. Rybyanets, Y.N. Zaharov., I.P Raevskii, V.A. Akopyan, E.V. Rozhkov, I.A. Parinov. Chapter 22. Development of New Piezoelectric Materials and Transducer Designs for Energy Harvesting Devices. P. 275–308. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun Hsyung-Chang (Eds.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. - 2013. - 444 p. ISBN: 978-1-62618-535-7.
V. A. Akopyan, Yu. N. Zakharov, I. A. Parinov, E. V. Rozhkov, S. N. Shevtsov, P. C. Wu, J. K. Wu. Chapter 23. Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Piezoelectric Generators of Various Types. P. 309–334. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun Hsyung-Chang (Eds.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. - 2013. - 444 p. ISBN: 978-1-62618-535-7.
A. N. Soloviev, I. A. Parinov, L. V. Duong, C. C. Yang, S. H. Chang, J. C. Y. Lee. Chapter 24. Analysis of Finite Element Models for Piezoelectric Devices of Energy Harvesting. P. 335–352. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun Hsyung-Chang (Eds.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. - 2013. - 444 p. ISBN: 978-1-62618-535-7.
Y. T. Cheng, J. C. Liou, K. C. Hou, S. H. Chang, David R. C. Chu, M. S. Shevtsova, I. V. Zhilyaev, I. A. Parinov, V. A. Akopyan. Chapter 26. The Fabrication of Hydrophone Based on Epitaxial PZT Film for Acoustic Devices Application. P. 373–382. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun Hsyung-Chang (Eds.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. - 2013. - 444 p. ISBN: 978-1-62618-535-7.
Chin-Feng Lin, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Chia-Chang Lee, Wen-Chin Wu, Wei-Hua Chen, Kao-Hung Chang, Jenny Chih-Yu Lee, Ivan A. Parinov. Chapter 27. A MIMO-OFDM Underwater Acoustic Multimedia Communication. P. 383–390. In: Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications, Ivan A. Parinov, Shun Hsyung-Chang (Eds.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. - 2013. - 444 p. ISBN: 978-1-62618-535-7.
V.A. Akopyan, Yu. N. Zakharov, I.A. Parinov, E.V. Rozhkov, S.N. Shevtsov, V.A. Chebanenko. Chapter 4. Optimization of Output Characteristics of the Bimorph Power Harvesters. P. 111-132. In: Nano- and Piezoelectric Technologies, Materials and Devices, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. - 2013. - 261 p. ISBN: 978-1-62948-230-9.
Akopyan V. A., Soloviev A. N., Cherpakov A. V., Shevtsov S. N. On deformation sign of damage identification based on analysis of oscillation eigen-forms of cantilever with incision // RUSSIAN J. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING. 2013. No. 10. P. 34 – 39 (Transl. into English)
Sergey Shevtsov, Igor Zhilyaev, Vladimir Akopyan, Vladimir Remizov. A probabilistic approach to the crack identification in the beam-like structure described by Timoshenko beam model // Proc. 9th International Conference on Fracture & Strength of Solids, June 9-13, 2013, Jeju, Korea, pp.1-10.
Sergey N. Shevtsov, Igor V. Zhilyaev, Vladimir A. Akopyan, Michail B. Flek. CRACK IDENTIFICATION IN A BEAM-LIKE STRUCTURE USING THE PROBABILISTIC APPROACH AND TIMOSHENKO BEAM MODEL // Proc. 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems, Lisbon, Portugal, 9-12 September 2013. pp. 2-10.
A. V. Cherpakov, V.A. Akopyan, A. N. Soloviev. Algorithm of multiparametric identification of defects of the rod constructions // Electronic Journal “Technical Acoustics”, 2013, No.1, 11 p.
E.V. Rozhkov, V.A. Akopyan, I.A. Parinov, Yu. N. Zakharov, A. A. Panich, A. I. Sokallo, S.N. Shevtsov. Universal information-measuring set-up for definition of characteristics of piezogenerators and piezoactuators // NANO- and MICROSYSTEM TECHNIQUES. – 2013. – No 8. - P. 46-54 (in Russian).
V. A. Akopyan, Yu. N. Zakharov, I. A. Parinov, E. V. Rozhkov, V. A. Chebanenko, Shun-Hsyung Chang. ENERGETIC EFFICIENCY OF DIFFERENT TYPE PIEZOELECTRIC GENERATORS // Proceedings of the international symposium “Physics of lead-free piezoactive and relative materials (Analysis of current state and prospects of development), LFPM-2013”, 2-6 September, 2013, Tuapse, Russia, V. I, P.113-117.
I. A. Parinov, Shun-Hsyung Chang. CONSTITUTIVE EQUATIONS OF EPITAXIAL GROWTH OF THE THIN HTSC-FILMS // Proceedings of the international symposium “Physics of lead-free piezoactive and relative materials (Analysis of current state and prospects of development), LFPM-2013”, 2-6 September, 2013, Tuapse, Russia, V. II, P.41-50.
Soloviev A. N., Duong L. V., Parinov I. A., Kirillova E. V., Wu J.-K.. Comparison of different models of piezoelectric power storage devices // Proc. Int. Sci.-Tech. Conf. “Innovation Technologies in Science and Education” (September 12-15, 2013), Rostov-on-Don: GNU SKNIIMESKh Rosselkhozakademii, P.55-56.
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E. V. Optical Interference device for measurements of control object surfaces at the state diagnostics of materials and goods // Proc. Int. Sci.-Tech. Conf. “Innovation Technologies in Science and Education” (September 12-15, 2013), Rostov-on-Don: GNU SKNIIMESKh Rosselkhozakademii, P.162-165 (in Russian).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E. V., Chang S.-H. Novel Optical Interference Means for Measurement of Displacements of the Control Object Surfaces // Proc. Int. Sci.-Tech. Conf. “Innovation Technologies in Science and Education” (September 12-15, 2013), Rostov-on-Don: GNU SKNIIMESKh Rosselkhozakademii, P.169-170.
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E. V., Chebanenko V. A. Test set-up for study of defect-initiation processes in specimens of construction materials // Proc. Int. Sci.-Tech. Conf. “Innovation Technologies in Science and Education” (September 12-15, 2013), Rostov-on-Don: GNU SKNIIMESKh Rosselkhozakademii, P.170-174 (in Russian).
Shevtsov S. N., Kalinchyuk V. V., Akopyan V. A. Probabilistic approach to problem of damage identification in beam construction by using noised data on curvature of oscillation modes // Proc. VII All-Russian (with international participation) Conference on Mechanics of Deformable Solids (Rostov-on-Don, October 15–18, 2013), V. 1, P. 22-26 (in Russian).
Cherpakov A. V. Identification of defects in rods with different boundary conditions // Proc. VII All-Russian (with international participation) Conference on Mechanics of Deformable Solids (Rostov-on-Don, October 15–18, 2013), V. 2, P. 215-218 (in Russian).
Ivan A. Parinov, Shun Hsyung Chang. Chapter 5. Investigations of Conductive and Mechanical Properties of Superconductive Composites Based on Asymptotical Methods and Phases with Negative Rigidity. P. 145-206. In: FERROELECTRICS AND SUPERCONDUCTORS: PROPERIES AND APPLICATIONS, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. - 2012. - 287 p.
Ivan A. Parinov, Shun Hsyung Chang (Eds.). Abstracts & Schedule of Russian-Taiwanese Symposium "Physics and Mechanics of New Materials and Their Applications" (SFU Press: Rostov-on-Don, Russia, June 4-6, 2012). 2012. - 86 p.
Chih Chin Yang, Shun Hsyung Chang, Ian Yi-Yu Bu, Ivan A. Parinov. Chapter 6. Pseudomorphic Compound Material in Microwave Devices and Development of MEMS Applications Based on Piezoelectric Technologies. P. 235-258. In: PIEZOLELECTRIC MATERIALS AND DEVICES, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. - 2012. - 328 p.
V. A. Akopyan, I. A. Parinov, E. V. Rozhkov, S. N. Shevtsov. Chapter 7. Acoustic-Emission Methods of Non-Destructive Control of the Materials and Constructions by Using Piezoelectric Sensors for Damage Diagnostics. P. 259-304. In: PIEZOLELECTRIC MATERIALS AND DEVICES, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. 2012. - 328 p.
M. S. Shevtsova, I. V. Zhilyaev, I. A. Parinov, et al. Chapter 3. Finite-Element Based Comparative Investigation of Sandwich Design and Membrane-Type PZT Hydrophones with Perforated Damping Back-Plate for Underwater Applications. P. 79-113. In: PIEZOELECTRICS AND RELATED MATERIALS: INVESTIGATIONS AND APPLICATIONS, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. 2012. - 306 p.
I. P. Miroshnichenko, I. A. Parinov, E. V. Rozhkov, et al. Chapter 7. Novel Test Means and Techniques Based on Optical Interferometry and Acoustic Emission to Study Displacements of Object Surfaces and Damage of High-Temperature Superconductive Tapes and Related Composites. P. 239-282. In: PIEZOELECTRICS AND RELATED MATERIALS: INVESTIGATIONS AND APPLICATIONS, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. 2012. - 306 p.
V.A. Akopyan, A. Soloviev, I.A. Parinov, S.N. Shevtsov. Definition of Constants for Piezoceramic Materials. P. 115. In: MÀTERIALS SCIENCE RESEARCHER BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES AND RESEARCH SUMMARIES. Satomi Matsumoto and Ueda Iwate (Eds.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. 2012. - 368 p.
S. Shevtsov, I. Zhilyaev, A. Soloviev, I. Parinov, V. Dubrov. Optimization of the composite cure process based on the thermo-kinetic model // ADVANCED MÀTERIALS RESEARCH. 2012. Vol. 569. P. 185-192
Chin-Feng Lin, Shun-Hsyung Chang, Ivan A. Parinov, et al. Underwater Acoustic Multimedia Communication Based on MIMO-OFDM // WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS, Springer Science+Business Media, New York, 6 October, 2012, 15 p. DOI 10.1007/s11277-012-0871-4
V. A. Akopyan, Yu. N. Zakharov, E. V. Rozhkov, et al. Analysis pf stability of the electric physical characteristics for piezoceramic different compositionsused for piezoelectric generators of elevated capacity // NANO- and MICROSYSTEM TECHNIQUES. – 2012. – No 1. - P. 37-41 (in Russian).
V. A. Akopyan, I. A. Parinov, E. V. Rozhkov, et al. Effectiveness of cantilever type piezoelectric generators: Theoretical estimations and test results // NANO- and MICROSYSTEM TECHNIQUES. – 2012. – No 3. - P. 42-47 (in Russian).
Shevtsov S., Parinov I., Zhilyaev I., et al. Modeling and Optimization of MEMS-Based Acoustic Sensor for Underwater Applications. In: RECENT RESEARCHES IN APPLIED MECHANICS, Tsutomu Kambe, Cornelia Aida Bulucea, Charalampos Arapatsakos (Eds.). Athens: WSEAS Press. - 2012. - P. 88-93
S. Shevtsov, I. Zhilyaev, V. Akopyan, A. Soloviev. Identification of the damage in the beam-like structure on the basis of Timoshenko beam model // Proc. Int. Conf. on Innovative Technologies IN-TECH. Rijeka, Croatia, 26-28 September, 2012. P.517-521
Akopyan V. A., Zakharov Yu. N., Parinov I. A. , et al. Test studies of characteristics of piezoelectric generator // Proc. XVI Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2012). Rostov-on-Don: SFU. 2012. V. 1. P. 11 – 15 (in Russian)
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Sizov V. P. Novel optic interference means for measuring displacements of control object surface at diagnostics of state of the materials and goods // Proc. All-Russian Sci. Pract. Conf. “Transport-2012” Pt. 1. Natural and Technical Sciences: RSUT, 2012. P. 13-15 (in Russian).
Ivan A. Parinov, Shun Hsyung Chang. Chapter 5. Investigations of Conductive and Mechanical Properties of Superconductive Composites Based on Asymptotical Methods and Phases with Negative Rigidity. P. 145–206. In: FERROELECTRICS AND SUPERCONDUCTORS: PROPERIES AND APPLICATIONS, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. - 2011. - 290 p.
Shevtsov S. N., Akopyan V. A., Panich A. E., Parinov I. A., Samoschenko I. G. Optimization of system of piezoactuator damping vibrations of helicopter composite blade // NANO- and MICROSYSTEM TECHNIQUES. 2011. No. 6(131).
P. 2 – 8 (in Russian).
S. N. Shevtsov, V. A. Akopyan, E. V. Rozhkov. Solution of problem of the damage identification in elastic rod based on model of Timoshenko beam // RUSSIAN J. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING. 2011. No. 7. P. 34 – 40 (Transl. into English).
Cherpakov A. V., Akopyan V. A., Soloviev A. N., et al. Identification of damage parameters in elastic rod by using finite-element and test analysis of bending oscillatory modes // DSTU VESTNIK. 2011, V.11. No. 3(54). P. 312-318.
Vladimir Akopyan, Ivan Parinov, Igor Istomin. Piezogenerators is the prospective direction of small energetic // RELGA. 2011. No 9 (227).
S. Shevtsov, I. Zhilyaev, A. Soloviev, I. Parinov, V. Dubrov. Optimization of the Composite Cure Process on the Basis of Thermo-Kinetic Model // Proc. 18th Int. Conf. on Composite Materials, 2011, Jeju Island, Korea, CD-ROM: IF0985, 6 p.
S. Shevtsov, V. Akopyan, E. Rozhkov. Damage identification in structure on basis of Timoshenko beam model // Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Defect and Material Mechanics, 2011, Seville, Spain. pp. 92-98.
Shevtsov S., Parinov I., Zhilyaev I., Chang S.-H., Wu P.-C., Wuu D.-S. Modeling and Optimization of MEMS-Based Acoustic Sensor for Underwater Applications // Proc. of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics (MECHANICS ‘11), Montreux, Switzerland, December 27-29, 2011, 6 p.
Akopyan V. A., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E. V., Shevtsov S. N., Investigation of cantilever-type piezogenerators: Fnite-element modeling and experiment // Proc. XV Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2010). Rostov-on-Don: SFU. 2011. V. 2. P. 11 – 15 (in Russian).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V. New optic interference means for measuring displacements of surfaces of the control object // Proc. XV Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2010). Rostov-on-Don: SFU. 2011. V. 2. P. 171 – 175 (in Russian).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G. Optic interference device for displacement measuring surfaces of control object by laser interferometer // Proc. Int. SPC “Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering and metallurgy”. Rostov-on-Don: VertolExpo, DSTU, 2011. P. 105-109 (in Russian).
Akopyan V. A., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E. V. Statement and prospective of R&D problem of the effective piezogenerators // Proc. Int. SPC “Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering and metallurgy”. Rostov-on-Don: VertolExpo, DSTU, 2011. P. 110-116 (in Russian).
Vladimir A. Akopyan, Arkady N. Soloviev, Ivan A. Parinov, Sergey N. Shevtsov Definition of Constants for Piezoceramic Materials. New York: Nova Science Publishers. 2010. 205 p.
Parinov I. A. Superconductors and Superconductivity. Handbook. V. 3: Applications and Prospective. Rostov-on-Don: Southern Federal University Press. 2010. 862 p. (in Russian).
I. A. Parinov. Chapter 6. Toughening mechanisms and fracture resistance of ferroelectric materials. P. 241–281. In: PIEZOCERAMIC MATERIALS AND DEVICES, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. 2010. 335 p.
S. N. Shevtsov, V. A. Akopyan. Chapter 7. Active and passive vibration control of aircraft composite structures using power piezoelectric patch-liked actuators. P. 283–321. In: PIEZOCERAMIC MATERIALS AND DEVICES, Ivan A. Parinov (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. 2010. 335 p.
V. Akopyan, A. Soloviev, A. Cherpakov. Chapter 3. Parameter estimation of pre-destruction state of the steel frame constructions using finite element and vibrodiagnostic methods. P. 78-111. In: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS: TYPES, TESTING AND ANALYSIS, Amy L. Galloway (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers. 2010. 367 p.
Akopyan V. A., Cherpakov A. V., Soloviev A. N., et al. Analytical and finite-element analysis of oscillation parameters in bar with damage // IZVESTYA VUZOV. SEVERO-KAVKAZSKII REGION. TECHNICAL SCIENCE. 2010. No 5. P .21 – 28. (in Russian).
Vladimir Akopyan, Ivan Parinov, Stephen Chang. Superconductivity: successes and failures // RELGA. 2010. No 1 (199).
Vladimir Akopyan, Ivan Parinov, Stephen Chang. Superconductivity: Processing methods of high-temperature superconductors // RELGA. 2010. No 2 (200).
Akopyan V. A., Kabelkov A. N., Shevtsov S. N., Cherpakov A. V. To solution of identification problem for damage in elastic bar // Proc. XIII Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2010). Rostov-on-Don: SFU. 2010. V. 2. P. 17 – 20. (in Russian).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G. Optic interference device for displacement measuring // Proc. Int. Sci.-Techn. Conf. “Innovative Technologies in Machine-Building”. (Rostov-on-Don, 2010). Rostov-on-Don: DSTU. 2010. P. 37-42. (in Russian).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G. Interference device for displacement measuring // Proc. Sci.-Pract. Conf. “Energetics and Energo-effectivness-2010” Rostov-on-Don: VertolExpo. 2010, P. 40-43. (in Russian).
Chin-Feng Lin, Chen-Hsiang Shih, I. A. Parinov, et al. An OFDM-based transmission scheme for underwater acoustic multimedia // WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS. 2009. V. 8, No. 3. P. 343 - 352.
Akopyan V. A. Deformation ñriterion of the prefecture state of truss structures elements and acoustic–emission resonance technique of their basis // RUSSIAN J. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING. 2009. No 3. P. 23–31. (Transl. into English).
Akopyan V. A., Panich A.A., Rozhkov E. V., et al. Measuring-informative complex for oscillation modeling and damping of flying apparatuses // NANO- and MICROSYSTEM TECHNIQUES.
2009. No 11. P. 7-13. (in Russian).
Parinov I. A. Optimal behavior strategy of weak Rogue state by view of physicist // IZVESTYA VUZOV. SEVERO-KAVKAZSKII REGION. SOCIAL SCIENCE. 2009. No 4. P. 15-19. (in Russian).
Shevtsov S. N., Soloviev A. N., Akopyan V. A., et al. Helicopter Blade Vibration Control // Proc. 4th Int. Sci. Conf. on Experiment, Process Systems and Modeling Physics, Catania, Italia, September.2009. 12 p.
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G. Modified test device for study of processes of the defect initiation into thin samples of perspective construction materials // Proc. XIII Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2009). Rostov-on-Don: OOO TZVVR. 2009. V. 1. P. 152-156. (in Russian).
Akopyan V. A., Soloviev A. N., Cherpakov A. V. Identification of damage of the construction rod element // Proc. XIII Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2009). Rostov-on-Don: OOO TZVVR. 2009. V. 2. P. 16-20. (in Russian).
Akopyan V. A., Rozhkov E.V., Samoschenko I. G., Shevtsov S. N. Vibration damping of aircraft constructions by system of force piezoelements, working in active and passive regimes // Proc. XIII Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2009). Rostov-on-Don: OOO TZVVR. 2009. V. 1. P. 11-16. (in Russian).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G. Test device for diagnostics of state of the construction materials and goods // Proc. Sci.-Pract. Conf. " Development of Fuel-Energetic Complex and Increasing of Effectiveness of Economics in Russian South". Rostov-on-Don: EC "VertolExpo". 2009. P. 25-27. (in Russian).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G. Nest complex for investigation of HTSC tapes // Catalog of innovative developments of Southern Federal University. Rostov-on-Don: NCSC HS SFU. 2009. P. 34-35. (in Russian).
Akopyan V. A., Rozhkov E.V., Shevtsov S. N. Measuring system for adaptive control of dynamic state of the helicopter blade model // Catalog of innovative developments of Southern Federal University. Rostov-on-Don: NCSC HS SFU. 2009. P.
Parinov I. A. Superconductors and Superconductivity. Handbook. V. 1: Processing and Experiment. Rostov-on-Don: Southern Federal University Press. 2008. 718 p. (in Russian).
Parinov I. A. Superconductors and Superconductivity. Handbook. V. 2: Theory and Properties. Rostov-on-Don: Southern Federal University Press. 2008. 924 p. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Soloviev A. N., and Shevtsov S. N. Methods and Algorithms for Definition of Total Set of the Compatible Material Constants of Piezoceramic Materials. Rostov-on-Don: Southern Federal University Press. 2008. 144 p. (in Russian).
Parinov I. A. Mathematical modeling fracture resistance of high-temperature superconductors // INT. J. PURE and APPLIED MATHEMATICS. 2008. V. 49. No. 3. P. 421-426.
Akopjan V. A., Bychkov A. A., Rozhkov E. V., et al. To definition of properties of polymer-composite material on the base of harmonic and modal analysis // J. COMPOSITE MECHANICS and DESIGN. 2008. V. 14. No 1. P. 35-48. (Transl. into English).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., et al. Test measuring equipment for control and diagnostics of technical state of construction materials and goods // Proc. Sci. Inf. Develop. ?Oriented Basic Research ? New Models of Cooperation in Innovation Processes?, M.: ExpoDizain-Holding, 2008. P. 473-477. (in Russian).
Parinov I. A. Analysis of effects which should be taken into account at creation of HTSC with optimal properties and methods their research // Proc. Sci. Inf. Develop. ?Oriented Basic Research ? New Models of Cooperation in Innovation Processes?, M.: ExpoDizain-Holding, 2008. P. 481-484. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Panich A. E., Shevtsov S.N., and Soloviev A. N. Method of theoretical and experimental modeling of oscillation damping process of construction elements by using intellectual system // Proc. Sci. Inf. Develop. ?Oriented Basic Research ? New Models of Cooperation in Innovation Processes?, M.: ExpoDizain-Holding, 2008. P. 519-522. (in Russian).
Akopyan V. Harmonically and Modal Analysis for Determination of flaws in Truss Structures // Proc. 4 ECSC , St. Peterburg. 2008. V.1. P. 17-24.
Akopjan V. A., Panich A. E., Shevtsov S .N., and Soloviev A. N. System of intellectual control for damping of parasitic oscillations of flight apparatuses // Proc. 6th Int. Sci.-Techn. Conf. ?Innovation Processes of Piezoelectric Instrument-making Industry and Nanotechnologies?. Anapa. 2008. P. 210-215. (in Russian).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E. V., et al. Test measuring equipment for control and diagnostics of technical state of construction materials and goods // Proc. IX Int. Forum ?High Technologies XXI Century? (Moscow, April 22-25, 2008). P. 108-111. (in Russian).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E. V., et al. Test equipment and diagnostic technology of high-temperature supeperconducting tapes // Proc. Sci.-Pract. Conf. "Energy Preservation, Energetic Equipment and Systems of Technical Diagnostics". Rostov-on-Don: "VertolExpo". Februry 13-15, 2008. P. 109-110. (in Russian).
Alekhin V. E., Miroshnichenko I. P., Rozhkov E.V., and Sizov V. P. Test research of illumination method features of control object surface for measuring of displacements by laser interferometers // Proc. XI Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2007). Rostov-on-Don: OOO TZVVR. 2008. V. 2. P. 6-9. (in Russian).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Serkin A. G., and Sizov V. P. On perspectives of complex correction of measuring results of small displacements by laser interferometers // Proc. XI Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2007). Rostov-on-Don: OOO TZVVR. 2008. V. 2. P. 128-132. (in Russian).
Ivan A. Parinov. Microstructure and Properties of High-Temperature Superconductors.
Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag. 2007. 583p.
Parinov I. A. Mathematical modeling structure-sensitive properties of high-temperature superconductors // Dissertation: DrSc (Technical Sciences). Novocherkassk: SRSTU, 2007, 322 p. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Rozhkov E.V., and Shevtsov S.N. Correlation links of acoustic emission signal parameters with corrosion damage in alumina alloy // RUSSIAN J. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING. 2007. No 6. Ñ.51-59. (Transl. into English).
Akopjan V. A., Rozhkov E.V., Soloviev A. N., and Shevtsov S.N. Method and neasuring complex for modeling of demping processes of construction element oscillations by using piezoactuators // NANO- and MICROSYSTEM TECHNIQUES. 2007. N10(87). Ñ. 36-41. (in Russian).
Shevtsov S.N., Soloviev A. N., Akopjan V. A., Rozhkov E.V., Axenov V. N., and Bychkov A. A. Carrying polymer-composite constructions in aircraft-building. Identification mechanical properties and development intellectual control systems // Proc. South Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Science, Rostov-on-Don. 2007. P. 149-179. (in Russian).
Vladimir Acopyan, Vladimir Axenov, Sergey Shevtsov, Arcady Soloviev, and Eugenia Tamarkina. Harmonical and Modal Analysis to Determine the Anisotropic Properties of Aviation Composite Materials // J. KONES. 2007. Vol.14. No. 3. P. 11-18.
Sergey N. Shevtsov, Vladimir A. Acopyan, and Sergey A. Bragin Control of composite structure dynamic state on basis of neural network approach // J. MATERIALS, METHODS AND TECHNOLOGY, 2007. V. 1. P. 70-79.
Shevtsov S.N., Soloviev A. N., Akopjan V. A., and Axenov V. N. Identification and control dynamic state of carrying composite construction based on neuron lattice approach // Proc. VI Int. Conf. "System Identification and Control Problems", SICPRO'07, Moscow, 29 Junvary - 1 February 2007. P. 324-335. (in Russian).
Shevtsov S.N., Soloviev A. N., and Akopjan V. A. Active aircraft constructions with intellectual control. Experience of modeling and perspectives of realization // Proc. VIII Int. Sci.-Techn. Conf. "Dynamics of Technological Systems". Rostov-on-Don. 2007. V. I. P. 39-44. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Esipov Yu. V., Rozhkov E.V., and Cherpakov A. V. Theoretical an experimental ground of spectral criteria for estimation of health of frame construction elements // Proc. VIII Int. Sci.-Techn. Conf. "Dynamics of Technological Systems". Rostov-on-Don. 2007. V. II. P. 182-188. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Baranov I.V., Bychkov A. A., et al. To definition of elastic and rheologic properties polymer-composite longeron of helicopter based on static and dynamic tests // Proc. Int. Conf. "Actual Problems of Solids Mechanics", 25-28 September 2007. Tzahkadzor. Armenia. 2007. P. 40-43. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Soloviev A. N., Rozhkov E.V., and Shevtsov S.N. Experimental and computer simulation of intellectual polymer-composite constructions with neural lattice control // Proc. X Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2006). Rostov-on-Don: OOO TZVVR. 2007. V. 2. P. 34-39. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Soloviev A. N., and Chmutova G. D. Definition of effective parameters of composite materials with regular structure // Proc. X Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2006). Rostov-on-Don: OOO TZVVR. 2007. V. 2. P. 40-45. (in Russian).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G., and Sizov V. P. About perspectives to increase accuracy of measurement of small displacements by using of laser interferometers // Proc. X Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2006). Rostov-on-Don: OOO TZVVR. 2007. V. 2. P. 224-226. (in Russian).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G., and Sizov V. P. Test ground of technical proposals in improvement of laser measurers of small displacements // Proc. X Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2006). Rostov-on-Don: OOO TZVVR. 2007. V. 2. P. 227-231. (in Russian).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G., and Sizov V. P. Equipment and technologies for diagnostics of technical state of high-temperature superconducting tapes // Proc. Int. Sci.-Pract. Conf. "Effective Technological Processes in Metallurgy, Machine-building, Machine-tool-building industry". Rostov-on-Don: EC "VertolExpo". 5-7 September, 2007. P. 166-168. (in Russian).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G., and Sizov V. P. Test measuring equipment and diagnostic technologies of technical state of high-temperature superconducting tapes // Proc. Sci. Conf. "Oriented Basic Research. RFBR -Federal Aimed Programs, Science-Capacious Manufacture", M.: ExpoDizain, 2-5 October, 2007. P. 335-336. (in Russian).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Serkin A. G., Sizov V. P., Parinov I. A., and Rozhkov E.V. On application of interferometry methods to measuring of displacements in research of high-temperature superconducting tapes // Proc. Sci.-Pract. Conf. "Problems and Main Factors of Development of Fuel-Energetic Complex in Russian South". Rostov-on-Don: EC "VertolExpo". 8 November, 2007. P. 59-60. (in Russian).
Shevtsov S.N., Akopjan V. A., Soloviev A. N., and Chinchyan L. V. FEM-supporting of experiments on definition of total set of elastic constants for orthotropic polymeric composites // Proc. V Int. Conf. "Theory and Practice of Manufacture Technology of Goods from Composite Materials and New Metallic Alloys" 24-27 April, 2007, M.: MSU. 5 p.
Shevtsov S.N., Soloviev A. N., Akopjan V. A., and Axenov V. N. Experimental and computer simulation of dynamics of intellectual polymer-composite constructions with neural lattice control // Proc. Int. Sci.-Techn. Conf. "Problems of Information Computational Technologies and Mechatronics (ICTM-2007) , 24 - 29 September 2007, Divnomorsk. P. 298-303.
Akopjan V. A., Soloviev A. N., and Shevtsov S.N. Experimental research of system for suppression of vibration of composite plate with active piezoelements // Proc. Int. Sci. Conf. "Reshetnevskie chteniya", 5-10 November 2007, Krasnoyarsk: SybSAU. P. 234-236.
Shevtsov S. N., Soloviev A. N., Acopyan V. A. et al. Experimental and Computer Modeling of Intelligent Polymeric Composite Structures with Neural-Network Based Control // Proc. 3rd IEEE Sci. Conf. on Physics and Control (PHYSCON-2007), Potsdam, Germany, 2007, Sept. 3-7, 2007, University of Potsdam. 6 p. (CD-ROM).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., and Serkin A. G. Test device for study of defect nucleation processes in high-temperature superconducting tapes // METALLURG. 2006. N7. P. 77-78. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Rozhkov E.V., Soloviev A. N., and Shevtsov S.N. Definition of total set of the compatible material constants of piezoceramics // DEVICE CONSTRUCTION AND MEANS OF AUTOMATIZATION. ENCYCLOPEDY HANDBOOK. 2006. N1. ‘.31-37. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Nasedkin A. V., Rozhkov E.V., Soloviev A. N., and Shevtsov S.N. Effects of geometry and methods of switching electrodes on electro-mechanical characteristics of reconstruction on frequency disc piezoelements // RUSSIAN J. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING. 2006. No 5. ‘.63-72. (Transl. into English).
Akopjan V. A., Nasedkin A. V., Rozhkov E.V., Soloviev A. N., and Shevtsov S.N. Inhmoogeneously electroded piezotransformators with governed characteristics for technical diagnostics // CONTROL and DIAGNOSTICS. 2006. N7. ‘.47-53. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Panich A. E., Soloviev A. N., Lesnykh E. S., and Shevtsov S.N. Some physical and mechanical problems of piezoelectric actuators and areas their applications // NANO- and MICROSYSTEM TECHNIQUES. 2006. N10. ‘. 35-40. (in Russian).
Esipov Yu. V., Akopjan V. A., Gerasimov V. L., Mukhortov V. M. Probable estimation of system hazard and analysis of dynamic deformation shapes of constructions // PROBLEMS OF SAFETY AND EXTREME SITUATIONS. 2006. N3. ‘. 77-82. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Rozhkov E.V., Soloviev A. N., Shevtsov S.N., and Lesnykh E. S. Physical and mechanical problems of piezoelectric actuators // Proc. IX Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2005). Rostov-on-Don: OOO TZVVR. 2006. V. 2. P. 6-9. (in Russian).
Parinov I. A. Carbon effect on defect nucleation and fracture of high-temperature superconductors // Proc. IX Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2005). Rostov-on-Don: OOO TZVVR. 2006. V. 2. P. 196-200. (in Russian).
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G., and Sizov V. P. Test-measurement equipment and diagnostic techniques for technical state of hich-temperature superconducting tapes // Proc. Sci.-Pract. Conf. "Fuel-energetic industry. State and perspective of development ". Rostov-on-Don: EC "VertolExpo". 2006. P. 35-37. (in Russian).
Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V. Reconstruction of domain structure and toughening of YBCO high-temperature superconductor during fracture // Rep. Annotation of IX All-Russ. Congr. on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Nigny Novgorod: University. 2006. V. III. P. 169-170. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Lesnykh E. S., Soloviev A. N., and Shevtsov S.N. Some physical a nd mechanical problems of creation of piezoelectric actuators // Proc. VI Int. Sci.-Pract. Conf. "Intellectual electromechanical devices, systems and complexes ". Novocherkassk: SRSTU. 2006. P. 4-7.
Shevtsov S.N., Soloviev A. N., and Akopjan V. A. Problems of application of piezoactuators in intellectual composite constructions of flying apparatuses // Proc. VI Int. Sci.-Pract. Conf. "Intellectual electromechanical devices, systems and complexes ". Novocherkassk: SRSTU. 2006. P. 7-10.
Akopjan V. A. Theoretical and Test Methods for Definition of Total Set of the Compatible Material Constants in Electro-Elasticity Theory // Dissertation: PhD. Rostov-on-don: DSTU, 2005, 206p. (in Russian).
Parinov I.A. Fracture resistance of high-temperature superconductors // Proc. Int. Sci.-Pract. Conf. "Piezotechniques-2005". Rostov-on-Don: RSPU. 2005.
P. 139-142. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A.., Krasnobaev I. A.., Rozhkov E.V., Soloviev A. N., and Shevtsov S.N. Correlations between microstructure parameters and elasticity // Proc. Int. Sci.-Pract. Conf. "Piezotechniques-2005". Rostov-on-Don: RSPU. 2005. P. 3-7. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Nasedkin A. V.., Rozhkov E.V.., Soloviev A. N., and Shevtsov S.N. Electromechanical characteristics of circular plates with inhomogeneous electrodes for piezotransformators reconstructed on frequency // RUSSIAN J. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING. 2005..-No. 12. (Transl. into English).
Rozhkov E. V., Parinov I. A. Research method of HTSC-tape damage and determination their mechanical state using acoustic emission and optical holography // Electronic Publication (RFBR-grant 04-01-96800) (in Russian).
Parinov I.A. Microstructure and properties of high-temperature superconductors. Rostov-on-Don: Rostov State University. V.1. 2004. 416p. (in Russian).
Parinov I.A. Microstructure and properties of high-temperature superconductors. Rostov-on-Don: Rostov State University. V.2. 2004. 368p. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A. Method and algorithm for definition total compatible piezoceramic constants set // Proc. 3th All-Russian Sci. Conf. on Theory of Elasticity (Rostov-on-Don, 2003). 2004.-P.21-23. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A. Temperature stability of elasticity moduli for piezoceramic // RUSSIAN J. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING. 2004.-No. 8.-P.35-39 (Transl. into English).
Kaplitsky M.A., Kaplitsky V. M. Asimptotic method of zone potentials in nonstationary theory of cracks of the Mode III //IZVESTIYA SKNTS VSH. ESTESTVENNYE NAUKI. 2004.-No. 4.-P.23-30 (in Russian).
Parinov I.A. and Rozhkov E.V. Acoustic emission research of damage of HTSC tapes under bending // J. COMPOSITE MECHANICS and DESIGN. 2004.-V.10, No.3. -P.355-365. (Transl. into English).
Akopjan V. A., Potetyunko E. N. and Scherbak Ye. N. Mathematical modeling of acoustic emission methods to detect defects in elastic elements of building constructions // Proc. 8th Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2002). 2003. –Pt. 2, P.6-10 (in Russian).
Rozhkov E.V. , Akopjan V. A., Vinogradov D. A., Krasnobaev I. A. and Shilov V. A. Acoustic system of technical diagnostics for aviation and building constructions // Proc. 8th Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2002). 2003. –Pt. 1, P.139-144 (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A. Method and algorithm for definition total compatible piezoceramic constants set // AVIATION TECHNIQUES. Izv. VUZ’ov. 2003.-No. 4.-P.54-58 (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A. Definition method of piezoceramic modulus d33 and research its application // RUSSIAN J. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING. 2003.-No. 6.-P.28-38 (Transl. into English).
Akopjan V. A. Research of characteristics of the polymeric fiber-optic transducers of loop type // MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES. 2003.-No. 6.-P.37-40 (Transl. into English).
Akopjan V. A., Rozhkov E.V. and Skaliukh A. S. Test data in modeling of irreversible polarization processes // Proc. Int. Sci. - Pract. Conf. on Basic Problems of Piezoelectric Instruments (Moscow, 2003). 2003. –P.28-31 (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A. and Rozhkov E.V. Research of pre-fracture state of thin-wall construction elements from aluminium alloys // Proc. 7th Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2001). 2002. - P.8-12 (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A. and Rozhkov E.V. Multi-parameter, information-computational complex for defect detection in construction elements and research results of material fracture processes // Proc. Conf.-Exibition in Program "Transport" NTP Minobrazovaniya RF (Moscow-Zvenigorod, 2002). 2002. - P.41-43. (in Russian).
Shilov V. A., Akopjan V. A., Buylo S. I., Rozhkov E. V., et al. Experimental-theoretical studies of pre-fracture state by acoustic optic fiber method // Proc. XVI Russian Sci-Technic. Conf. "Non-destructive control and diagnostics" (Sankt-Petersburg, 2002). 2002. – Conference CD-ROM. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Esipov Yu. V. Combine optical method of detection of the strain-deformed condition of potentially dangerous objects // Proc. 2nd Asia-Pacific Conf. (APCOM-2002), Vladivostok, Russia, Sept. 30 - October 4, 2002.
Akopjan V. A., Vinogradov D. A., Krasnobaev I. A. and Rozhkov E.V. Analysis of kinetics of the microcrack formation in aluminium alloy by acoustic emission methd // RUSSIAN J. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING. 2002.-No. 11.-P.91-95 (Transl. into English).
Kaplitsky M.A., Kaplitsky V. M. Method of zone delaying potentials and nonstationary theory of finite crack propagation of the Mode III // Preprint VINITI, No.1511-B2002(2002), 48p. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A. and Rozhkov E.V. Research of deformation state of materials by using optic fiber and acoustic emission methods // RUSSIAN J. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING. 2001.-No. 4.-P.77-81 (Transl. into English).
Akopjan V. A. Diagnostics of multilayer composite constructions by using optic fiber system of deformation measurement // RUSSIAN J. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING. 2001.-No. 10.-P.53-56 (Transl. into English).
Parinov I.A., Popov A.V., Rozhkov E.V. and Prygunov A.G. Calibration of acoustic transformers to receipt acoustic emission signals by holographic interferometry method // RUSSIAN J.NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING. 2000.-No. 1.-P.66-71 (Transl. into English).
Akopjan V. A. and Rozhkov E.V. Dependence of acoustic emission and optical signals on the mechanical characteristics of aluminum // Proc. 6th Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2000). 2000.- P.9-13 (in Russian).
Parinov I.A., Prygunov A.G., Rozhkov E.V. and Trepachev V.V. Interferential method to measure small deformations in brittle solids // Proc. 4th Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 1998). 1999.- V. 2.- P. 111-115 (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A. and Rozhkov E.V. Some approaches to development of criteria for prefracture state of thin-walled constructions // Proc. 5th Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 1999). 1999.- V. 1.- P. 12-15 (in Russian).
Parinov I.A. and Parinova L. I. Fracture features of ferroelectric ceramics // FERROELECTRICS. 1998.- V. 211. - P. 41-49.
Parinov I.A. and Parinova L.V. On the ferroelectric ceramic fracture parameters connected with roughness of crack surfaces and its deflection // STRENGTH of MATERIALS. 1997. - No.1. - P.113-120 (Transl. into English).
Parinov I. A. On the perspective investigations in mechanics of HTS materials // Proc. 3nd Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 1997). 1997. - V.2. - P. 78-82 (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A. and Rozhkov E.V. The research of characteristics for the three types of fiber optic sensors of displacement // Proc. 3nd Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 1997). 1997. - V.1.- P. 21-25 (in Russian).
Kaplitsky M.A. Energetic method in dynamic theory of brittle fracture // Preprint VINITI, No.511-B96(1996), 28p. (in Russian).
Parinov I.A., Pashkov D.P. and Rozhkov E.V. On the monitoring of microstructural and strength properties of ferroelectric ceramics // FERROELECTRICS. 1996.- V. 186.- P.157-160.
Parinov I.A. Domain structure and stable fracture in ferro-piezoelectric ceramic crystallites // POVERKHNOST': RENTGENOSTRUKTURNYE, SINHROTRONNYE I NEYTRONNYE ISSLEDOVANIYA. 1996.-No.11.- P. 39-44 (Transl. into English).
Akopjan V.A. and Rozhkov E.V. Study of the fracture processes of construction elements by acoustic-optic-fiber method // Proc. 2nd Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don,1996). 1996.- V.1.-P.5-9 (in Russian).
Kaplitsky M.A. and Kaplitsky V.M. To solution method of wave problems with several points of replacement of the boudary condition type. Nonstationary propagation of finite crack of the longitudinal shear // Proc. 2nd Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don,1996). 1996.- V. 3. - P.89-93 (in Russian).
Karpinsky D.N. and Parinov I.A. Computer simulation of microstructure effect on ferroelectric ceramic fracture // FERROELECTRIC LETTERS. 1995.-V.19, No.5/6.- P.151-156.
Parinov I.A. Ferroelectric ceramic toughening by fracture: computer models // FERROELECTRIC LETTERS. 1995.-V.19, No.5/6.-P.157-162.
Parinov I.A. Domain structure and ferroelectric ceramic fracture // FERROELECTRICS. 1995.-V.172.-P.253-256.
Karpinsky D.N. and Parinov I.A. Investigation of piezoceramic microstructure formation by computer simulation method // APPLIED PROBLEMS of STRENGTH and PLASTICITY. -Nigny Novgorod: University, 1995.- P.44-53 (in Russian).
Kaplitsky M.A., Kaplitsky V.M., Rozhkov E.V. and Fayzenberg S.V. Asymptotics for problems about propagated brittle cracks in models of uniform finite normal crack growth // Preprint VINITI, No.2752-B95(1995), 23p. (in Russian).
Parinov I.A. and Parinova L.V. Computer simulation of poling effects on piezoceramic microfracture // Struct. and Proper. Brittle and Quaziplast. Mater.: Proc. Int. Conf. (Latvia 1994 ) - Riga, 1994. - P. 98- 102.
Parinov I.A. Investigation of mechanisms of ceramics breaking strength improvement using computational experiment // Current Probl. Fundam. Sciences: Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Sci. and Technol. (Moscow, 1994). 1994.- V.2. - Part 2.- E17-E20.
Akopjan V.A. Method and devices for definition of local deformations in thin-walled constructions by optic-fiber method //RUSSIAN J. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING, 1994.-No.8.-P.64-68 (Transl. into English).
Parinov I.A. About creation of ceramic property monitoring // J. RUSSIAN TECHNOLOGY. (N.-Y.) -V.1, No.3.-1993.-P.29-31.
Karpinsky D.N. and Parinov I.A. Computer simulation of microstructure processes by ferroelectric ceramic sintering and fracture // Fracture Mechanics: Successes and Problems. Collect. Abst. ICF-8 (Kiev,1993)-Lviv, 1993. -Part 2. -P.388-389.
Kaplitsky M.A. Problem about radiation impulse in solid taking into account energy dissipation and analysis of radiation field of the piston piezotransformer // RUSSIAN J. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING, 1993.-No.11.-P.46-54 (Transl. into English).
Karpinsky D.N. and Parinov I.A. Investigation of piezoceramics microstructure formation process by computer simulation method // J. APPLIED MECHANICS and TECHNICAL PHYSICS, 1992. -No.1. -P.150-154 (Transl. into English).
Parinov I.A. Computer simulation of the fracture and fracture toughness of ferroelectric ceramics and related materials // FERROELECTRICS. -V.131. -1992. -P.131-136.
Karpinsky D.N., Parinov I.A. and Parinova L.V. Computer simulation of sintering and fracture of the ferroelectric materials // FERROELECTRICS. -V.133.- 1992. -P.265-270.
Parinov I.A. Computer simulation of gradient sintering and microcracking of superconductive YBa2Cu3O(7-x) ceramics // CRYOGENICS.-V.32. -1992. -P.448-451.
Parinov I.A. and Parinova L.V. Computer simulation of gradient sintered piezoceramic fracture // 18th Int. Congress Theor. and Appl. Mech., Haifa, Israel, 1992. -P.116-117.
Karpinsky D.N. and Parinov I.A. Determination of microstructure and strength parameters of piezoelectric ceramic using a computational experiment // STEKLO I KERAMIKA, 1991. -No.3. -P.27-29 (Transl. into English).
Karpinsky D.N. and Parinov I.A. To calculation of ceramic fracture toughness by computer simulation method // STRENGTH of MATERIALS, 1991. -No.7. -P.34-37 (Transl. into English).
Karpinsky D.N. and Parinov I.A. Computer simulation of piezoceramic fracture // Fract. Engnr. Mater. and Struct.: Proc. Jt FEFG/ICF, Int. Conf. (Singapore,1991). - London, Elsevier. 1991. -P.327-331.
I.A. Parinov., I.P. Miroshnichenko, Chebanenko, A.V. Cherpakov.
Piezoelectric converter of mechanical energy into electrical energy
Miroshnichenko Igor Pavlovich, Parinov Ivan Anatolievich. RU-01. Complex of optical interference devices for
contactless measurements of small surface displacements of control objects // Catalog of the
International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada iCAN 2021, Toronto, Canada, P.89, August 28, 2021
GOLD MEDAL and Special Award by Toronto International Society of Innovation & Advanced Skills (TISIAS)
Miroshnichenko Igor Pavlovich, Parinov Ivan Anatolievich. Complex of optical interference devices for
contactless measurements of small surface displacements of control objects //
2021 AII American DAVINCI International Innovation and Invention Expo, Cedar City, USA, August, 11-13, 2021
Zakharov Yu. N., Sakhnenko V. P., Raevsky I. P., Parinov I. A., Bunin M. A., Raevskaya S. I., Chebanenko V. A., Filatova N. S., Aleshin V. A., Sitalo E. I. Method of ferroceramic polarization // Russian Patent No. 2717164 from 18.03.2020
I.P. Miroshnichenko, I.A. Parinov. Optical device for contactless measurement of the displacements of control object surfaces // 11th Edition of European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation «EUROINVENT 2019», Iasi, Romania, 16-18 May 2019 GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko Igor, Parinov Ivan. Optical device for contactless measurement of the displacements of control object surfaces // 2019 International Innovation and Invention Competition (2019 IIIC), Taipei, Taiwan, 14 November 2019 GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko Igor, Parinov Ivan. Optical measuring set-up // 2019 International Innovation and Invention Competition (2019 IIIC), Taipei, Taiwan, 14 November 2019 GOLD MEDAL
Parinov I.A., Cherpakov A. V., Rozhkov E. V., Soloviev A. N., Chebanenko V. A. Computer software “Program of Signal Generator SGenerator” // Certificate on Russian state registration of program for computer No 2018610408 RF from 10.01.2018
I.P. Miroshnichenko, I.A. Parinov. Optical Device for Contactless Measurement of the Small Spatial Displacements of Control Object Surfaces // Proceedings of the 10th Edition of European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation “EUROINVENT 2018”, 17-19 May 2018, Iasi, Romania, 2018. ðp. 277-278. GOLD MEDAL
Karapetyan G. Ya., Kaydashev E. M., Kaydashev V. E., Minasyan T. A. Measurement method of physical values by using transducers on surface acoustic waves // Russian Patent No. 2629892 from 04.09.2017
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E. V., Zakharov Yu. N., Raevski. I. P., Chebanenko V. A. Cantilever type piezoelectric transducer of mechanical energy into electric // Russian Patent No. 2623445 from 26.06.2017
Karapetyan G. Ya., Kaydashev E. M., Kaydashev V. E., Zhilin D. A. Passive wireless sensor of UV radiation based on surface acoustic waves // Russian Patent No. 2613590 from 17.03.2017
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Sizov V. P. Method for measuring linear and angular components of small displacements of control object surfaces // Russian Patent No. 2606245 from 10.01.2017
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A.,. Optical device for contactless measurements of the small spatial displacements of control object surfaces // Proc. Of the 9th Edition of EUROINVENT – European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation «EUROINVENT 2017», 25-26 May 2017, Iasi, Romania, 2017. P. 242 GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Interference device for contactless measurement of small spatial displacements // Catalogue official. 45 International des Inventions de Geneve «Inventions Geneva-2017», 29 mars - 2 avril 2017, Geneva, Suisse, 2017. P. 75 GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Method and device for measuring small spatial displacements of the surfaces of objects under control // Catalog of the XX Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "Archimedes-2017”, 16 - 19 May 2017, Moscow, 2017.- P. 12-12, 13-27,15-25 SILVER MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E. V., Chebanenko V. A. Piezoelectric transducer of mechanical energy into electrical // XIII
Parinov I. A., Soloviev A. N., Cherpakov A, V. Computer program «VibroGraf» for registration, visualization and processing oscillations of constructions // Certificate on Russian state registration of program for computer No 2016612309 ÐÔ from 24.02.2016.
I. P. Miroshnichenko, I. A. Parinov. Optical Measurement device and software for modeling distributions of the intensity of the optical field interference patterns created by a laser interferometer // The 20-th International Salon of Research and Technological Transfer “INVENTICA 2016”, Romania, IASI, June 29 – July 1, 2016 HIGHEST AWARD of the Salon “GOLD MEDAL THE HAMANGIA THINKER”
I. P. Miroshnichenko, I. A. Parinov Method and device for simultaneous measurement of linear and angular components of small displacements of the control object surfaces in the diagnostics of the state of construction materials and goods // The 20-th International Salon of Research and Technological Transfer “INVENTICA 2016”, Romania, IASI, June 29 – July 1, 2016 GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Optical measurement means and computer software for their operating // XII INTERNATIONAL SALON of INVENTIONS and NEW TECHNOLOGIES «NEW TIME» October, 28 – 30, 2016, GOLD MEDAL
Soloviev A. N., Parinov I. A., Cherpakov A, V. Computer program «VibroGraf» for registration, visualization and processing oscillations of constructions // XII INTERNATIONAL SALON of INVENTIONS and NEW TECHNOLOGIES «NEW TIME» October, 28 – 30, 2016, Sevastopol SILVER MEDAL
Karapetyan G. Ya., Kaidashev E. M., Nikolaev A. L., Nesvetaev D. G., Lyanguzov N. V. Sensor on surface acoustic waves for measurement of concentration of carbon monooxide // Russian Patent No. 2550697 from 10.05.2015
Karapetyan G. Ya., Dneprovsky V. G., Zorin O. A. Method of non-destructive testing of defects by using surface acoustic waves // Russian Patent No. 2569039 from 20.11.2015
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Definition of optic field intensity of interference picture, generated by laser interferometer, for light-devisor in the form of phase sinusoidal lattice with uniform period // Certificate on Russian state registration of program for computer No 2015610921 ÐÔ from 21.01.2015.
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Definition of optic field intensity of interference picture, generated by laser interferometer, for light-devisor in the form of phase zone plate // Certificate on Russian state registration of program for computer No 2015611078 ÐÔ from 21.01.2015.
I. P. Miroshnichenko, I. A. Parinov Setup of Optic Interference Measurement Means for State Diagnostics of Construction Materials and Goods by Acoustic Methods of Non-destructive Control // The 19-th International Salon of Research and Technological Transfer “INVENTICA 2015”, Romania, IASI, June, 24-26, 2015. HIGHEST AWARD of the Salon “GOLD MEDAL THE HAMANGIA THINKER
I. P. Miroshnichenko, I. A. Parinov Program Software for Modeling of the Stress-Strain State in Layered Cylindrical and Elliptic Constructions under Pulse Probe Impacts // The 19-th International Salon of Research and Technological Transfer “INVENTICA 2015”, Romania, IASI, June, 24-26, 2015.GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Program Software for Modeling of the Stress-Strain State in Layered Cylindrical and Elliptic Constructions under Pulse Probe Impacts // XI INTERNATIONAL SALON of INVENTIONS and NEW TECHNOLOGIES «NEW TIME» October, 1-3 (2015), Sevastopol. GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Setup of Optic Interference Measurement Means for State Diagnostics of Construction Materials and Goods by Acoustic Methods of Non-destructive Testing // XI INTERNATIONAL SALON of INVENTIONS and NEW TECHNOLOGIES «NEW TIME» October, 1-3 (2015), Sevastopol. GOLD MEDAL
Chebanenko V. A., Parinov I. A., Miroshnichenko I. P., Piezoelectric Generator // X INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION of YOUNG INNOVATIONS and «NEW TIME» October, 1-3 (2015), Sevastopol. GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E. V. Optic interference device for measurement of displacements of the control object surfaces // Russian Patent No 2512697 from 10.04.2014.
Nikolayev V. I., Bagdasaryan S. A., Karapetyan G. Ya., Nikolayeva S. O., Bagdasaryan A. S. Crystal of 32-bite acousto-electronic mark // Certificate on Russian state registration of integral scheme topology No 2014630137 from 30.10.2014.
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Optic interference device for measurement of displacements of the control object surfaces with regulated range // Catalog XVII Moscow International Salon of Industrial Property “Archemede-2014” (April, 1-4, 2014), P. 22-1. GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Program complex for modeling of wave processes in layered anisotropic constructions at state diagnostics by acoustic methods on-destructive control // Catalog XVII Moscow International Salon of Industrial Property “Archemede-2014” (April, 1-4, 2014), P. 22-2. BRONZE MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Optic device for measurement of displacements // Catalogue official. 42 International des Inventions de Geneve “Inventions Geneva-2014”, 2-6 Avril 2014, Geneva, Suisse, 2014, P. 117. GOLD MEDAL
Igor Miroshnichenko, Ivan Parinov. Amplificature interferentiel optique des deplacements des surfaces des objects du controle avec plage riglable // Concours Lepine le Salon International de l’Invention, de Paris, France, 30 avril - 11 may 2014. SILVER MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I., Parinov I. Amplificature interferentiel optique des surfaces des objects du controle // l’Olympiade des Inventers (TunisInnov 2014), l’Association Arabo-Africaine de la Recherche Scientifique & Les Brillants, Yasmine Hammamet, Tunis, 10-12 Mars, 2014. GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Optical interference device for measurement of control object surfaces with regulated range // The 18-th International Salon of Research and Technological Transfer “INVENTICA 2014”, Romania, IASI, July, 2-4, 2014.- P. 662. GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Optic interference device for measurement of small linear displacements of the control object surfaces with enhanced vibro-protection // The 18-th International Salon of Research and Technological Transfer “INVENTICA 2014”, Romania, IASI, July, 2-4, 2014.- P. 662-663. GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Optical interference device for measurement of control object surfaces // International Festival of Innovation, Knowledge and Creations «Tesla Fest - 2014» (Novi Sad, Serbia, October 12-15, 2014). – Novi Sad: Tesla Fest, 2014. - P. 18-19. GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Sizov V. P. Optic measuring set-up doe state diagnostics of construction materials // Catalog XVI Moscow International Salon of Industrial Property “Archemede-2013” (April, 2-5, 2013), P.22. RUSPATENT DIPLOMA and GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Computer Programs for modeling process of state diagnostics of the construction materials // Catalog XVI Moscow International Salon of Industrial Property “Archemede-2013” (April, 2-5, 2013), P.22. RUSPATENT DIPLOMA
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Optic devices for measurement of displacements of the control object surfaces // The 17-th International Salon of Research and Technological Transfer “INVENTICA 2013”, Romania, Jassy, June, 19-21, 2013.- P. 859. HIGHEST AWARD of the Salon “GOLD MEDAL THE HAMANGIA THINKER”
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Test-measurement set up for study of defect-initiation processes in new construction materials // The 17-th International Salon of Research and Technological Transfer “INVENTICA 2013”, Romania, Jassy, June, 19-21, 2013.- P. 858. “GOLD MEDAL INVENTICA 2013”
Soloviev A. N., Akopyan V. A., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Shevtsov S. N., Cherpakov A. V. Vibrodamper with block of piezoactuator damping of vibrations // IX INTERNATIONAL SALON of INVENTIONS and NEW TECHNOLOGIES «NEW TIME» September, 26-28 (2013), Ukraine, Sevastopol, P. 81-82. GOLD MEDAL.
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V. Unified optic interference device for measurement of small linear and angle displacements of control object surfaces // IX INTERNATIONAL SALON of INVENTIONS and NEW TECHNOLOGIES «NEW TIME» September, 26-28 (2013), Ukraine, Sevastopol, P. 183-184. GOLD MEDAL.
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Multifunctional set-up for state diagnostics of layered construction materials with anisotropic layers // IX INTERNATIONAL SALON of INVENTIONS and NEW TECHNOLOGIES «NEW TIME» September, 26-28 (2013), Ukraine, Sevastopol, P. 184-185. GOLD MEDAL.
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V. Optic interference complex for study of processes of the defect initiation in new construction materials // Catalog VIII International Salon of inventions and novel technologies “New Time” (Sevastopol, Ukraine, September, 27 – 29, 2019). P. 153. GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V. Optic means of displacement measurement for mobile diagnostic stations // Catalog VIII International Salon of inventions and novel technologies “New Time” (Sevastopol, Ukraine, September, 27 – 29, 2019). P. 155. GOLD MEDAL AND SPECIAL PRIZE OF ALL-WORLD FORUM RESEARCHERS AND INVESTIGATORS
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Computer Program for modeling diagnostic process of material state in monolayered construction // Certificate on Russian state registration of program for computer No 2012661166 from 10.12.2012.
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A. Computer Program for modeling diagnostic process of material state in layered construction // Certificate on Russian state registration of program for computer No 2012661167 from 10.12.2012.
Miroshnichenko I. P., Serkin A. G., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V. Modified optic interference measurer of small displacements // XIV Moscow International Salon of Industrial Property “Archemede-2011” (April, 5-8, 2011), P. 21-22. GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Serkin A. G., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V. Development and introduction of prospective test technologies for diagnostics of materials and goods // Industrial Congress of Russian South “MetMach. Stankoinstrument” (Rostov-on-Don, VertolExpo, September 7-8, 2010), P. 15. EXHIBITION DIPLOM
Akopjan V.A., Parinov I.A., Rozhkov E.V., et al. Vibrodamper with block of piezoactuator damping of vibrations // Patent of Russia on useful model No. 94302, 2010
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G. Optic device for measuring of displacements // Patent of Russia No. 2407988, 2010.
Parinov I.A., Rozhkov E.V. Development of prospective test devices for estimation of state of the high-temperature superconductive tapes // Catalog Int. Spec. Exhibition “ElectroPromExpo-2010” (Rostov-on-Don, VertolExpo, March, 17-19, 2010). P. 9. EXHIBITION DIPLOM
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G. Optic device for measuring of displacements // XIII Moscow International Salon of Industrial Property “Archemede-2010” (March, 30- April, 2, 2010), P. 69. GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G. Device for test of thin samples of construction materials on bending // XIII Moscow International Salon of Industrial Property “Archemede-2010” (March, 30- April, 2, 2010), P. 82-83. GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Serkin A. G., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Device for test of thin samples on bending // Catalog VI International Salon of inventions and novel technologies “New Time” (Sevastopol, Ukraine, September, 23 – 25, 2010 ã.). P. 83-84. GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Serkin A. G., Sizov V. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V. Optic device for measuring of displacements // Catalog VI International Salon of inventions and novel technologies “New Time” (Sevastopol, Ukraine, September, 23 – 25, 2010 ã.). Ñ. 84. GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Korobchak I. V., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V. Development and application in practice of machine-building manufacture of prospective test means for study of processes of the defect initiation in new construction materials // Industrial Congress of Russian South “MetMach. Stankoinstrument” (Rostov-on-Don, VertolExpo, September 8-10, 2010) EXHIBITION DIPLOM
Miroshnichenko I. P., Korobchak I. V., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V. Development and application in practice of machine-building manufacture of prospective test means for study of processes of the defect initiation in new construction materials // South - Russian Forum “Energy-Effective Economics ” (Rostov-on-Don, VertolExpo, November 17-19, 2010) EXHIBITION DIPLOM
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G. Optic device for measuring of displacements // Patent of Russia, No. 2373492, 2009
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G. Device for measuring of thin samples on bending // Patent of Russia, No. 2376567, 2009
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., et al. Test-measuring means for diagnostics of state of the new construction materials // Industrial Congress of Russian South “MetMach. Stankoinstrument” (Rostov-on-Don, VertolExpo, September 2-4, 2009) EXHIBITION DIPLOM
Two-volume handbook: Parinov I. A. Superconductors and Superconductivity. Rostov-on-Don: Southern Federal University Press. 2008. 1642 p. has been presented in exposition “Educational, Scientific and Developing Literature, Technical Means of Education and Equipment of the Educational Institutions” of International Exhibition “Education and Career” (Moscow, November 12-14, 2009)
Miroshnichenko I. P., Miroshnichenko V. I., Parinov I. A., et al. Test-measurement equipment for diagnostics and control of technical state of construction materials and goods // Catalog IX Int. Forum “High Technologies XXI Century” (Moscow, CEK “Expocenter”, April 22-25, 2008). P. 100. EXHIBITION MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Miroshnichenko V. I., Parinov I. A., et al. Test-measurement equipment for diagnostics of technical state of construction materials and goods // Catalog 9 Spec. Exhibition “Examples and technologies of double purpose. Diversification of OPC.” (Moscow, AEC, October, 21-23, 2008). P. 41. EXHIBITION MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G., and Sizov V. P. Test-measurement equipment and diagnostic techniques for technical state of high-temperature superconducting tapes // Catalog Int. Spec. Exhibition “ElectroPromExpo” (Rostov-on-Don, VertolExpo, February, 14-16, 2007). P. 4. EXHIBITION DIPLOM
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G., and Sizov V. P. Test-measurement equipment and diagnostic techniques for technical state of construction materials and goods // X Moscow International Salon of Industrial Property “Archemede-2007” (March, 27-30, 2007), P. 125. SILVER MEDAL.
Miroshnichenko I. P., Serkin A. G., Sizov V. P., Parinov I. A., and Rozhkov E.V. Test-measurement equipment for diagnostic of technical state of construction materials and goods // Catalog 8 Spec. Exhibition “Examples and technologies of double purpose. Diversification of OPC.” (Moscow, Sokol’niki, October, 2-5, 2007). GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G., and Sizov V. P. Test-measurement equipment and diagnostic techniques for technical state of high-temperature superconducting tapes // Catalog7 Spec. Exhibition “Examples and technologies of double purpose. Diversification of OPC.” (Moscow, EC, October, 17-20, 2006). P. 64. GOLD MEDAL
Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G., and Sizov V. P. Test-measurement equipment and diagnostic techniques for technical state of high-temperature superconducting tapes // Industrial Congress of Russian South “MetMach. Stankoinstrument” (Rostov-on-Don, VertolExpo, September 6-8, 2006) EXHIBITION DIPLOM
Miroshnichenko I. P., Serkin A. G., Sizov V. P., Parinov I. A., and Rozhkov E.V. High-effective test equipment and diagnostic techniques for technical state of high-temperature superconducting tapes // Forum-Exhibition "Fuel-energetic Resources of Russian South” (Rostov-on-Don, VertolExpo, November 15-17, 2006) EXHIBITION DIPLOM
Akopjan V.A., Miroshnichenko I. P., Parinov I. A., Rozhkov E.V., Serkin A. G., and Sizov V. P. Test device for study of defect formation process in high-temperature tapes // VII Moscow International Salon of Industrial Property “Archemede-2004” (March 30 – April 2, 2004), P. 111-112. SILVER MEDAL.
Akopjan V.A. Fiber-optical sensor of physical parameters // Patent of Russia, No. RU2196301C1, 2003.
Parinov I.A., Prygunov A.G., Rozhkov E.V., Trepachev V.V. and Popov A.V. Measurer of displacements with volumetric hologram // Patent of Russia, No. RU2169348 C1, 2001.
Akopjan V.A., Shifrin M.E., Vartevanyan V.L., etc. Level gauge for liquids // Patent of Russia, No. RU1795298 C1,1993.
Akopjan V.A., Fedorov S.V., Ivantsov E.K., etc. Pressure transducer // Patent of Russia, No. RU1797701 C1, 1993.
Akopjan V.A., Ivantsov E.K., Paymushin V.N. etc. The method of deformation control // Patent of Russia, No. RU1758420 C1, 1992.
Zatsarinny V.P., Rozhkov E.V. and Panich A.E. The acoustical emission method for foundation of product damage // Patent of USSR, No. 2002258, 1991.
Rozhkov E.V., Ugol'nikov S. V., Sukhomlin V. B., Zatsarinny V.P. Device for diagnostics of construction state// Patent of USSR, No. 1562845, 1990.
Zatsarinny V.P., Panich A.E., Pjankov B.G., Rozhkov E.V. and Donets V.G. Device for definition of quality of the solids // Patent of USSR, No. 1585742, 1990.
Rozhkov E.V. Method for damage diagnostics of construction elements // Patent of USSR, No. 1330549, 1987.
Rozhkov E.V. Acoustical emission method for damage diagnostics of construction elements // Patent of USSR, No. 1254372, 1986.
Zatsarinny V.P., Rozhkov E.V., Pjankov B.G. and Yurkevich V.A. Ultrasonic converter for reception of acoustical emission signals (its variants) // Patent of USSR, No. 1226289, 1984.
- Experimental Research of Dynamic and Pre-Fracture Characteristics for Building Constructions (V. A.Akopjan, Rozhkov E. V., Zatsarinny A. P.)
- Finite-Element Modeling Stress-Strain State and Fracture Processes of Building Construction Elements (Cherpakov A. V., Akopyan V. A., Rozhkov E. V.)
- R & D Ferro-Concrete Constructions for Different Applications (I.A. Parinov)
- Loading and measurement moduli of the information-measurement complex (IVK-02) for test of the consol elements of the building constructions
- Amplitude-frequency characteristics of the ferro-concrete plate, which models standard balcony plate
- Proposals and pre-design solutions for bridge passages, new solutions for large-scale pre-stressed ferro-concrete beams and constructions development of beam for bearings of railroad contact nets.
Cherpakov A. V., Kayumov R. A., Kosenko E. E., Mukhamedova I. Z. Modeling of beam with defects by finite-element method // Vestnik of Kazan Technological. 2014. Vol. 17. No 10. P. 182-184 (in Russian)
A.V. Cherpakov, A.N. Soloviev, V.V. Gricenko, S.C. Mohanty, D.Y. Parshin, U.I. Butenko, O.V. Bocharova. Comparison of finite element modeling and analytical approach results for oscillating rod structure with crack // Don Engineering Vestnik, 2014, No 4
Akopyan V. A., Cherpakov A. V., Rozhkov E. V, Soloviev A. N. Integral diagnostic sign of damage identification in elements of rod constructions // TESTING AND DIAGNOSTICS. 2012. No 7. P.50-56 (in Russian).
Mescheryakov V. M., Kosenko E. E., Cherpakov A. V., et al. Modeling stress state of armature of reinforced concrete constructions taking into account influence of stress concentrators in form of periodic profile // IZVESTYA of KAZAN STATE ARCHITECTURE-BUILDING UNIVERSITY. ? KAZAN: KazSABU. 2012, No 4 (in Russian).
Cherpakov A. V., Soloviev A. N., Kosenko E. E., et al. Modeling beam with defects by finite-element method // VESTNIK of KAZAN STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, named after A. N. TUPOLEV. ? KAZAN: KazSTU, 2012, No 4 (in Russian).
Kosenko E. E., Kosenko B. BE., Cherpakov A. V. Study of strength characteristics of armature steels // Proc. XVI Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2012). Rostov-on-Don: SFU. 2012. V. 2. (in Russian).
Cherpakov A. V., Kayumov R. A., Kosenko E. E., et al. Finite-element modeling of beam with defects // Proc. XVI Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2012). Rostov-on-Don: SFU. 2012. V. 2. (in Russian).
Mescheryakov V. M., Kosenko E. E., Cherpakov A. V., et al. To issue on strength possibilities of armature steels // Proc. Int. Sci.-Pract. Conf. "Building-2012". - Rostov-on-Don: RSBU, 2012. -
P. 91-92 (in Russian).
Cherpakov A. V. Damage modeling of element of the reinforced concrete construction // Proc. Int. Sci.-Pract. Conf. "Building-2012". - Rostov-on-Don: RSBU, 2012. - P. 136-137 (in Russian).
Krasnoschekov A. A., Sobol b. V., Soloviev A. N., Cherpakov A. V. Identification of crack-like defects in elastic elements of constructions based on evolution algorithms // RUSSIAN J. NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING. 2011. No. 6. P. 67-75 (Transl. into English).
Akopyan V. A., Rozhkov E. V., Soloviev A. N., Cherpakov A. V. Theoretical and experimental studies of oscillatory processes of the rod construction element // Proc. Inter-region. Conf. “Modern problems of mechanics and their teaching in Russian Universities”, Novocherkassk, YuRSTU. April, 20-23 2011. P. 12 – 17 (in Russian).
Kaznacheeva O. K., Cherpakov A. V. Finite-element modeling stress-strain state of shell from composite material // Proc. Inter-region. Conf. “Modern problems of mechanics and their teaching in Russian Universities”, Novocherkassk, YuRSTU. April, 20-23 2011. P. 86 – 88 (in Russian).
Parinov A. T. Preliminary stressed ferroconcrete constructions with rope armature (Eds. Gritzyk V. I. and Parinov I. A.). Rostov-on-Don: Nauka-Spectr. 2010. 368 p. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Rozhkov E.V., Soloviev A. N., et al. Novel method of oscillation damping for frame constructions // TESTING AND DIAGNOSTICS. 2010, No 2, P. 49-55. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Soloviev A. N., Kabel’kov A. N., Cherpakov A. V. Estimation of influence of the building construction damage on parameters of natural frequencies by using finite element method // IZVESTYA VUZOV. SEVERO-KAVKAZSKII REGION. TECHNICAL SCIENCE. 2009. No 1. P. 55-58. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Kabel’kov A. N., Cherpakov A. V. Some approaches to estimate residual resource of frame building constructions // IZVESTYA VUZOV. SEVERO-KAVKAZSKII REGION. TECHNICAL SCIENCE. 2009. No 5. P. 89-95. (in Russian).
Akopjan V. A., Soloviev A. N., Kabel’kov A. N., Cherpakov A. V. Finite-element modal analysis of element of the building construction with triangle configuration with notch // Proc. XII Int. Sci. Conf. on Modern Problems of Solid Mechanics (Rostov-on-Don, 2008). Rostov-on-Don: OOO TZVVR. 2008. V. 2. P. 29-33. (in Russian).
Shevtsov S.N., Soloviev A. N., Akopjan V. A., and Snezhina H. G. Research and development of technical diagnostic method of stress-strain state for coming forward elements of building constructions // Proc. VI Int. Sci.-Pract Conf.. "Information technologies in inspection of used buildings and constructions ". Novocherkassk: SRSTU. 2006. Pt. 1. P. 46-50. (in Russian).
Krasnobaev I. A., Shevtsov S. N., Akopjan V. A. Rozhkov E.V. , and Soloviev A. N. Theoretical and experimental analysis of stress-strain state of ferroconcrete plate of console type // Proc. Int. Sci.-Tech. Conf. "Building-2005". Rostov-on-Don: RSBU. 2005. P. 45-49. (in Russian).
Shevtsov S. N., Akopjan V. A., Parinov I.A.., Rozhkov E.V. , Soloviev A. N.. and Krasnobaev I. A. Experimental and Theoretical research of prefracture state of building construction elements // Proc. Int. Conf. S.-P.: S.-P. PU. 2005. P. 446-448. (in Russian).
Rozhkov E.V. and Akopjan V. A. Analysis of testing acoustic-optic-fiber methods of the constructions // Proc. 3th All-Russian Sci. Conf. on Theory of Elasticity (Rostov-on-Don, 2003).2004. -P.309-311. (in Russian).
Krasnobaev I. A., Shevtsov S. N., Akopjan V. A., Aliev E. A. and Rozhkov E.V. To issue on the definition of static elasticity modulus for concrete // Proc. Int. Sci.-Pract. Conf. "Biulding-2004" (Rostov-on-Don, 2004). -P.115-117. (in Russian).
Monitoring of building parts of reconstructed dwelling houses with limited survice date and apparatus maintenance for technical diagnostics and nondestructive control // FINAL ACCOUNT OF RESEARCH SUPPORTED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF ROSTOV REGION, Part1 , 2003 (in Russian). Part2, 2003 (in Russian). Part3, 2003 (in Russian).
Gritzyk V.I. and Parinov I.A. To design of experimental way structure of rapid transport in megapolis // VESTNIK RGUPS. 2001.-No. 2.-P.141-143 (in Russian).
Parinov A.T., Gritzyk V.I. and Parinov I.A. To design of bridge passage through Tatarian strait // Proc. All-Russian Scient.-Pract. Conf."Actual Problems of Transsib at the century boundary (Chita, 2000). 2000.-V.3.-P.134-138 (in Russian).
Parinov A.T., Gritzyk V.I., Zatsarinny V.P. and Parinov I.A. To design of bridge passages through straits // RAILROADS of WORLD. 1998.-No. 3.-P.66-68 (in Russian).
Parinov A.T., Gritzyk V.I., Zatsarinny V.P. and Parinov I.A. On the possible decisions of bridge passage through Bering's strait // TRANSPORT BUILDING. 1997.-No. 3.-P.7-9 (in Russian).
Parinov A.T. Physical content of energy potential of efficiency and variable energy mass of ferro-concrete girders // Proc. 2-nd Int. Scient.-Techn. Conf."Current Problems of Fundamental Sciences"(Moscow, 1994). M: Tekhnosferainform. 1994.-V.2.-Pt.2 (in Russian).
Parinov A.T., Parinov I.A. and Parinov Yu.T. Preparation method
of pre-stressed ferro-concrete constructions
// Patent of Russia, No. 2059777, 1996.
Parinov A.T., Parinov V.A. and Parinov I.A.
Building covering // Patent of USSR, No. 1752898, 1992.
Parinov A.T., Parinov V.A. and Parinov I.A. Building
with suspension covering // Patent of USSR, No. 1760044, 1992.
Parinov A.T., Parinov Yu.T., Gorodetsky P.G. and Parinov G.Yu. Mounting method of large-span covering of
building // Patent of USSR, No. 1391691, 1987.
Parinov A.T., Kolomeytsev V.T., Davydov A.K., Ardashev B.N., Kolodyazhny V.I. and Parinov I.A. Conduit passage // Patent of USSR, No. 983170, 1982.
Parinov A.T. Ferro-concrete beam // Patent of USSR, No. 743963, 1980.
Parinov A.T. Beam for bearings of contact net // Patent of USSR, No. 468979, 1972.
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